Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel raw Materials Factory dug deep to reduce the cost and then climbed the peak, the monthly effect of 24.84 million yuan!

In order to quickly implement the group's requirements for promoting the important work of "everyone contributing a plan to avoid cost reduction", create an entrepreneurial atmosphere for officers, set off a boom of cost reduction and efficiency increase, open a column of "Reducing the Arena", excavate key measures and typical cases of independent improvement of production plants of various companies in the group, expose achievements, find gaps, and promote the same professional branch factories to catch up. Encourage all cadres and staff to strive for the day and night attitude, a comprehensive standard to find the difference, continue to improve efficiency and efficiency, establish a long-term competitive advantage of Xinda, and accelerate the high-quality development of enterprises! This period share Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. raw material factory.

Sintering and pelletizing are important cost reducing processes of iron pretreatment system. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Raw material factory solid practice of the company's "iron before the cost reduction, steel after the quality" iron law, around the production organization, research issues, independent improvement and other key factors of efficiency, set the wisdom of all staff, the strength of the plant to start the cost reduction and efficiency battle, the production indicators to achieve new breakthroughs. In June, the cost of tons of ore reached 820.57 yuan, which was better than other surrounding steel enterprises. At the same time, the alkalinity and ferrous qualification rate indicators are the best level since 2023. Not afraid of hardships, deep exploration of potential, raw material factory measures to reduce costs, every plan to increase benefits, set a good result one after another.

Set up a fixed star

Sing the main theme of reducing the cost of technology

Since June, the raw material factory has focused on reducing costs and improving indicators, and has made every effort to reduce the energy consumption of sinter from the process flow and post details, correctly handle the relationship between cost and quality, and strive to sprint towards the annual production and operation goal with the reduction of sinter cost as the core.

Optimize process operations and reduce production costs. Each operation area of the raw material factory strictly implements the standardized operation policy, stabilizes the control of the sintering process, and continuously improves the pass rate of key indicators such as sinter grade, alkalinity and drum index. In order to reduce solid combustion consumption, the content of ferrous oxide in sinter can be controlled reasonably by increasing the temperature of feed and controlling the moisture. It is required that the fire worker and the master worker communicate with each other and assist each other to adjust the machine speed reasonably according to the loading situation of the mixed material, ensure that the cloth is uniform and the material surface is smooth, and effectively eliminate the fluctuation of the production process caused by operation errors, so as to avoid increasing production costs.

In order to improve the sintering quality, make the sinter leveling rate stable, and further achieve the purpose of reducing the iron cost, it was decided to reduce the water content of the mixture to 7.5%±0.3% after deliberation by the leaders in the plant. By controlling the frequency of the main extraction fan, ensuring that the sintering air volume is highly matched with the main pumping frequency and the air door opening, rationally distributing the sintering air volume, reducing the vertical combustion speed, extending the high temperature holding time and other process adjustments, the final sinter quality has significantly improved compared with May, and the sintering alkalinity and ferrous pass rate have increased by 7.82% and 11.14% respectively compared with the previous month. It lays a solid foundation for stable production, cost reduction and efficiency increase of ironmaking process.

Deep cultivation of "responsible fields"

Compacting equipment management to improve efficiency

In the daily equipment management work, the raw material factory advocates the concept of "improving efficiency" first and "tightening the day", takes multiple measures at the same time, and constantly promotes the equipment management improvement and spot inspection work, and has achieved remarkable results. Through the establishment and improvement of equipment spot inspection and maintenance, spare parts management, perfect lubrication and other systems, the formation of a complete and standardized equipment management process. In order to carry out equipment spot inspection and maintenance work in an orderly manner, each team has a clear division of labor and clear responsibilities, vigorously advocates strict inspection, fine inspection and frequent inspection, and forms a equipment management system centered on spot inspection, constantly promotes the comprehensive development of post inspection, special inspection and inspection, and takes every opportunity to conduct a comprehensive "physical examination" of the equipment in advance to ensure that the equipment is in a "healthy" state for a long time.

In June, the raw material factory carried out a comprehensive elimination of the burning system, and the points of the car, slide, bellows, flue and other points were comprehensively improved and promoted, and the air volume of the equipment was fully utilized, so that the quality of the sinter was significantly improved, the return rate under the blast furnace groove was reduced to 13.85%, and the first return rate was reduced to less than 14%, providing more high-quality sinter for the blast furnace and effectively reducing the cost.

Draw up a "battle map"

Make full use of independent improvement to solve difficulties

All along, the raw material factory attaches great importance to independent improvement work, and regards independent improvement as an important means to improve quality and efficiency and escort safe production. The majority of employees based on the position, innovation and creation, through new thinking, new technology, new technology, and constantly tap the potential for the green and high-quality development of enterprises into a steady stream of vitality and vitality.

Rotary kiln feeding screen transformation, help improve the quality and efficiency. The rotary kiln is now using a 15mm hole screen, the hole diameter is small, it is difficult to screen the flake material in the material, easy to cause negative pressure in the furnace, ring formation, affecting the gas distribution, the stability of the kiln condition. In view of this phenomenon, the raw material factory "the right medicine", the original diameter of 15mm round hole screen to the diameter of 18mm square hole screen plate, reduce the amount of gray stone below 20mm, raw burning down to about 8%, the process cost reduced to 232 yuan/ton, the monthly effect of about 24.84 million yuan.

Reducing cost and increasing efficiency is the way of enterprise development. Hebei Xinda iron and steel raw material factory in the operation of meticulous budgeting, intensive production, management of engraving, technical excellence, to do fine and fine in a prominent position, the implementation of a number of cost reduction and efficiency measures, for the successful completion of the annual task indicators laid a solid foundation. In the next step, all the cadres and staff of the raw material factory will continue to broaden the idea of reducing costs, leverage the difficulty of reducing costs, with the momentum of "the standard cannot be reduced, the work cannot be relaxed", the work of reducing costs, increasing benefits and improving quality will fall on the production and operation bit by bit, and the "big article" of deep and practical work to reduce costs and increase efficiency will ensure the successful completion of the production and operation tasks throughout the year.