5G empowerment makes enterprise energy management and control more intelligent and efficient - ZTE joins hands with Anxin to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency with intelligent energy management and control system

What real benefits can 5G technology bring to steel companies? In the past few years, Internet, intelligence, 5G technology and other keywords frequently appear in the news of the steel industry, then, 5G technology has provided reliable technical support for the intelligent development of the steel industry? Has it been effectively applied in actual operation, and what is the effect? Recently, the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of Angang Information Company on the application of 5G technology in the energy control system.

In the construction of Angang's energy centralized control system, Angang Group Information Industry Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Anxin") has played a crucial role. In the past few years, Anxin has established an energy control system covering the headquarters of Anshan Iron and Steel, Bayuquan base, Panzhihua Iron and Steel, Chaoyang and other bases, which not only greatly saves the energy cost of each production base, but also realizes the energy consumption benchmarking function on the system.

According to Qu Tai 'an, deputy general manager of Anxin Information Division, "Through the application of 5G technology, Ansteel smart energy management and control system has achieved significant energy saving and consumption reduction in all bases of the group, forming considerable benefits."

Take the smart energy management and control platform project of Ansteel Bayuquan Branch, a subsidiary of Ansteel Group, as an example. Through 5G, real-time collection of energy data such as water, power generation, power supply, compressed air, gas and oxygen in Ansteel workshop will be carried out. The platform will automatically generate multi-time dimension energy management reports to help the energy department achieve refined energy management and control. After accurate data is obtained, model training and big data analysis are carried out on these data through thermodynamic mechanism and big data algorithm model, so as to realize intelligent and scientific energy production decision-making and balance optimization. After the system went online, it helped enterprises reduce energy consumption per ton of steel by 1.9%. The project has been applied in Bayuquan Branch, Headquarters and Chaoyang Branch of Ansteel, and is also actively promoted and applied in Benxi Iron and Steel, and has achieved tens of millions of economic benefits in each production base every year.

Qu Tai 'an said: "For enterprises, how to further promote energy conservation and consumption reduction through digital technology to achieve green and low-carbon development is the only way for enterprises to take high-quality development." At present, enterprises are still facing the challenges of inaccurate and real-time energy consumption data collection, difficult to conduct intelligent analysis of relevant data and data value mining and utilization, which restricts enterprises to conduct energy control more efficiently and finely to further reduce energy use costs."

In view of this series of difficulties, Anxin independently developed a smart energy management and control system based on 5G+AI+ big data technology. Through centralized control of energy production, mechanism model + knowledge graph + big data drive, coupled optimization of energy flow, material flow and carbon flow and intelligent optimization collaboration of the whole system and other technologies, it helps enterprises realize energy metering automation, fine management and balanced intelligence.

In terms of energy metering automation, the 5G new network architecture is used to collect full-dimensional real-time data of energy media such as water, power generation, power supply, compressed air, gas, and oxygen, and automatically generate multi-time dimensional energy metering reports to achieve energy data without falling, reduce manual intervention, and improve the accuracy and real-time performance of basic energy data.

In terms of energy management refinement, through multi-dimensional and multi-level energy consumption and energy efficiency evaluation, energy refinement management is strengthened from the three dimensions of single equipment, processes, and comprehensive energy consumption, so as to achieve energy management "visible, clear and managed".

In terms of intelligent energy balance, a multi-scenario, multi-duration energy medium occurrence and consumption prediction model is established, and multi-energy flow collaborative real-time optimization is carried out from the perspective of economic operation to maximize the value of the whole system.

In the smart energy management and control system of Angang, the 5G industrial field network and edge cloud technology provided by ZTE have played an important role. Zte brand general manager Chen Zhiping introduced that ZTE provides low energy consumption, high efficiency and green product solutions for dual-carbon realization, including four areas, one is to provide green base, including wireless and wired communication products for operators, and green data centers. Second, green operation. It refers to ZTE's carbon footprint management on its own energy consumption. The third is the green supply chain, from sea, air, its own internal transportation of some innovative design, adjustment. Fourth, green industry empowerment. Leverage the green carbon reduction and emission reduction of other industries, cooperate with enterprises with large energy consumption, and use innovative technical solutions to help enterprises transform the production process, so as to achieve carbon saving and consumption reduction. Angang's intelligent energy control system belongs to the fourth category.

The person in charge of Anshin and ZTE said that ZTE has deployed 5G industrial field networks in the two major bases of Ansteel headquarters and Bayuquan, providing a more efficient connection for the large-scale and real-time collection of energy data in the two major bases. Next, Anxin will work with ZTE to further deepen cooperation in 5G+ smart energy management and control platform, relying on ZTE Digital Nebula to improve data governance and big data analysis capabilities, combining Anxin expert knowledge base and big data mining technology and products, to further improve the refined and intelligent capabilities of enterprise energy management, and jointly serve the improvement of enterprise energy management efficiency. Help the industry develop in high quality.