Xinda launched the seventh batch of middle-level reserve cadres selection! On the development of heroes, based on achievements!

Xinda News

In order to improve the construction of the talent echelon, create a hiring orientation and working environment conducive to fair competition and standout of outstanding talents, according to the talent training plan, Hebei Xinda Group has recently carried out the selection of the seventh batch of middle-level reserve cadres, optimize the allocation of the group's middle-level management cadre team, and comprehensively revitalize the internal talent resources of the enterprise.

It is understood that the selection of middle-level reserve cadres is divided into three stages. First, in the registration and recommendation stage, the units directly under the Group and the companies carried out extensive publicity in accordance with the notice requirements issued by the Human Resources Planning Office of the Group's production and operation Management Center. After strict review by the human Resources Planning Department (Office) of each unit, a total of 51 second-level supervisors were included in the primary list. The second is the assessment and review stage, in accordance with the process of 360° democratic assessment, theoretical examination, interview and defense, the personnel who enter the preparatory list are strictly screened and screened. The third is the leadership approval stage, after political review, comprehensive evaluation and publicity links, and finally determine the seventh batch of middle-level reserve cadres.

01 Theory examination

The theory examination takes the form of closed paper, the content includes enterprise culture, daily management system, lean management foundation, basic management knowledge, etc., has the characteristics of wide coverage and prominent focus. In order to seriously discipline the examination room and ensure fairness and justice, Hebei Xinda Group Supervision and Audit Committee Administrative supervision Office, the Northeast regional supervision and audit office personnel to supervise the entire exam. In the 2-hour answer process, we strictly abide by the exam discipline, serious and serious answer, the examination room is orderly and standardized, to achieve the purpose and effect of promoting learning by examination, training by examination, and evaluation by examination.

02 Interview and defense

Under the review of group leaders and company leaders, the interview and defense were carried out in batches and orderly. The interviewees first focus on their own work, in the form of PPT presentation, including self-introduction, job responsibilities, work performance, shortcomings, future work planning and so on. The acceptance review team is free to ask questions based on professional and management knowledge. According to the on-site performance of the interviewees, the comprehensive consideration of professional quality, organization and coordination, communication and expression, job matching degree and other aspects of scoring, as well as the need to improve the work and put forward opinions and requirements, and truly have the ability, courage and dare to act to enrich the middle-level reserve cadre team.

The selection of middle-level reserve cadres is an important carrier to enrich the construction of cadre team. Since 2017, the Group has selected 204 middle-level reserve cadres in six batches. Through planned and organized training and training, 52 middle-level reserve cadres have been promoted to middle-level management cadres. Starting from the strategy of talent strong enterprise, the group has formulated a two-year training plan and regularly organizes training every month. The training topics mainly focus on team building, quality development, management tools, management skills, production technology and other aspects, hiring domestic well-known lecturers to teach. According to the course content, on-site lectures, homework, knowledge competitions, symposiums and theoretical examinations are carried out in stages to gradually improve the comprehensive quality of middle-level reserve cadres, and strive to build a high-quality talent echelon who understand business, can manage and have integrity.

Personnel training

We will deepen curriculum reform and improve the teaching system

According to the basic needs of enterprise management, the Group has established and improved the training and development mechanism for middle-level reserve cadres, established relevant systematic courses, and matched internal training instructors, which are carried out alternately in two stages.

In the basic stage, in terms of personal quality, we focus on improving students' personal quality and management ability. Through quality courses such as "Efficient Meeting", "Communication Art and Technology", "Factory loss Analysis and cost Control", "Common management Tools" and outdoor expansion projects, we enhance students' personal charisma, will, image, communication, self-management and other abilities and cultivate mature minds; In terms of basic management, through a series of courses such as "Leadership", "Excellent Team Execution" and "Problem Analysis and Solution", students are gradually cultivated in planning, leadership, control, coordination, strategy, problem solving, thinking innovation and team leadership.

In the advanced stage, an "action learning" project is set up every two months according to the course content in the form of actual combat, that is, the team will complete the project, overcome the topic, solve the practical problems in the work as the starting point, arrange practical tasks, and implement "action learning" in the actual project.

Personnel training

Optimize the system process and improve the quality and effectiveness of training

In the whole training program, strict implementation of the new team system, mentor system, points system. In the team construction system, a special topic group for training and learning of reserve cadres is set up. Before the monthly training starts, the knowledge points and problems related to the training theme are integrated into the class. Finally, two groups are randomly selected for follow-up investigation and acceptance. In the tutor system, according to the training tasks and personal goals, the lecturer of the month will serve as the tutor to provide relevant guidance and assistance, and improve the trainees' personal business management ability in solving various professional or management practical problems; In the points system, according to the learning tasks at each stage, improve the daily assessment points, strictly assess the scores and performances of students, and record them, and set up standardized student file management as an objective and reliable basis for future promotion.

Middle-level reserve is the hard strategy of enterprise management, but also the soft capital of enterprise long-term development. Hebei Xinda Group strengthens the application of selection and assessment results, so that promising people have a place, capable people can go on, and excellent people have priority, and truly achieve the development of heroes and achievements. Build a platform, build a channel, "help one, send a journey", through the whole process of talent "introduction, education, use and retention", improve the talent training system, establish a reserve cadre talent pool with good quality, complete professionalism, sufficient quantity and reasonable structure, and form a reserve cadre team of different industrial sectors, different professional fields and different management levels. Let the talents in the new journey to let go of hard work, in the vast world to show their brilliance, for the comprehensive construction of good efficiency, excellent quality, environmental beauty, cultural prosperity, people and enterprises and new Xinda, open a new chapter of all-round green high-quality development and make unremitting efforts!