China 17 MCC to play a good skill talent training "three hard battles"

At the end of October 2023, China 17 MCC skill talent training work received good news, Zhang Zhimin, Yi Shuang, Wang Jie three employees were awarded the "National Technical expert", Zheng Zhifei was awarded the "Anhui Province Skills Award". China 17 MCC implements the strategic goal of "talent strong enterprise", with the goal of improving service quality, improving research ability, and promoting rapid success, strives to play well the "offensive war" of skill promotion, the "offensive war" of first-line problems, and the "position war" of skill competition, and builds a knowledge-oriented, technology-oriented and compound skill talent team.

(Photo from Internet)

Fully play skills to advance to "offensive battle"

China 17MCC adheres to the principle of strengthening the foundation, and continues to make efforts from the aspects of consolidating the training foundation, optimizing the identification work, and cultivating high-skill talents to carry out the work of skill promotion.

The company strives to build a provincial construction skills training base, focusing on the key points of the industry, smooth upgrading channels, and consolidate the training foundation. The company annually trains more than 1,000 highly skilled personnel, including 127 senior technicians, 369 technicians, and 1174 middle and senior workers. The education and training center has changed its concept, actively provided services, formulated an annual vocational skills identification plan, promoted the "Internet +" identification model, and adopted online evaluation, modular teaching, and surveillance video system to achieve information management. This year has carried out three periods of vocational skill level identification, and a total of more than 100 people have been identified. The company focuses on the training of highly skilled talents, through transmission, help, belt mode and skills live broadcast, lectures and other carriers, so that talents and masters take the initiative to benchmark, improve strength, give full play to the "baton" role of assessment, hierarchical, professional assessment system, and continue to expand the "reservoir" of skilled talents.

Make every effort to fight a tough battle

China 17MCC focuses on the first-line production problems, plays the role of the "leading goose" in the first-line innovation of skilled talents and the "main force" in solving difficult problems, and helps enterprises to improve quality and efficiency.

On the basis of the national skill master studio, the company has set up one provincial and three municipal master studios, through one-to-one teaching, theoretical training and other ways, planting steel refining "national team", electrical installation and commissioning and other skills innovation soil. It has cultivated 9 national technical experts, 1 Jianghuai outstanding craftsman, 1 MCC craftsman, 1 Anhui Province Skills Award, 3 industry technical experts, 2 MCC technical experts, 3 Minmetals Group special technicians and so on. The company makes full use of the innovation and effectiveness platform of the Master Studio to solve the problems of strong project representation and urgent needs through research, guidance and discussion, and gives play to the synergy advantages of "big back office" and "small front end" technology, so that indoor research has technology and on-site application has skills, forming a benign innovation interaction.

Do your best in the skills competition "Positional Warfare"

Skill competition plays a unique role in the selection, training and motivation of talents. China 17MCC insists on changing the competition concept, building the competition platform, strengthening the competition incentive, and creating a strong atmosphere of "advocating skills and respecting skills".

The company changed the competition concept, in view of the dispersion of projects under construction and the uneven distribution of talents, relying on the "three-year action to improve basic management", promoted the transformation of the skills competition from "elite competition" to "all-personnel competition", Xi 'an Jing Manufacturing Center employees won the champion of the masonry competition in Xixian New District, Baosteel Desheng New steelmaking project won the first prize of the national "Excellent Welding Activity"... The vitality of skill competition is fully stimulated, and the enthusiasm of post training is released. The company builds a competition platform and organizes technical experts to participate in competitions at all levels. In 2021, the company hosted the National Metallurgical construction industry vocational skills Competition and the eighth Vocational Skills Competition of MCC Group (Electrician Competition), and Zhang Zhimin and other 4 employees won the first and second place in the group; In 2022, Wang Jie won the gold medal in the first Professional Skills Competition of China Minmetals, which vividly explained the original intention of integrating the competition into production and promoting quality improvement. The company strengthens competition incentives, according to the results of employee competition, market employment can be converted into contract employees, according to the competition level, relevant regulations and daily performance, recommend to declare or directly awarded the title of "national technical expert", "Central enterprise Technical expert", etc., by increasing incentives, the competition-oriented role is further amplified, and the atmosphere of front-line employees is more intense.

China 17 MCC will continue to implement the "talent power" strategy, to improve the ability and quality of skilled talents as the core, to serve the high-quality development of the industry as its own responsibility, to build a comprehensive platform integrating education and training, skill identification, research, technological innovation, event organization, and build a solid foundation of "talent strong enterprise".