Heavyweight! Xinda ranks 165th on the 2023 China Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare 500 list, and 89th on the China Manufacturing Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare 500 list!

From September 22nd to 24th, the 7th China Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare Forum · 2023 China Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare Top 500 Series List Release Conference was held in Hebi City, Henan Province. At the meeting, a heavyweight list of the 2023 China Top 500 Charity and Public Welfare Enterprises was released. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. ranked 165th in the 2023 China Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare 500 list and 89th in the 2023 China Manufacturing Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare 500 list.

The China Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare 500 Series List comprehensively and objectively showcases the new achievements of Chinese enterprise charity and public welfare to the whole society, leading and motivating more enterprises to increase their investment in charity and public welfare, and playing an important role in rural revitalization, flood relief, and achieving common prosperity in China. With outstanding contributions in charitable and public welfare undertakings, and being listed on the "2023 China Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare Top 500" and "2023 China Manufacturing Private Enterprise Charity and Public Welfare Top 500" lists, it is a recognition of Xinda's active fulfillment of social responsibility, as well as a recognition of Xinda's continuous contribution of love and innovative output of public welfare wisdom. It also conveys the positive energy of everyone being good to the whole society.

For a long time, Xinda has adhered to the principle of creating value while always thinking of the source and taking the lead in setting an example, and has established the Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation. With the purpose of "accepting love, benefiting others and oneself, mutual assistance with funds, and helping difficulties and difficulties", it has established more than 20 relief projects, including poverty alleviation, elderly assistance, student assistance, disability assistance, and disaster relief. The distribution of funds and materials has exceeded 100 million yuan, helping more than 10000 people in need, and registering more than 200 charity volunteers, In 2022 alone, the total investment in charity and public welfare was 22.858 million yuan, spreading hope throughout charity and shouldering the major mission of social development.

Xinda Charity and Public Welfare

Donate funds to support education and safeguard the future

Education is the foundation of people's livelihoods and the foundation of the country. Respecting teachers and valuing education is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and donating funds to assist in teaching is a magnificent undertaking that has benefited the present and the future. Over the years, Xinda has carried out a series of donation and education projects such as the "Inheritance and Dream Assistance Program", "Warm Spring Buds", "Warm Buds", and "Dream Fulfillment and Education Assistance", which have benefited nearly a thousand students.

Among them, in 2022, cash assistance of over 60000 yuan was provided to 94 students from Qian'an No.1 Middle School; Distribute umbrellas to 5500 college entrance examination teachers and students; Donate 7035 sets of red books to Qian'an College and other institutions of North China University of Technology. Donate teaching equipment worth 50000 yuan to Qian'an Special Education School in 2023; Through the "Qian'an Information Port" service platform, more than tens of thousands of yuan in student aid funds were provided to Lin Jiabao, a student in need, through the initiation of seeking help from compassionate individuals in society to raise donations and the visit and funding of the Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation; At the symposium and scholarship distribution ceremony of the "Inheritance and Dream Aid Program", a total of 137 students from 2020 to 2023 were supported, with a scholarship of 408000 yuan distributed, and they deeply participated in educational development.

Xinda Charity and Public Welfare

Caring for agriculture and revitalizing rural areas

Food is the top priority for the people, and agriculture directly affects people's livelihoods. Xinda focuses on the needs and expectations of farmers, fully utilizing the advantages of new media network platforms to help achieve production and sales integration. Accurately meeting the needs of farmers offline and helping them solve the unsold problem of 12500 kilograms of scallions in Zhangzhuang Village, Jianchangying Town; Help solve the unsold problem of over 6000 kilograms of pumpkin in Shangjie Village, Kouzhuang Town; Assist farmers in Xiaowangduzhuang, Shangzhuang Town in selling over 2000 kilograms of vegetables; Help farmers in Beiying Village, Muchangkou Town sell over 1000 pounds of chestnuts and walnuts; Help Pan farmers in Panzhuang Village, Kouzhuang Town sell 10000 catties of nectarines and other products, drive farmers to increase production and income, and strive to create a new model for rural revitalization.

Xinda Charity and Public Welfare

Helping the poor and helping the weak, warming the hearts of the people

Xinda sympathizes with the elderly, the weak, the orphaned, and the young, caring for vulnerable groups. Every year, it organizes condolences to the centenarians, widowed elderly, and disabled children in Qian'an City, cares for retired soldiers, and cares for the families of martyrs. It provides financial assistance for families and people in need who suffer from major diseases. In 2022, we will offer condolences to more than 100 orphans and children who have been living in scattered areas in Qian'an City and are actually left unattended; Send a condolence fund of 14000 yuan to 7 centenarians in Qian'an City; Visiting and visiting lonely elderly people in Shaheyi Elderly Home; Condolences were given to 38 veteran demobilized soldiers and 50 key beneficiaries who enjoyed regular living allowances in Qian'an City. A condolence fund of 44000 yuan and 88 boxes of milk were distributed. Send cash and comfort items to 15 families in need in 2023; More than 50000 yuan of condolence money and over 90 boxes of milk were distributed to 49 key beneficiaries of preferential treatment in Shaheyi Town and 40 retired soldiers who regularly enjoy government subsidies in Qian'an City.

Xinda Charity and Public Welfare

Fighting the epidemic and overcoming difficulties together

During the COVID-19 epidemic, while maintaining the steady development of the enterprise, Xinda paid close attention to the epidemic situation and social needs, actively purchased materials, and directly donated 37.42 million yuan to help the local COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work. Among them, in 2022, a donation of 10 million yuan was made to Liaoyuan City and Dongfeng County in Jilin Province, and a donation of 300000 yuan was made to the People's Government of Caoshi Town, Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning Province; Donate 10 million yuan to Qian'an City to purchase medical consumables and protective equipment for epidemic prevention and control, as well as to support medical personnel on the front line of fighting the epidemic. Together with the whole society, we will overcome difficulties and protect people's health.

A trickle gathers the power of goodness; Move forward together and build the walls of love. Xinda, as always, carries forward the spirit of the times and demonstrates the power of public welfare. It has won many honorary titles, such as "Project Hope Contribution Award", "exemplary organization for Social Organizations to Help Poverty Alleviation", "Charity Enterprises in Hebei Province", "Top Ten Public Welfare Enterprises in Tangshan City", "Hebei Provincial Donation and Student Aid Units", "2022 Warm Learning Innovation Voluntary Service Project", "Spring Bud Plan Love Collective", "Moral Model for Helping Others", etc.

Great love is boundless, and it nourishes all directions. Hebei Xinda Group will strengthen its original mission of serving the country through industry, adhere to the responsibility of charity and public welfare, innovate and explore the "charity+" rescue model, promote the integration and efficient operation of charity work, and actively give back to society on the basis of strengthening its main business "hard power", achieve enterprise development and charity action, and transmit the steel power of upward and good. Unite with the government and work together with all sectors of society to assist vulnerable groups, reduce the wealth gap, write vivid footnotes for people's better lives, and contribute Xinda's efforts to building a harmonious society!