Xinda story Guo Xiaohua: the owner of the "broken electric car" in the plate belt factory!

In Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., steel mill plate belt factory, a yellow old electric car is almost no one knows, it is the reheating furnace section long Guo Xiaohua transport tool, he is responsible for broadband and narrowband heating furnace, often need to run on both sides, in order to improve efficiency, he specially bought an electric car, convenient for him to shuttle.

"Find him easy to find, he is basically not in the office are at the scene, you look at his broken electric car parked in which furnace, he is basically in which furnace scene, one can find him." "A broken electric car?" "His car was not broken before, it was let him ride broken, there are many things on both sides, all rely on this car to carry him back and forth." When I looked for Guo Xiaohua, a passing employee replied.

Guo Xiaohua, head of the heating furnace section of the plate and strip plant of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., joined Xinda in 2018 and was mainly responsible for the management of the heating furnace. After coming to Xinda, he first conducted an in-depth assessment of the furnace condition to achieve a comprehensive grasp, and then made technical adjustments to the existing problems of the heating furnace, so as to make the furnace condition stable and improve the service life of the heating furnace. And focus on oxidation burning loss and gas consumption, more than five years, the plate and belt factory heating furnace furnace condition is stable, effectively ensure the production line, he was rated as the Group's 2022 advanced production (work).

As an experienced heating furnace manager, after coming to the plate and belt factory, he first understood the current situation of the heating furnace, so that he knew well. In the survey, he found that the condition of the heating furnace was unstable, water leakage often occurred, affecting the rhythm of production, and the operation level of employees was different. The normal operation of the heating furnace is affected by various factors. According to the current situation, he focuses on the operation of equipment and personnel.

First of all, for the problem of water leakage, Guo Xiaohua repeatedly studied and analyzed the cause of water leakage, he found that the natural circulation of the drum is not enough, the circulation is not smooth, causing the heating furnace water leakage, combined with the relevant design institute, and finally changed the natural circulation of the drum to forced circulation, and solved the problem of heating furnace water leakage after improvement, so that the furnace condition is stable and smooth.

On the other hand, he strictly regulated the staff to operate according to the process standards, conducted on-site training for the staff in the section, improved the staff's theoretical level and enhanced the standardized operation consciousness. The furnace pressure is controlled within a reasonable range, the ignition management is carried out, the temperature control is strictly implemented, and the heating temperature is targeted to meet the process needs and prevent heating defects. Through the implementation of strict process operation, on the one hand to ensure the service life of the heating furnace, stable production, on the other hand to ensure product quality.

He also aimed at the problem of gas water content, combined with engineers to improve the original dehydrator, the effect is good, effectively prevent the water in the blast furnace gas into the heating furnace, protect the resistant material in the furnace, improve the service life of the heating furnace, the maintenance cycle of the heating furnace from the initial 6 months to the present 8 months, and stabilize the production.

In the face of the winter of the market, Guo Xiaohua combined with the actual position, decided to work hard to reduce costs in burning damage and gas consumption. Formulate internal reward and punishment mechanisms to reduce burning loss and coal consumption, and reward the lowest gas unit consumption group with not less than 100 yuan per person to pull the internal standard to reduce the cost.

Continuous exploration in operation to try to reduce oxidative burn loss. In the process of production, he found that the oxygen content was relatively high in the process of insulation and rolling, and he constantly explored and practiced in the operation, controlling the oxygen content of the billet in the high temperature section at 2% and the low temperature section at about 3%. After the implementation of the stage oxygen control operation, it was obvious that the oxide scale was reduced, from 2 buckets of waste slag produced every week to 1 bucket of waste slag produced every month, which effectively reduced the oxidation burning loss. Save production costs.

He also reduces maintenance costs by continuously optimizing the structure of equipment and stabilizing the pace of production. Due to the double action of friction and shear force, water beam leakage is very easy to occur at the welding place of the sliding block of the longitudinal water beam in the push-steel regenerative heating furnace. He led the maintenance team to carry out technical modifications to the furnace tail tensioning device and vaporization circulation system, and no water beam leakage occurred through one year of use, laying a solid equipment foundation for stable production and reducing maintenance costs.

When asked why he is always at the scene, Guo Xiaohua said that the scene is the place where the problem can be found, but also the place where the problem can be completely solved, a lot of problems can be quickly found at the scene, in addition, you can directly guide the staff operation, these years are with the staff to guard the heating furnace has long been inseparable from the scene. In addition to guarding the furnace, he makes full use of each shift's pre-shift meeting and weekly safety meeting to explain the precautions of the heating furnace operation procedure and the safe operation steps of the cold furnace ignition, achieving 100% correct operation and ensuring safe operation. Organize twice a week gas system hidden trouble investigation, timely repair and rectification of hidden parts to ensure equipment safety. Under his strict management, the accident rate in his work section was zero in 2022.

Example, is a kind of infinite power; Model, is a kind of model; Example is the need of an era to move forward. In this way, Guo Xiaohua rode the "broken electric car" to rush around the wide and narrow belt heating furnace, dedicated and tireless, and set an excellent example of diligent labor and dedication. The wind is turbulent, when you set sail, there is a long way to go, and you need to whip your horse. In the process of promoting the high-quality development of Xinda, all employees should base themselves on their posts, be pioneers in tackling difficulties, set an example in bravely shouldering heavy burdens, continue to create an entrepreneurial atmosphere of 踔厉 effort and perseverance, and write their own heavy ink on the history of the achievements of a hundred years of strong enterprises!