Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel to reduce gas consumption effect of 1.4388 million yuan!

No matter in any market situation, it is necessary to enhance the enthusiasm of everyone to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and gather a powerful force of one heart. In the upsurge of high quality development compared with learning and catching up in the group, the companies in-depth carried out the "open source and throttle, reduce cost and increase efficiency" action, and focused on promoting the realization of "deep excavation of internal latent energy reduction, fine management and efficiency improvement". Among them, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. industrial solid waste resource treatment plant through the implementation of reducing gas consumption, independent optimization and improvement of equipment, improve the awareness of cost reduction and other measures, achieved cost reduction and efficiency, with practical actions to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.

Tackle key problems to reduce gas consumption

The excavated benefit is 1.4388 million yuan

The level of gas consumption directly affects the cost, industrial solid waste resource treatment plant closely focuses on the production indicators do not relax, to carry out cost reduction and efficiency research activities, through the comparison with the industry advanced enterprises found that the gas consumption compared with it can be improved space, restricting the plant cost reduction and efficiency work. Therefore, the industrial solid waste resource treatment plant has carried out the key research on reducing gas consumption through the "three-step" strategy of target setting, strong management and implementation.

According to the current situation, the research team analyzed and found the reasons affecting gas consumption. At the production site, according to the field observation and measurement, the research team found that the wall of the hot blast furnace has been burned red, after measuring the temperature, it was found to be as high as 450℃, confirming that the heat loss here is serious, affecting the gas consumption; Through the field observation of the roller seal skin, it is found that there is obvious damage, through the five senses inspection, air leakage is obvious, cold air enters, causing heat loss and increasing gas consumption; The water in the mill is high, and the evaporation of water needs to consume a lot of gas to heat and evaporate the water falling into the material.

In view of the above main reasons affecting gas consumption, the industrial solid waste resource treatment plant through grouting repair of hot blast furnace firebrick shed parts, reduce heat loss, formulate furnace temperature control standards, furnace temperature control at 900±50℃; The aging leather of the roller seal is replaced uniformly, and the cycle standard of replacement is formulated every 3 months to prevent air leakage caused by serious aging; Strict control of water, according to the demand of industrial solid waste resource treatment plant water slag backhaul water slag, improve the slag conveying system operation rate, increase the water slag inventory, strict zoning and other means to improve. After the improvement, the gas consumption is effectively reduced and the production cost is reduced. Before the improvement, the average gas consumption of tons of products from January to June 2023 was 103.5m³/ ton. After the improvement, the average gas consumption of tons of products from July to November was 94.9m³/ ton, which was 8.6m³/ ton lower than that before the improvement. It is estimated that the effect from July to November was about 1.4388 million yuan.

There are new ways to improve the equipment

Help production improve quality and efficiency

The vibration of the vertical mill reducer has always been an important factor affecting the central control operation, and it is also the key to equipment management. The vibration value directly affects the service life of the main reducer. The measurement of the industrial solid waste recycling treatment plant shows that the vibration value of the vertical mill reducer is too large, ranging from 2.6 to 3.0mm/s. It affects the consumption of electricity and gas, and is not conducive to the good operation of the equipment and affects the service life of the equipment.

In order to fundamentally solve the impact of the vibration of the reducer on the equipment and extend the service life of the reducer, the vibration value of the reducer is less than 2.5mm/s according to other units, which can extend the service life of the reducer, improve the reliability of the equipment, reduce power consumption and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

According to the analysis of the current situation of the vertical mill reducer, the improvement mainly solves the problem of high vibration value of the reducer from the perspective of equipment. Through the careful inspection of the opposite grinding reducer, it is found that the main reason for the high vibration value of the reducer is that the bottom plate of the reducer appears empty drum phenomenon and the flatness of the grinding disc is not in place when surfacing the grinding disc roller.

After reaching the conclusion, the research team immediately came to the site for improvement, the bottom plate of the reducer was injected with glue, reducing the empty drum phenomenon of the bottom plate of the reducer and reducing vibration; Control the quality of surfacing welding, adjust the deviation in the process of outer surfacing in time, and prohibit re-inspection after the completion of surfacing welding, in order to prevent uncontrollable factors and ensure the smoothness of the grinding disc roller. After the improvement, the vibration value is reduced to less than 2.2mm/s, reducing the influence of equipment reasons on the operation of the central control room, achieving the expected goal, and reducing the power consumption and gas consumption.

Spare parts management improved

Inventory pressure drop is effective

Reducing spare parts inventory is an important means to reduce costs. Insufficient inventory, affecting equipment maintenance and overhaul; Too much inventory increases the cost of capital. The Equipment section of the Industrial solid waste resource treatment plant actively checked the existing inventory, established an accurate inventory data ledger, reasonably declared the equipment plan based on the existing inventory, communicated with the supply and warehouse about the spare parts plan and arrival situation in a timely manner, and strictly implemented the inventory management system. It is estimated that the inventory cost was reduced by 90,100 yuan from July to November.

A hundred encirclement of the wood, began to Mengmeng; The journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step. Reducing cost and increasing efficiency is not a temporary solution, but the long-term development of the root system. All Xinda people should continue to stabilize the "ideological rudder", make a good "iron abacus", gather the strength of all people, grasp the key links of various work, consolidate responsibilities, highlight key points, and advance in tandem. With safe production and operating efficiency as the starting point, stricter saving standards, more detailed control requirements, and more effective measures throughout the whole process of production and operation, dive into the game, break through in the cruel market battle, and then continue a new chapter of green high-quality development!