The 5th "Delong Cup" Hebei Cultural Innovation and tourism Commodity Creative Design Competition was successfully concluded

Recently, by the Hebei Province Department of Culture and tourism, Hebei Province Department of Industry and Information Technology, Hebei Province Department of Commerce, Hebei Province Cultural Heritage Bureau co-sponsored, Delong Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. hosted the "Delong Cup" fifth Hebei Province cultural innovation and tourism commodity creative design competition in Xingtai Delong Iron and Steel Cultural Park came to an end. Among them, Delong Steel's entry "Iron and Steel Clever Taste" won the gold medal with the highest score in the province.

The final was conducted in the "3+2" live roadshow judging mode, and 102 pieces (sets) of cultural and tourism products entered the final through the semi-final selection launched a fierce creative competition. Each entry has 5 minutes of live roadshow time, including 3 minutes of PPT, video, physical display and other forms of work introduction, and 2 minutes of interactive questions from the judges. The creators of the works not only understand the novelty and practicality of the products, but also fully express their understanding and perception of Hebei culture in the description of the mental journey of the design of the works.

Since its launch in March, the competition has received positive responses from cultural and tourism enterprises and individuals across the country. In addition, more than 20 industry associations inside and outside the province, such as Beijing Animation and Game Industry Association, Tianjin Creative Industry Association, Hebei Arts and Crafts Association, Hebei E-commerce Association, as well as more than 50 colleges and universities inside and outside the province, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Hebei University, Guizhou University, Yanshan University, Hebei University of Science and Technology, are actively participating. Outside the province, including Tibet, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other places, also collected many creative works. Up to the end of registration, a total of 15,069 works (sets) have been collected.

During the competition, a series of activities such as Hebei Cultural and creative online training courses and excellent works exhibitions were also held. Next, it will also hold high-end cultural and creative forums, product promotion and docking activities, build cooperation platforms, and make Hebei cultural and tourism commodities bigger and stronger.