Stage cost reduction effect breaking 100 million yuan! Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel climbing cost reduction efficiency "new height"!

Reduce costs and increase efficiency

"Full throttle, as quick as possible to fight, to reduce costs and expenditure, tap potential and increase efficiency as the focus of the year throughout, to achieve 2023 production and operation targets to lay a solid foundation." An Zhenyu, general manager of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., delivered a resounding speech at the seminar on cost reduction before and after the company's iron.

Since May, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly implemented the work requirements of "high-quality and efficient promotion of cost reduction and efficiency" proposed by General manager An Zhenyu, and has carried out the overall plan of cost reduction and efficiency improvement of the whole process by focusing on the central work of "optimizing the ore allocation structure, carrying out research on key issues, innovating process progress, tapping potential energy utilization, and specializing in product quality improvement". Accurately hit a series of combined fists, the steady growth of production indicators, accelerated accumulation of development momentum, and continuous improvement of quality and efficiency. From May to June, the cost reduction benefit of the company's production units exceeded 100 million yuan, achieving a new breakthrough in cost reduction and expenditure, and tapping potential to increase efficiency!

Raw material plant

From May to June, the raw material factory achieved a reduction in the cost of iron material of about 41.8015 million yuan, and a reduction in the cost of auxiliary materials of about 7.9521 million yuan. Compared with the first quarter, in terms of reducing the cost of iron materials, the efficiency increased by 10.3046 million yuan, and in terms of reducing the cost of auxiliary materials, the efficiency increased by 7.1234 million yuan.

As the last process of blast furnace production, providing high quality and stable two ore is the unremitting goal of the raw material factory. From May to June, the raw material factory strictly controlled the cost of sintering, implemented the economic batching operation policy, and did everything possible to adjust and optimize the ore allocation structure without affecting the quality of sinter, closely followed the market price trend of raw materials, scientifically planned the balance point of production efficiency, gradually reduced the use of high-price and long-association materials, and increased the use of low-price ore. Including 40% fine powder, steelmaking sludge, dust removal and so on. At the same time, the use of low-cost non-mainstream materials and secondary resources materials is increased, and the cost of ore blending is further compressed while ensuring the stability of sintering quality.

Iron works

From May to June, the average silicon content of the iron plant was 0.32%, the fuel ratio was 529.7kg/t, and the cost of iron tons fell by more than 400 yuan/ton compared with the first quarter, which was the best level this year! At the same time, vigorously carry out research topics and repair old benefits and waste activities, May to June to carry out fan optimization project to create 1.416,900 yuan, repair old benefits and waste to create 501,600 yuan.

In the aspects of composition control of molten iron, fuel ratio research, stable production and consumption reduction, the ironmaking plant actively explores new ways and new methods to reduce cost and increase efficiency. In order to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the ironmaking furnace, the ironmaking plant constantly optimizes the operation of the blast furnace, insists on large ore batch and large Angle, and requires the director of the blast furnace to carefully control and adjust in advance to ensure the full air operation; In order to reduce the iron-making fuel ratio, the ironmaking plant has carried out research on the temperature of the hot air, stared at the air-fuel ratio, refined the furnace, and raised the temperature at the beginning and end of the air supply through the two aspects of the hot air vault and flue to shorten the temperature difference. At present, the average blast furnace temperature can reach 1195℃, further reducing the fuel ratio of the blast furnace, so as to ensure the smooth, low energy consumption and stable production of the blast furnace.

Steel works

From May to June, the steel mill focused on the heat balance of the converter, reducing the consumption of steel materials per unit, reducing the cost of slag materials and other aspects of the cost reduction activities, compared with 2022, the effect of about 28.719 million yuan, and achieved phased results!

Since May, on the basis of ensuring the stability of the converter furnace, the steel mill has focused on the implementation of low-slag smelting, and has further standardized the operation of each converter team to improve the operation of the converter. According to the heat balance and guided by the end point carbon temperature double hit, the slag material is added, and the slag material consumption is reduced to 48kg/t, which reduces the cost by about 3.4474 million yuan. Through the calculation of heat balance of materials, the cost reduction and efficiency increase of all steel grades are significant. Among them, Q195L steel can reduce the cost by 1.57 million yuan/month by improving the aluminum deoxidation process, using AD powder to replace part of the aluminum particle slagging, top slag recovery and other measures. From May to June, the consumption of Q195L steel was reduced by 10.812 million yuan, Q195 steel by 3.4471 million yuan, and Q235B steel by 3.2473 million yuan.

General steel mill

From May to June, the general mill achieved cost reduction and efficiency increase of about 11.794 million yuan. Among them, the effect of repairing the old is about 445,200 yuan, the effect of independent improvement is about 3.419,900 yuan, and the added value of the product is about 7.928,900 yuan.

In order to further promote the independent improvement of employees, repair of old benefits and waste work as the power point, explore the wisdom and potential of employees, and provide strong support for the cost reduction and efficiency work. From May to June, the strip line rough rolling R1 in the rolling section was independently improved, and the effect was about 300,000 yuan after the transformation; The cutting length of the flying shear head and tail of the strip production line was independently improved, reducing the cutting head and tail by 16000 kg/day, and the effect was about 1.45 million yuan/month. At the same time, under the premise of ensuring the safe operation of the equipment, the damaged parts are properly repaired. Among them, the phosphorus removal ring repair was carried out in May, the base of the phosphorus removal water nozzle was welded, the water nozzle was replaced and the Angle was adjusted, and the bottom tube was replaced and polished, with an effect of about 44,200 yuan.

Oxygen production plant

From May to June, the total cost reduction and efficiency increase of the oxygen plant was about 6.02 million yuan. Among them, the oxygen cost was reduced by about 3.2 million yuan compared with the plan, and 11 cost reduction and efficiency improvement proposals were completed, involving rare gas extraction, equipment maintenance, electrical transformation, process adjustment and other aspects, achieving cost reduction and efficiency of about 2.82 million yuan.

The lean krypton-xenon extraction project is a new process introduced by technical reform on the basis of the original cryogenic unit in the oxygen plant. At present, the project has been put into operation with remarkable effect. Under the premise of ensuring safe production and supply of gas and oxygen, the oxygen general plant increases the output of liquid oxygen through process adjustment, provides sufficient krypton and xenon extraction liquid, fine-adjusts the extraction process to further concentrate liquid oxygen and ensure that krypton and xenon products meet the design requirements. From May to June, the sales amount of krypton xenon reached 947,700 yuan, effectively helping to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Energy power plant

The energy and power plant reduced costs and increased efficiency by about 4.74 million yuan from May to June, an increase of 3.732 million yuan from the total cost reduction in the first quarter.

Energy and power plant dig the inner potential, reduce the internal consumption, on the basis of stable production and supply, carry out the "improve the self-generated electricity" project, improve the self-generated electricity ratio, reduce the power consumption per ton of steel; Improved the recovery of BF and converter gas. In May, the recovery of converter gas increased from 134.66m³/t to 136.12m³/t, and the blast furnace gas realized zero discharge. Increase power management efforts, the implementation of peak-avoidance measures on the valley, May to June, the implementation of peak-avoidance on the valley to save electricity about 2.63 million yuan; During the maintenance of the unit, the condenser cleaning work for 100MW power generation and 12MW waste heat power generation was independently completed, which improved the condenser heat transfer efficiency and saved more than 200,000 yuan of outsourcing costs.

Industrial solid waste resource treatment plant

From May to June, the comprehensive production cost of the industrial solid waste resource treatment plant was reduced by 1,263,500 yuan. Among them, the main power consumption cost was reduced by 1,030,600 yuan, and the power consumption index was the best level in the industry; Recycling by-product slag iron 4529.63 tons, slag iron recovery rate 7.22‰, multiple benefits of 6.615 million yuan, the cumulative cost reduction and efficiency of 7.8793 million yuan, while product quality created the first level in Tangshan region, to improve the product market share to lay a solid foundation.

The industrial solid waste resource treatment plant adheres to the eye to tap the potential, adopts multiple measures to grasp lean management, and aims at the first-class level of the industry to innovate constantly. Communicated with industry experts for many times, repeatedly demonstrated with technicians of Tianyue laser maintenance center, optimized the surfacing process plan, and strictly controlled the quality of surfacing welding. Adjust the structure of grinding zone and adopt large roller to press thin material layer to improve grinding efficiency; The use of reducer foundation gluing technology, so as to eliminate the foundation is not strong influence factors; The implementation of water slag storage and use technical measures, so as to stabilize the operation of vertical mill, improve quality, reduce power consumption, increase slag iron recovery, cost reduction and efficiency.

Leadership instruction

A few days ago, at the company's July executive meeting, General manager An Zhenyu deeply analyzed the severe situation facing the current steel industry, and once again emphasized that it is necessary to fully understand the practical significance and long-term significance of cost reduction and efficiency work. At the same time, from the aspects of national policy regulation, market supply and demand trends, seasonal climate impact, etc., further analysis and prediction of the future market market, and systematic planning for the next step to reduce costs and increase efficiency work priorities, put forward clear requirements.

An Zhenyu stressed that the macro environment in the second half of the year is severe and complex, and enterprises must overcome difficulties and promote development, and must put cost reduction, potential exploitation and efficiency in a more prominent and critical position, look inward and the blade inward, and promote cost reduction and efficiency in an overall, systematic and all-in-one way, constantly improve the profit space of enterprises, and maintain steady development.

The company should unify the thinking, respond accurately, and make every effort to stabilize the basic production plate. It is necessary to firmly practice the iron law of "reducing the cost of iron before steel and grasping the quality after steel", take into account the characteristics of various production links and production lines, and carry out comprehensive and multi-angle integrated cost reduction around the key factors of production organization, process flow, technological innovation and other benefits. The blast furnace is mainly based on the principle of "low smelting, strong and smooth running", improving the coal injection ratio and reducing fuel consumption to ensure stable and smooth running of the furnace. Further explore new ideas and measures of coal blending and ore blending to promote iron cost pressure reduction; Focus on grasping the iron and steel material consumption, pass rate, hit rate, yield rate and other indicators, spare no effort in the implementation of process standards, material indicators to improve, energy system coordination, smooth work, work on equipment support, so as to ensure that the entire production system continues to maintain a stable and forward trend.

It is necessary to tap the potential of the standard, seek innovation and change, and promote the continuous deepening of cost reduction and efficiency. Reducing cost is the key measure to practice internal skills and strengthen the foundation. It is necessary to continue to promote and compact the benchmarking work, and further find the gap, check the problem, and determine the measures to find the lowest cost of the charge structure, fuel structure, blast furnace operation idea and production organization mode, and go all out to enhance the production cost competitiveness by benchmarking to the best historical indicators, brother units, and external enterprises.

It is necessary to update the concept, change the behavior, and actively participate in the cost reduction and efficiency action. Cost reduction is an initiative to promote development and seek the future. Whether it is the innovation of production technology and process equipment, the optimization of work processes and business links, or the mining of the potential of organizations and personnel, any link in the enterprise value chain and everyone can become a breakthrough point to reduce costs and increase efficiency. To "the requirements of the next process is the pursuit of the last process" as the company's highest instructions to the middle level of leading cadres, all cadres and workers to correctly deal with the relationship between cost reduction and quality improvement, cost reduction is not equal to low quality, adhere to the "process obedience principle", to ensure that the process product indicators pass, excellent quality. Carefully cut every link, refine every level of responsibility, achieve coordination up and down, left and right cooperation, grasp the whole process control, and strive to achieve cost optimization and maximize benefits.

The tide rises and strikes the OARS, and the boundless scenery is ahead. From "economic burden reduction" to "ton iron cost reduction of 400 yuan", to "all costs can be reduced" has become the consensus of all staff, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel all cadres and staff face the crisis challenges, focus on high efficiency and high efficiency, deepen the efficiency of standard improvement, continuous reform and vitality, comprehensive improvement of management quality and efficiency, and constantly consolidate the foundation of development. In the market winter handed over a "gold" full report card!

Third quarter, full sprint second half! Although the "winter" of the industry has brought various challenges, it also gives Xinda people the opportunity to practice internal skills, which is the opportunity to dig deep and improve energy efficiency. Xinda will always grasp the main line of cost reduction and efficiency, carry out management improvement actions in production safety, energy and environmental protection, equipment support, intelligent manufacturing, and employee operation skills, and continue to enhance the enterprise's anti-risk ability and core competitiveness.
Xinda, "breaking out against the tide", from trekking, to enlightening the mountains, to conquering passes, sailing waves, each development achievement is inseparable from the hard work and hard work of all cadres and staff. Let us firm confidence, determined, upright can carry, can bear, can accomplish the steel backbone, to the problem, face the difficulties, bend into the situation, in the cruel market fight to break through, consolidate the foundation, build a hard force, we will be able to create a bright miracle of vigorous forward, and then continue a new chapter of green high-quality development!