Zero breakthrough! Zhongnan successfully signed the first export order for LNG cryogenic steel bars

Recently, Zhongnan Iron and Steel Zhongnan Shares successfully signed a batch of LNG (liquefied natural gas) export orders for low-temperature steel bars to Algeria, achieving a breakthrough in the export of low-temperature steel bars. At present, the production and testing of the product have been completed, and we are waiting for the information of the ship to complete the delivery.

As a kind of clean energy, natural gas plays an important role in optimizing energy consumption structure, controlling greenhouse gas emission and improving atmospheric environment. As the main structural material of LNG storage tank, low temperature steel bar has high strength, good toughness, corrosion resistance, enough brittle cracking and cracking resistance at -165℃ ultra-low temperature. The production of low-temperature steel bars is difficult, and the testing of low-temperature properties is also a difficult problem. The low-temperature tensile properties of steel bars need to be tested at -165℃. In 2015, Zhongnan began to study low-temperature steel bars, and in 2016, it led the special fund project of Guangdong applied science and technology Research and Development "Research and industrialization of key technologies of ultra-low temperature environment-friendly high-strength steel bars". After years of efforts, Zhongnan has now become one of the "troika" of domestic low-temperature steel bar manufacturers. In March 2022, Zhongnan Stock Testing Center obtained the CMA (China Testing Institutions and Laboratories Compulsory Certification) qualification certificate for LNG low-temperature steel bar Low-temperature tensile testing capability, becoming one of the very few laboratories in China with such testing capability.

Zhongnan's cryogenic steel bars for LNG storage tanks have been widely used in LNG storage tank construction projects of leading domestic energy enterprises, achieving good results and creating two first: applying to 270,000 cubic meters of LNG storage tanks with the largest volume in the world, realizing industrialization and promoting the application of the current maximum specification diameter of 28mm cryogenic steel bars.

Zhongnan successfully signed the first export order for cryogenic steel bars for LNG storage tanks, indicating that the product has been recognized by foreign projects and has a positive effect on improving the international competitiveness of the product.