Xin Da story staff mouth "Barbar" monitor!

"Our monitor does not leak, although he is not good at expression, but his technical bar! Sometimes when we are in trouble at the scene and don't know how to start, as long as he comes to the scene, the right hand is easy to get, fast and sure to find a solution, not satisfied!"

"Our monitor is not only skilled, but also very sympathetic to employees, according to the mental and physical state of employees can always arrange suitable work to ensure personal safety." The team employee said.

The monitor of the employee's mouth is Li Fuqiang, the monitor of the day shift of the electrical maintenance section of Hebei Tianyue Laser Remanufacturing Technology Co., LTD., and join Xinda in 2020. He graduated from Hebei Technical College of Engineering and Power Supply technology major, engaged in electrical maintenance work for nearly 20 years, has a wealth of electrical maintenance experience. Won the title of electrician "Technical expert" in the skills competition of employees of enterprises and institutions in Qian 'an City, and won the title of electrician "Technical expert" and "Technical champion" in the second and third employee technical competition held by the group.

Although Li Fuqiang's professional level is "top", he never gave up learning, he said: "As an electrical maintenance personnel of Tianyue Laser, we will encounter a variety of equipment in each branch plant every day, we must update our knowledge reserve in time, so that we can be handy when we encounter new equipment problems."

In addition to learning by himself, he also shared the knowledge he had learned with his team colleagues, and set the class at the morning meeting and maintenance site. At the morning meeting every day, he will first summarize the previous day's work, and then analyze the maintenance points that appear in the work, especially some problems that have not occurred in the previous maintenance work, he will "singled out" and share with the staff of the team, on the one hand, talk about the operation points, on the other hand, emphasize matters for attention. He believes that the scene is the best classroom, encountered are the actual problems to be solved, while the operation and explanation, can make employees have a deeper impression, after learning can be applied immediately.

He said: "Let enterprises do not spend money is to reduce costs, can self-study never outsourced!" For the original power unit maintenance business that needs to be outsourced by each branch factory, Li Fuqiang is currently in the team to undertake. As it is a new business, in order to provide more professional services for the branch plant and reduce outsourcing costs, Li Fuqiang summarized and classified the power unit equipment involved in each branch plant, conducted targeted training on relevant maintenance methods in the team, and guided the actual maintenance to improve the maintenance level of team personnel. At present, all power unit maintenance operations are progressing smoothly.

As a monitor, although daily affairs are complicated, big and small situations will find him, but he always maintains a clear mind and never ignores any details on the work. A small gasket, Li Fufang will be specially charged, especially in the installation of explosion-proof equipment, such as gas alarm, all the gaskets can not be installed or not installed, even if only a small gasket, explosion-proof facilities may not meet the requirements. Therefore, when assigning such maintenance tasks, he will charge the team members again and again.

In the process of running the bridge installation, because there is no ready-made elbow, the team staff takes different methods in the production of elbow, various forms, not beautiful enough, Li Fuqiang taught them how to do elbow size more beautiful and practical. Everyone said: "Like these small details that are easily ignored, the monitor can always remind us in time to ensure the quality of maintenance every time!"

In addition to working methods, in the team meeting he emphasized the most is safety, he said: "Electricians should pay attention to the safety of two aspects, on the one hand is to confirm the safety of the working environment, on the other hand is to correct operation, indispensable." Every day in the morning meeting, he will emphasize the safety precautions according to the task situation, and go to the maintenance site to guide the operation and check the safety situation.

In the execution of the installation task of water mist dust removal of Hebei Xinda steel shaft furnace, the actual situation on the site does not meet the design of the construction drawings, and the installation personnel make difficulties and do not know how to start for a time. After Li Fuqiang arrived at the scene, combined with the high temperature characteristics of the upper part of the field equipment, resolutely reduced the line direction, avoided the high temperature area, successfully solved the on-site installation problem, and has been used well so far.

As long as he receives the task of emergency repair, he quickly leads the team into the scene without saying a word and grabs the production time. In the implementation of the task of replacing the sliding wire cable in the steel mill, Li Fuqiang rushed to the scene with the team personnel, raced against time, and completed the replacement of the cable within the specified time, effectively ensuring production. Although he often missed work time, meal time, but he never complained, always put production first.

"One skill, move the world" Li Fuqiang actively play the true nature of the artisans, down to earth, dedication, courage, describing the vivid picture of Xinda artisans as promising and striving for first-class. Xinda people's iron and steel will bloom in the post of tempered, welding flowers flashing, carving knife dancing, bursting in the struggle to make first-class products with first-class skills and hold up first-class industries. All cadres and workers should be pioneering and innovative in their own posts, open up a smooth road in the thorns, step out of the road where there is no road, integrate the ego into the enterprise's ego, keep pace with The Times, share the destiny with Xinda, and make life dazzling!