Yang Wei, chairman of Bensteel Group, led a team to carry out technical exchanges with SMS in the H₂GS project

On June 20, local time, Yang Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Bensteel Group, led a team to visit Sweden's H₂GS (H₂ Green Steel hydrogen-based green steel plant) project, and carried out technical docking and in-depth exchanges with SMS (Ximark) relevant technicians.

In recent years, Bensteel Group adhering to the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing", earnestly fulfilling its social responsibility, vigorously promoting cleaner production and environmental protection, vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, and has eliminated and reformed a large number of backward process equipment. At the same time, we continue to optimize the process flow, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, innovate the use of low-carbon technologies, eliminate backward production capacity, adjust the industrial structure, and build the ecological environment, and become the backbone of the green and low-carbon fields such as comprehensive environmental management, ultra-low emission transformation, extreme energy efficiency promotion, and resource recycling of Angang Group.

The Swedish H₂GS project was established in 2020 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with process technology provided by SMS. The project adopts full hydrogen smelting and electric furnace steelmaking technology, and the first phase of the project includes a reduction tower and two electric furnaces, with a designed annual capacity of 3.4 million tons. The second phase of the project includes a reduction tower and an electric furnace with a designed annual capacity of 2.1 million tons. The subsequent units include continuous rolling, cold rolling, continuous return, hood return, galvanizing, ACL, etc. The main production of automotive high-strength steel and automotive exterior plate and other products, plans to use full electric furnace smelting production process, the whole process of tons of steel power consumption of 4000 to 5000 KWH, and the steel process of electricity is all "green electricity". The investment and construction of the project is the first large-scale green smelting project in Sweden that adopts full-process carbon reduction technology. Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 95% compared to traditional steelmaking processes, which will produce 5 million tons of green steel per year by 2030 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 0.3 million tons by 2040.

During the exchange, Yang Wei praised the investment and construction of the project, and SMS has always been committed to the cutting-edge technology of the iron and steel metallurgy industry and actively promoted the clean and green smelting process. Yang Wei pointed out that in recent years, Bensteel Group has continuously increased the upgrading of equipment, adhere to the green low-carbon, intelligent and efficient development concept, which is highly consistent with the development concept and direction of the H₂GS project. It is hoped that SMS will grasp the general trend of development, actively carry out technical docking and exchanges with each other, and contribute to jointly promoting green development and promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature.