Simulated gas leak poisoning fire! Xinda Emergency Management Center actual combat sword, mission must reach!

The real combat sword, the mission will reach

June 2023 is the 22nd national "Safety Production Month", in order to test the scientific, pertinence and operability of the company's comprehensive emergency plans, comprehensively improve the emergency response ability and actual combat level in response to emergencies, and create a strong atmosphere of "everyone speaks safety and everyone will respond to emergencies". Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. organized a comprehensive emergency rescue drill for 2023 Production safety month.

Location: Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD

The emergency rescue exercise of hot air and gas pipeline leakage fire accident was carried out in Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Zhu Zhenge, captain of the second Squadron of Qian 'an Emergency Management Bureau, Li Lailing, deputy general manager of production of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. attended the drill.

Minister of Security Li Jingbing made a mobilization speech, he pointed out that it is necessary to build defense with "performance" and prepare for war with "training", test the scientific, pertinence and operability of comprehensive emergency plans, and the ability of emergency response, coordination and command, and on-site disposal of participants, so as to accumulate experience in handling emergencies. The participating employees are required to take it seriously, cooperate closely, strict procedures, and devote themselves to actual combat exercises to provide a strong security guarantee for the successful completion of the company's annual production and operation objectives.

Simulated field

At 10 am, Commander Li Lailing announced the start of the drill. In a simulated blast furnace hot air gas pipeline with severe corrosion and leakage of water and water, three maintenance workers received the work order to pack and repair welding work on the leak point, and a mutual insurance personnel to monitor. During the welding process, due to serious pipeline corrosion, the leak point suddenly expanded, and the handheld detector gave a drop alarm and failed to stop work in time to evacuate the site, resulting in gas poisoning. Another maintenance worker was injured in the right arm when he evacuated, and one person was trapped on the site. At this time, the welding clamp of the welding machine reached the ignition point temperature, causing a fire. Caused gas leakage poisoning fire accident.

Rescue scene

Mutual insurance personnel find abnormal situation quickly evacuate and notify the main control personnel, immediately after receiving the alarm to rescue the poisoned personnel, and report to the workshop and factory department step by step. After receiving the notice, Li Wei, assistant director of the factory, immediately notified the alarm personnel to pay attention to their own protection, look at the wind direction, issued blast furnace wind reduction, cut off the gas, ordered the start of the branch level emergency rescue plan, rescue group, logistics support group immediately to the scene, and evacuate the scene personnel.

At this time, the rescue workers of the branch transferred the poisoned personnel and the injured personnel to the safe area and carried out on-site rescue, and the injured personnel described that "the fire of the three-floor platform is large, and the safe passage is blocked, and one person is trapped." After receiving the notice, Li Lailing, deputy general manager of production, immediately launched the company-level emergency rescue plan, Ⅱ level response and disposal, and made all emergency preparations. After receiving the order, the Ministry of Security, the Ministry of Security, the coal station and other relevant units quickly set up an emergency rescue command team to rush to the scene of the accident, the personnel of the coal station arrived at the scene to assist in rescue, do cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the victim, the right arm hemostasis bandage, and carry the poisoned person to the ambulance to the hospital.

The emergency management center firefighters rushed to the scene, the rescue vehicle and the 8-ton water tank fire extinguishing vehicle made emergency preparations, the combatants analyzed the scene situation, and expanded the warning scope of the scene with the cooperation of the branch guard personnel. The security Department implemented traffic control on the main road leading to the accident site, set up the warning area, pulled up the warning line, and evacuated the personnel in the dangerous area. Due to the large fire, the safe passage to the three-storey platform was blocked, through the judgment of the scene environment and fire form, the fire extinguishing group, demolition group and rescue group were immediately set up, after the coordination of the groups, the fire on the scene has been extinguished, the trapped personnel have been successfully rescued, the accident point has been repaired, the gas leakage situation is controlled, and the CO content in the warning area has been reduced to the normal range. The whole process was tense and orderly, and the drill ended successfully.

Leadership comments

At the end of the drill, Li Lailing, deputy general manager of production, commented on the drill, pointing out that the drill process instructions were accurate, and the organization and coordination were orderly. Through the successful drill of comprehensive emergency rescue, the scientific and practical of the company's accident emergency plan has been verified, the company's accident emergency rescue ability and the coordination and combat ability of relevant departments have been tested, the team has been trained, the practical experience of drill rescue has been accumulated, and the safety awareness, responsibility awareness and overall awareness of the majority of cadres and workers have been further improved. In the future work, we should be more careful to do a good job of safety prevention and supervision, prevent small problems from growing, make great efforts to consolidate the safety responsibility of the post, firmly grasp the double-edged sword of risk control and risk investigation and management, and build a solid safety foundation for the healthy development of the company.

Security Minister Li Jingbing made comments, pointing out that when dealing with sudden gas leakage fire accidents, the top priority is to protect their own safety. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze and judge all kinds of unsafe factors on the scene of gas leakage fire to prevent blind rescue leading to secondary accidents. Each employee is required to firmly grasp the knowledge of fire safety, the use of fire facilities, understand the correct emergency rescue, to ensure that the first time after the occurrence of fire accidents can be accurately reported, timely and correct disposal, and effectively protect the safety of workers and company property.

Location: Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., LTD

Simulated field

The emergency rescue drill for gas leakage of the blind valve group of transbroiler was carried out in the steel plant of Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., LTD. At 10:00 a.m., the blind plate of the trans-baking device of the simulated steel converter suddenly loosened the gas leakage, resulting in gas poisoning of a worker who was being inspected, and a pipeline fire occurred, which ignited the thermal insulation facilities of the workshop roof. On-site personnel found abnormal situations, immediately report the accident to the company's dispatch room and quickly organize personnel to wear protective equipment to rescue the injured, the company's production safety accident emergency rescue commander Li Jingbing announced the start of the accident emergency plan.

Rescue scene

After receiving the instructions of the factory, the dispatching room immediately notified the emergency rescue team of the factory, and organized personnel to arrive at the scene with rescue materials within 3 minutes. After the personnel arrived, the accident emergency scene command Xing Baoming issued emergency instructions. The emergency rescue team should wear air breathing apparatus, search and rescue the poisoned personnel, and carry the poisoned personnel away from the accident scene and rescue them. The accident scene warning group shall set up a warning and isolation belt 100 meters away from the accident scene to implement martial law to prevent personnel from straying into the wrong place.

The emergency response team rushed to the scene of the accident to find out the gas leak and ignition point, and repaired the leak point after scientific fire extinguishing, and confirmed the safety of the emergency repair effect. The logistics support team immediately contacted the company's environmental safety department and the ambulance was waiting at the blind plate of the steel converter across the oven to transport the wounded. In the drill, the teams cooperated, the operation was standardized, and all links were completed in one go. Finally, the fire at the blind plate was extinguished, the poisoned personnel were not in danger, the gas detection was normal, and the drill task was completed safely and efficiently.

Everything for the actual combat, everything for the actual combat! Comprehensive emergency plan exercise is an important activity of Xinda's "Safety Production Month", an important way to test whether the operation and support ability of the emergency rescue system is fast, orderly and efficient, and an important means to strengthen the skill training of rescue teams and improve the quality of emergency rescue personnel. Further enhance the company's ability to deal with emergencies, comprehensive command, rapid response, emergency handling and coordination. In the next step, the subsidiaries of Hebei Xinda Group will keep the alarm bell ringing, strengthen the training and management of emergency rescue teams, so that they can be summoned, can fight, and can win, carry the safety responsibility with the heart of awe, make every effort to implement the main responsibility of safety production, and escort the safe and stable production of Xinda!