The first visualization technology of radium mineral furnace electrode in China - a tool to reduce cost and increase efficiency in ferroalloy production!

Organized by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the People's Government of Shizuishan City, and hosted by Ningxia Metallurgical Industry Association and other units, the "Ningxia ferroalloy Industry Digital Transformation Development Site Promotion Meeting" was held in Shizuishan City on July 25, and more than 100 representatives of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region's ferroalloy enterprises above designated size attended the meeting. The main topic of the conference: Introducing the development of digital transformation in ferroalloy industry.

Tian Li, deputy general manager of Hunan Lemu Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the Lemu Company), made an academic report on the "Research and project progress of mineral-heat furnace electrode visualization" at the meeting, which made the delegates fresh and excited! Have praised the independent innovation research and development of the national patent results, mineral furnace electrode visualization technology, will lead the national ferroalloy production enterprises to energy-saving, low-carbon, intelligent direction of rapid development; It will certainly have a wide impact on the cost, efficiency and consumption reduction of ferroalloy production.

Iron alloy industry demand for radium people assiduously pursue

Vice President Tian Li pointed out: ferroalloy enterprises production energy consumption is large, the industry is facing recruitment difficulties, and there is an urgent need to build intelligent factories. The mineral furnace is the "heart of the ferroalloy factory", the electrode insertion depth is unknown, the electrode position cannot be automatically controlled, resulting in automated production nowhere to start, and the transformation of smart factories is in a dilemma.

Vice President Tian Li further analyzed the following deep-seated problems of the electrode insertion depth of the ore furnace:
First, the electrode position difference is large, the experience judgment error is large, and the experience deviation of personnel is large;
Second, whether the three-phase electrode does work in a plane is not clear;
3. Abnormal electrode insertion depth after the accident;
Fourth, the production process electrode insertion depth data can not be traced;

The demand of the ferroalloy smelting industry is the tireless pursuit of the radium people who take the revitalization of China as their duty! In the mining furnace electrode depth visualization technology program and the early stage of project research and development, the company invested nearly 20 technical team, after two years of experimental research, and finally achieved the goal of measuring the electrode end position in April 2023.
The visualization results of the laser electrode can solve the production problems that have plagued ferroalloy smelting enterprises for many years! It brings huge potential power saving benefits to the production of ore furnace. Because the ferroalloy industry electricity cost accounts for 40%-60% of the total production cost of the mineral furnace, and the accurate acquisition of the electrode insertion depth is an important support for achieving safe production and stable electricity consumption. The electrode visualization technology can provide the accurate measurement of electrode position for the mining furnace production enterprises, and help the enterprises to save energy and increase efficiency.

The brilliant flowers of scientific and technological innovation bear rich economic fruits

The research and development work will continue until June 2023, and the independent innovation results of the Radium company will initially realize the accurate measurement of electrode position; It is expected that by September 2023, the project goal of stable electrode position measurement can be achieved.

The detection principle of the visualization technology scheme and project system of the electrode insertion depth of the mineral furnace is the measurement of the magnetic field outside the furnace, and the specific implementation methods are as follows:
First, the array 3D sensor will capture the spatial magnetic field distribution signal and transmit it to the secondary instrument;
Second, the secondary instrument filters and amplifies the 3D data and sends it to the industrial computer;
3. The industrial computer processes the spatial characteristic magnetic field signal by sampling, denoising, intelligent feature recognition, etc., and calculates the electrode end position.

Vice President Tian Li said that the results are promoted in ferroalloy smelting enterprises, and the purpose of electricity saving is achieved through electrode visualization and accurate measurement to ensure that the furnace condition is in the best working state. According to the typical furnace type 30000KVA furnace, the annual electricity saving is expected to increase by 4.64%, and the annual electricity saving is about 2.53 million yuan. Next step, the company is doing its best to the number of intelligent ferroalloy factory target to take advantage of the march! Strive to realize the automation and digitalization of ferroalloy production process equipment, and commit to solving the following difficult and complex technical problems in the ferroalloy industry:
I. Personalized automatic feeding, fabric, ramming system;
Second, mineral furnace electrode visualization system and auxiliary automatic power distribution system;
Three, iron alloy automatic casting crushing system.

The innovation team of the company has successfully transplanted the successful application cases of the steel industry to the ferroalloy industry, which can ultimately promote the ferroalloy smelting enterprises to complete the intelligent manufacturing construction of the whole plant.