In-depth grasp the implementation, accurate pulse to promote development! Jilin Xinda executives on-site office in progress!

Editor's note

In the first half of the year, the cadres and staff of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD., adhere to the "four thousand spirit" as the guidance, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, forge ahead, down to earth, take on practical work, compared with learning to catch up, adhere to problem-oriented, precise force, effectively solved a series of cadres and staff to reflect strongly difficulties and problems, and achieved good results. We will continue to consolidate the stable and good operation trend of production and operation.

More than half of the schedule, in order to achieve the third quarter "timeout order", the fourth quarter "full", and fully realize the annual production and operation tasks, recently, Wang Songwei, vice chairman of Hebei Xinda Group and chairman of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD., appointed deputy general manager in charge of the functional departments of the rate of the bottom, in-depth on-site office at the grassroots level, brainstorming the crux of the problem, accurate diagnosis and solve the problem. Unity of thought, consensus, and once again for the front-line workers to send cool comfort products, drum up morale, increase energy, call on the majority of cadres and workers to press ahead, and strive to fully complete the key indicators.

First stop

Iron factory, raw material factory

On the morning of July 4, the deputy general manager of the company led the production department, the technology department, the equipment department, the supply department, the information automation Department, the human resources Planning Department, the comprehensive office and other leaders to the blast furnace operation site of the ironmaking plant to hold an office meeting, master first-hand information, point to the problem, only talk about dry goods, and help the ironmaking plant and raw material plant to solve the production problem.

At the meeting, Xin Shiqiang, the director of the ironmaking plant, reported the problems that need to be solved from the quality and index of raw fuel, the ratio of blast furnace and the quality of lubricating oil according to the actual production. Peng Zhandong, director of the raw material factory, reported the issues that need to be coordinated and solved such as automatic batching and sintering electric dust removal. The leaders of each branch office answered the specific problems raised by the ironmaking plant and the raw material plant, and preliminarily determined the solution measures and time nodes.

The deputy general managers in charge listened carefully and discussed with everyone, deeply analyzed the main problems such as the fine control of blast furnace production and raw materials, intelligent equipment and cost control, and put forward effective opinions and working ideas. For the problems that can be answered and solved on the spot, for the problems that need collective research and coordination, it is clearly required that the relevant units actively implement, deal with and feedback the results in a timely manner, and resolutely put an end to the discussion without decision, decision without success, and action without result.

First, each production plant and functional department should continue to maintain a normal and regular running-in communication mechanism, focusing on spare parts management, production safety, product quality and cost control, so as to pay equal attention to output, quality and safety, and be truly pragmatic, practical and effective;

Second, adhere to principles, implement responsibilities, distinguish priorities, strengthen the implementation of the system, and implement according to standards; Take a dual control solution to the problem, achieve hierarchical management, troubleshoot hidden dangers, and report the situation in time; Carry out accident case analysis and professional training to improve the comprehensive quality of employees;

Third, strengthen the guarantee of funds, use the money in the key areas, spend on the edge of the knife, so that the maximum value of funds;

Fourth, it is necessary to seize the golden age of the steel industry, do a good job of ore blending, coal blending, measurement and 6S management, do everything possible to ensure stable production, and strive to fully complete the key indicators and tasks, and create maximum economic benefits for the company.

The second stop

Steel mill, steel rolling plant

On the afternoon of the 5th, the deputy general manager of the company went to the refining mill and the steel rolling plant to help and guide the work. Zhou Zhizhu, director of the steelmaking plant, reported on the storage of materials, the composition of molten iron, the transfer of molten iron and the structure of scrap steel. Bai Dawei, director of the General steel rolling plant, reported the required spare parts and the efficiency improvement of the wire branch plant. The functional departments at the meeting discussed the problems raised by the two plants, implemented the problem responsibility on the spot, proposed solutions, determined the time node, and made every effort to ensure the production.

On how to actively respond to the current industry situation and continue to do a good job of stabilizing production and increasing efficiency, the deputy general managers in charge emphasized that first, we should grasp the "cow's trunk" of key work, strengthen research, pay attention to priorities, and first arrange the maintenance of steel mills and the supply of spare parts for steel rolling plants, strictly control the use of crushing materials containing zinc, and go all out to stabilize production and optimize indicators;

Second, we should pay great attention to production safety, avoid the problem of "hot in the middle of the temperature under the cool" in safety management, "strictly grasp the three violations", so that the ideological understanding is in place, the training and publicity are in place, the responsibility is in place, and the work measures are in place, to ensure that the company's safety production situation is sustainable and stable;

Third, we should further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of cost reduction and efficiency increase, strengthen the communication between functional departments and production units, refine the division of labor, do a good job of implementation, respectively study the next process, meet the needs of the end, and ensure efficiency and production.

The third stop

Coking plant

On the afternoon of the 6th, the deputy general manager of the company went to the on-site office of the coking plant. Liu Qingbin, director of the factory, made a detailed report on production, equipment, safety, environmental protection, engineering and other difficult points. The heads of the functional departments and offices answered the problems of the coking plant, clearly implemented the responsible departments, and determined the solutions and time nodes.

Each deputy general manager in charge stressed that in response to the problems that need to be solved, the functional department should ensure the focus and pay attention to it, come up with the enthusiasm and execution of "doing it right away", record the specific things and problems in the "responsibility list" and "problem ledger", and solve the problems by "selling the number and settling the account". The coking plant should do a good job in the management of mechanized material yard, standard group, improve management standards; Do a good job in scientific coal blending management, improve the precision and accuracy of coal blending; Do a good job in the maintenance of the tamping station coal laying car to achieve good performance; Grasp the project acceptance work represented by dry quenching, and lay a solid foundation for the stable production of the company.

The fourth stop

Energy power plant

On the afternoon of the 7th, the deputy general manager of the company went to the production site of the energy power plant to help guide and solve the practical problems restricting production. Xue Liang, director of the power plant, Wang Huizhuang, deputy director of power generation, and Liu Yiming, deputy director of oxygen production, reported one by one from the aspects of water supply heating pipes, sewage treatment, and gas tank system safety. Company leaders and functional departments give guidance to difficult problems and project construction of energy and power plants, and coordinate solutions on site.

The deputy general managers in charge stressed that first, we should focus on safe production, oxygen equipment operation and water quality management, increase the investigation of hidden dangers, and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the electricity, water and line facilities within the unit to ensure that nothing is wrong; The functional departments concerned with spare parts should be put in place as soon as possible;

Second, we should do a good job in water supply and drainage management, complete the second phase of water treatment, and overhaul the first phase of water treatment, so as to reduce the external discharge of water and save water; It is necessary to grasp the gas system, solve the problem of pressure machine, and plan and prepare in advance according to the overhaul plan of converter gas tank;

Third, to achieve the balance of power supply and distribution, ensure that rectification measures are implemented in place, and eliminate hidden dangers of high-voltage cable terminals; Formulate optimization plan for reducing heat loss of coking as soon as possible to ensure that the power generation per ton of coke reaches about 850 degrees; Further improve the efficiency of the generator set, balance the energy medium, and reduce the purchased power by 50%;

Fourth, we must continue to carry out cost reduction and efficiency improvement and employee care work, grasp the fine material flow to reduce waste, grasp the fine energy flow to save energy and reduce consumption, so that the concept of "saving a penny, increasing a share of profits" into the conscious action of cadres and workers. Do a good job of air conditioning maintenance, to cool the equipment at the same time also make the majority of workers in the hot summer to enjoy the refreshing cool;

Fifth, we should put the problems that need to be solved in place and implement them in place, and the functional departments and offices should clarify the time nodes, do not engage in forms and do not go through the motions, and ensure that the help results are truly reflected and effective.

Single-mindedly, to the end, and to the end. Jilin Xinda will continue to deeply implement the "four thousand" spirit of "traveling thousands of mountains and rivers, trying every possible means, saying thousands of words, eating thousands of hardships", adhere to the "front-line work method", on-site office to solve development problems, effectively face the problem, touch the problem, solve the problem, carefully analyze the crux of the problem, in-depth study of solutions, seize the key points, find the breakthrough, Actively solve problems, do the right medicine, precise force. Clear responsibilities and objectives, implement the responsibility to the individual, achieve closed-loop management of the rectification list, and promote the field office to become a vivid practice of great liberation of thought, great improvement of ability, great change of style, and great implementation of work!

Very view, often in danger, only struggle, can cross. Resistance may be in front of you, but the power is always behind you! Based on the present, believe in yourself, open a new bureau in the change. To believe that the more difficult the time, the more often the closest to success! All cadres and staff should continue to climb with vigorous upward tension, concerted efforts, practical hard work, and innovative vitality, achieve new breakthroughs in business performance, and bravely make new contributions to the realization of the Group's annual task goals!