Hebei Iron and Steel Industry Digital Transformation Alliance was established to create a benchmark for the national steel industry digital transformation

On June 18, the "Hebei Iron and Steel Industry Digital Transformation Alliance Establishment Conference" sponsored by Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, China Unicom Smart Steel Team, Hebei Bank Co., LTD., co-organized by Metallurgical Industry Economic Development Research Center and Kingdee Software (China) Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. At the meeting, the Hebei Iron and steel industry digital transformation Alliance was unveiled and established, and the leading organization of the alliance was elected.

The picture shows the site of the conference.

Zhang Haideng, Deputy Director of the Raw Material Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Luo Tiejun, Vice president of the China Iron and Steel Association, Fu Zhenbo, Party Secretary and Director of the Hebei Department of Industry and Information Technology, Fan Tiejun, president of the Metallurgical Planning Institute, Zhang Chunhui, Party Secretary and General manager of China Unicom Hebei Branch, and Mei Aibin, Party Secretary and chairman of the Bank of Hebei, attended the event and delivered speeches. Mr. Gan Yong, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and former Vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Mr. Zheng Zhiming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former Vice president of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, respectively made presentations on the topics of "Some Thoughts on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Iron and Steel Industry" and "SCLembAI- Cross-scale System Intelligence". More than 300 people from municipal industry and information technology bureaus in Hebei Province and representatives of iron and steel enterprises, universities, research institutes and technology suppliers participated in the event.

According to the meeting, the alliance is under the guidance of the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and was initiated by the Metallurgical Planning Institute, China Unicom Smart Steel Team and Kingdee Software (China) Co., LTD., Bank of Hebei Co., LTD. The meeting elected Metallurgical Planning Institute as the chairman unit, China Unicom Smart Steel Team as the executive vice chairman unit, Kingdee Software (China) Co., LTD., China Mobile Communications Group Co., LTD. Hebei Branch, Beihang University Future Blockchain and Privacy Computing Advanced Innovation Center, Bank of Hebei Co., LTD., as the vice chairman units. Zhou Xiang, assistant president of the Metallurgical Planning Institute, serves as the secretary general of the alliance, He Wei, head of the Smart Steel Corps of China Unicom, serves as the executive secretary of the alliance, Fu Zhibin, general manager of the steel Division of Hebei Province Company of Hebei Province, and Liu Boyu, general manager of Kingdee Software (China) Co., LTD., serves as the deputy secretary general of the Alliance. The Assembly reviewed and voted to adopt the Constitution of the Alliance.

The meeting revealed that in the next step, the alliance will create a number of steel digital pilot enterprises, select a number of high-quality promotion and application scenarios, form a number of efficient digital transformation solution suppliers, cultivate a number of high-level industry intelligent manufacturing talent team, and jointly promote the digital transformation of Hebei Province's steel industry.

Zhang Haideng said in his speech that the digital transformation of China's steel industry is in an important window period, and as the largest province of steel, taking the lead in establishing the digital transformation alliance fully reflects the responsibility of Hebei Province. He suggested that the alliance strengthen the coordination of work, give play to the advantages of industry experts, timely analyze and evaluate the major problems facing the digital transformation of the steel industry, strengthen the promotion and application of innovation results, and provide strong support for the government's scientific decision-making and enterprise innovation. At the same time, it is hoped that the member units of the alliance will strengthen exchanges, mutual inspiration, co-construction and sharing, carry out all-round docking and cooperation in technology, business and talent, jointly promote Hebei's steel industry to create a benchmark for digital transformation in the country, and promote the national steel industry to accelerate high-quality development.

Luo Tiejun pointed out that intelligent manufacturing in China's steel industry is moving from the demonstration and promotion stage to the in-depth stage of popularization and development. The establishment of Hebei Iron and Steel Industry digital transformation Alliance is a new model, will create an integration force for the intelligent manufacturing industry chain of Hebei iron and steel industry, a good mechanism for benign cooperation, for the realization of Hebei iron and steel industry high-end, intelligent, green coordinated development has far-reaching significance. He put forward the following suggestions for the work of the alliance: First, we should continuously improve the independent innovation ability of intelligent manufacturing to ensure that the intelligent manufacturing industry chain and supply chain are safe and controllable; Second, expand the breadth and depth of intelligent manufacturing demonstration and pilot; Third, accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing industrial system; Fourth, we should strengthen the construction of new infrastructure for intelligent manufacturing, and realize the integration and development of new technologies such as cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence with the steel industry and promote each other.

Fu Zhenbo said that at a time when digitalization has become an important starting point for Hebei's steel industry to improve quality and efficiency and open a new journey of high-quality development, the establishment of the alliance is timely. Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology will rely on the alliance to accelerate the application of 5G, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and other technologies in the steel industry, promote the improvement of enterprise management, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and accelerate the promotion of "intelligent transformation". He expected the alliance to play a leading role in integrating superior resources, strengthening digital empowerment, and optimizing the steel industry to inject new impetus and vitality into the process of industrial digital transformation in Hebei Province. Hebei Department of Industry and Information Technology will, as always, do a good job in service and give full support.

Gan Yong believes that one of the important signs of the high-quality development of the steel industry is to be digital and intelligent. The digital transformation of Hebei's iron and steel industry has made certain achievements in the past few years, but the problems such as lagging digital infrastructure construction, imperfect data management system, intelligent production level to be improved, imperfect security measures, lack of talents and insufficient training cannot be ignored. He suggested that the Hebei Iron and Steel Industry Digital Transformation Alliance accelerate the digital development process of Hebei iron and steel industry by promoting the digital transformation process, creating a digital platform, formulating digital transformation standards, strengthening the training of digital talents, and strengthening international exchanges and cooperation.

China Unicom Hebei branch and Hebei Bank also made a statement as the initiator of the alliance. Zhang Chunhui pointed out that China Unicom Hebei Branch will actively play the advantages of institutional mechanisms, unique resources, practical experience and other three aspects, create a new paradigm of integrated services, broaden new dimensions of win-win cooperation, explore new scenarios of transformation and upgrading, and contribute to the digital transformation of the steel industry. Mei Aibin said that the Bank of Hebei will practice the alliance's theme of "uniting the industry's digital power to hope for high-quality development of steel", actively participate in the affairs of the alliance, and contribute financial strength to the development of Hebei's steel industry by increasing financial support and providing a full set of financial services.

Under the witness of the leaders and guests, Jinan Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., Huawei Technologies Co., LTD., Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute signed the "three-body" intelligent manufacturing cooperation agreement and Tangshan Ganglu Iron and Steel Co., LTD. Energy management system upgrading project agreement; Inspur Industrial Internet Co., Ltd. and the Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute signed a research cooperation agreement on the application technology of digital intelligence in the steel industry; China Unicom Hebei Branch signed strategic cooperation agreements with Xinji Aosent Steel Group Co., LTD., Jingye Steel Co., LTD. Bank of Hebei Co., Ltd. and Hesteel Digital signed a strategic cooperation agreement; China Mobile Communications Group Hebei Co., Ltd. signed a 5G business cooperation agreement with Shougang Jingtang.

The meeting also organized a round table dialogue session. Li Tieke, tenured professor and doctoral supervisor of University of Science and Technology Beijing; Fan Ji 'an, Chief Scientist of Big Data of China Unicom Group; Liu Wenyuan, Professor of Yanshan University and Vice President of Hebei Information Industry and Informatization Association; Shen Pei, General manager of Hegang Digital Technology Co., LTD. Six representatives from the steel industry digital transformation industry chain, including Dong Huijun, vice president of Jinan Iron and Steel Group, and Chen Yinxu, president of Huawei Coal Mine Corps integrated service and delivery operation, discussed the necessity and urgency of digital transformation of the steel industry, transformation path and experience, and talent team training ideas. The round table dialogue was chaired by Zhou Xiang, Assistant President of the Metallurgical Planning Institute.

Representatives from Metallurgical Industry Economic Development Research Center, Hebei University of Technology, Angang Group Development Research Institute, Delong Iron and Steel Group Lingxiao Internet Company, Kingdee Software (China) Co., LTD., Bank of Hebei, Future Blockchain and Privacy Computing Beijing Advanced Innovation Center made a theme exchange.

At the same time, the "Hebei Steel Industry Integration Evaluation Report (2022)" and "Zhailian Steel Cloud" were released. On the afternoon of the same day, the Hebei iron and steel industry digital transformation promotion meeting was also held.