Hebei Xinda Group in the first half of 2023 brand building summary commendation conference was successfully held!

In order to further create a brand building atmosphere, gather brand development consensus, advocate brand strong enterprise positive energy, enhance innovation awareness, and promote brand-led high-quality development, on the afternoon of September 19, Hebei Xinda Group held a summary and commendation conference for brand construction in the first half of 2023, and Xu Zhiping, executive deputy general manager of the Group's production and operation management Center, and other leaders attended the meeting.

▲ Jilin Xinda Iron and steel branch

▲ Wang Aijun, deputy director of the Office of the Board of Directors of the Group, presided over the meeting

▲ At the commendation meeting, Xu Zhiping presented awards to the advanced individuals and units that received honors

An Weichun, An advanced personal representative, said that he was fortunate to have made some achievements on the Xinda innovation platform, and thanked leaders at all levels for rewarding patent inventors. In the future innovation work, I will continue to ask more and more advice to strengthen my skills. With the high integration of industry and information technology, we will use system theory, cybernetics, information theory and the basic theories of the new three theories, such as structure theory, cooperative wheel and mutation theory, to inject new strength into Xinda's innovation work.

Jiang Hao, representative of the advanced unit and director of the comprehensive Office of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. reported the company's brand building work and shared experience and practices.

One is to strengthen organizational leadership, anchor the goal of upper-level planning. The company set up a brand building leading group, establish a sound management structure system, do a good job of upper-level design and strategic positioning, solidify the brand building thinking of all staff; Strengthen overall planning and coordination, deepen management work mechanisms, formulate task lists, and ensure that tasks are decomposed and personnel responsibilities are implemented;

The second is to improve the system construction and stimulate the innovation vitality of employees. The company has formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Brand Building Activities" and "Incentive Plan for Brand Building Activities". On the basis of the group's implementation of incentives, positive incentives are again given to the employees who have achieved results to improve their enthusiasm for participation and form a good atmosphere for all employees to build brands.

The third is to keep an eye on the central link and stimulate the overall situation with points and surfaces. Each unit combines its own division of responsibilities, the number of tasks, time nodes and key links, and takes the creation of employee innovation studios as a strong starting point to comprehensively improve its independent innovation ability;

Fourth, strict process control to ensure efficient implementation of tasks. In the process of work development, the company's senior leaders and human resources planning department supervised the whole process, and the brand building work was included in the team performance assessment, which realized the management closed loop from the implementation of the plan to the landing of the results, laying a solid foundation for the smooth development of the company's brand building work.

At the meeting, the director of the key project Office of the Board of Directors of the Group summarized the brand building work in the first half of the year and arranged the work in the second half of the year.

First, revise and improve the incentive methods for brand construction to escort the transformation and upgrading of product construction work. In order to meet the development needs of the Group's brand building work, we will better encourage the application of patents and honorary awards of various companies, revise the management methods of enterprise brand building awards, and establish a more reasonable, more just and more suitable for high-quality development.

The second is to strengthen supervision, improve quality, and lay the foundation for the transformation and improvement of quality construction. The company should gradually strengthen the ideological construction of the technical team, improve the comprehensive quality of personnel, establish a professional work team, do a good job of product construction supervision, and help the Xinda brand stand, call loud, and go far.

The third is to strengthen confidence, dare to win, and ensure the completion of the annual target tasks. In the second half of the year, the tasks of independent intellectual property rights should continue to be full of high morale with no time to wait for me and every second to fight, with full confidence and a full mental state, braced with one heart, overcome difficulties, and ensure the completion of the tasks and goals in 2023.

In his concluding speech, Xu Zhiping, executive deputy general manager of the production and operation management Center of the Group, pointed out that each company is the main body of innovation, but also the basic unit of shaping and cultivating the brand, and high-quality products, advanced technology and high-quality service are the basis for building a first-class brand. In 2023, the Group's brand building work has achieved many achievements, and the acquisition of various honors has laid a solid foundation for the group to achieve high-quality development. The group's heavy commendation award reflects the group's leadership's kind care and strong support for the product builder. All the product builders should have the confidence to dare to win and the sense of urgency that time does not wait for me, and fight a beautiful battle in the fourth quarter. Efforts should be made in the integration and development of product design, cultural creativity, technological innovation and brand building to enrich the cultural connotation of the Group, implement technological transformation, quality improvement and brand building, give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, integrate brand building into the image building of the Group, and drive the high-quality sustainable development of the Group.

Under the new situation, Xinda actively explores a new road of brand construction, adheres to the core concept of "serving the country with industry to create a century-old strong enterprise", and walks on the road of scientific and technological innovation. As of September 15, the Group has completed 257 independent intellectual property rights declaration this year, including 11 invention patents and 246 utility model patents (or soft). It has a total of 1,722 independent intellectual property rights, and has achieved a breakthrough in the number of patents, laying a solid foundation for further qualitative improvement.

Through continuous strengthening of incentive guidance and solid publicity, the group actively creates a strong atmosphere as a starting point to stimulate the internal power of enterprise development. In the first half of the year, the Group's wechat public account had more than 58,000 fans, with a total page view of nearly 2.51 million people, and was awarded the excellent publicity account of Hebei Province and the most influential new media in the steel industry in the country. 25 articles of various kinds were published in China Tourism News, Learning Power and other platforms, conveying the warm and in-depth information of Hebei Xinda Group, highlighting the main theme and coagulating positive energy. This year, Xinda was once again rated as "Top 500 Private Enterprises in China" and "Top 500 Private Enterprises in China's Manufacturing Industry", and the social image and status of the enterprise have been synchronously improved.

With more than 30 years of innovation and development, Xinda has long been committed to providing the society with leading technology and first-class quality fine steel. Relying on refined and efficient work team, trusted product quality, helping to build influential projects, perfect information management, and strong financial media matrix, Xinda has formed a brand with full market competitiveness.

In the journey towards a first-class iron and steel strong enterprise, Hebei Xinda Group will continue to explore the brand-driven, high-quality development path, uphold the spirit of ingenuity, bold innovation and exploration, meet the new opportunities given by The Times, accelerate the pace of brand forging, quality improvement and transformation and upgrading, so that the brand becomes a synonym for high quality, high quality, high reputation, and strive for the strategy of brand strength and steel power!