Song Xiangdang: Create a new competitive advantage of "Hebei Standard"

On August 21, Song Xiangdang, a member of the Party group and deputy director of the Hebei Industry and Information Technology Department, delivered a speech at the group standard review meeting organized by the Hebei Energy Conservation Association in Beijing.

 This has pointed out the direction for us to deepen the standardization construction of the steel industry and ensure the high-quality development of the industrial economy. Last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three ministries issued the "Guidance on promoting the high-quality development of the steel industry" pointed out that "strengthen the construction of standard technology system, formulate and release a number of basic general national standards, industry standards, cultivate and develop a number of advanced and applicable high-level group standards, to meet the market and innovation needs."

According to him, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, since 2020, the Hebei Department of Industry and information Technology has further improved the framework of the industrial and information technology standard system, and refined it to specific standards, forming a standard system of 12 level 1 subdirectories, 48 level 2 subdirectories, and 172 level 3 subdirectories. This year, the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on carrying out 2023 industrial and information quality Improvement and brand building work", actively supporting upstream and downstream enterprises within the industrial cluster and qualified associations, chambers of commerce, federations and other social groups to build industrial alliances and standard alliances, jointly developing and promoting group standards that quickly reflect market demand, have vitality and competitiveness. Quickly follow up new technologies and new products, fill the gap in standards, promote regional brand building and standards complement each other, and create a new competitive advantage of "Hebei Standard".

He who gets the standard wins the world

Song explained the supporting role of standards for the high-quality development of the steel industry from three dimensions.

From the perspective of the steel industry, green, circular and sustainable are the basic requirements for the high-quality development of China's economy, and the steel industry is no exception. Although the production process of steel products is an energy-carrying process, the use process is a green process, fundamentally with green properties. In order to maintain the sustainable, standardized and universal nature of this green attribute, it is necessary to focus on process technology and equipment, intelligent manufacturing, green and low-carbon aspects, and create a set of standard systems to support it. "It can be said that those who win the standards win the world." "He stressed.

 The industrial layout of iron and steel in the province along the iron port has basically formed, the steel varieties have achieved full coverage of "plate and belt type rod and wire pipe", and the number of environmental protection performance A-level enterprises and national green factories are the first in the country. However, there are still some shortcomings in Hebei's steel industry in terms of high-quality development, such as insufficient innovation ability, few high-end products, and insufficient extension of the industrial chain. To achieve the improvement of innovation ability, high-end product research and development, and the extension of the industrial chain, all need standard support. "It can be said that the standard determines the future development direction of Hebei's steel industry." He pointed out.

From the perspective of the development of steel enterprises themselves, the standard is directly related to the improvement of the quality of steel products, the survival and development of enterprises, and determines the control of the market, who makes the standard is recognized by the market, who will get huge economic benefits. At present, the homogenization of some steel products in the province is prominent, and the product specifications are the same, but the quality, stability and consistency are not the same. "How to implement product quality classification through standards is the key issue of high-end transformation of steel enterprises, which can be said to determine the life and death of enterprises." He specifically pointed out.

"The three rare earth steel group standards approved today are in order to realize the upgrading of materials in the steel industry, to lead the change on the demand side with innovation on the supply side, and to drive the upgrading and demand increase of the entire steel market." In February this year, the Hebei Department of Industry and Information Technology jointly with the Department of Transportation held a production and demand matching meeting of key enterprises in the field of steel and transportation, and discussed the roadmap for the application of rare earth corrosion-resistant steel in the field of transportation, the first of which is to develop the relevant standards for rare earth corrosion-resistant steel. After the meeting, the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology will work with the relevant units of the provincial Energy Conservation Association to revise and publish according to expert opinions, while increasing the use and promotion of the standard, and creating a number of new application scenarios in the fields of construction, transportation, communications, disaster relief and so on." Song said to the party.

Four measures to reshape Hebei iron and steel industry competition new advantages

"In the next step, the Hebei Department of Industry and Information Technology will be under the strong leadership of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, driven by innovation and development, to create the source of the world's new steel technology, new technology and new material research and development innovation, the industry model of harmonious coexistence between industrial development and the natural environment, and the pillar industry with significant international competitive advantages, reshape the new competitive advantages, and realize the historic leap of Hebei Steel from large to strong." " Song pointed out to the party.

Then, he elaborated the future development direction of Hebei iron and steel industry from the following aspects.

First, we will improve the industrial innovation ecosystem. He said that enterprises are supported to jointly establish innovation consortions and high-level innovation platforms such as manufacturing innovation centers with universities, research institutes, upstream and downstream enterprises, and social investment institutions, to implement basic frontier, key commonalities, industrial development, achievement transformation, and demonstration application of the whole chain of innovation, to open up technology research and development, transfer and diffusion and industrialization chains, and accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological achievements. Construction of high-quality development evaluation system of Hebei iron and steel enterprises, forcing enterprises to develop in high quality. Implement the policy of pre-tax deduction of research and development expenses, encourage enterprises to increase investment in research and development, and promote the establishment of research and development institutions in steel enterprises in the province.

Second, optimize and adjust the product mix. Promote the quality and upgrading of steel products, accelerate the development of new iron-based materials, special steel, high-end special steel, and continue to improve the stability, reliability and durability of physical quality of products. "Encourage and support enterprises to develop high-quality special steel, special alloy steel, high purity iron, ultra-pure iron and other high-end iron based new materials, and strive to build a world-class iron based new material cluster." Increase the proportion of high-tech and high value-added products, and accelerate the promotion of key steel products." Song pointed out to the party.

Third, we will carry out activities to align production and demand. He said that the implementation of "uncovering the list", on the one hand, launch Hebei downstream steel enterprises, comprehensively collect steel varieties that have demand in the province but can not be produced at present, organize Hebei steel enterprises and steel enterprises, joint scientific research institutions, universities and other collaborative research, open up the industrial chain blockage; On the other hand, Hebei steel enterprises are launched to comprehensively collect newly developed steel varieties, select steel varieties suitable for local steel enterprises and steel clusters, organize promotion and application, and promote local supporting of the downstream of the industrial chain.

Fourth, accelerate the "digital green transformation". "Relying on Hebei Province iron and steel industry digital transformation Alliance, establish a set of digital transformation standard system, create a number of leading enterprises, one enterprise one policy, to provide enterprises with problem diagnosis, measure planning, program implementation services." Make every effort to promote the environmental performance of iron and steel enterprises to achieve A, promote the application of green mild steel materials, build Hebei green steel brand, and create a number of provincial and national green factories." Song stressed to the party.