Heavyweight! The Hebei Rongxin Steel Capacity Reduction, Replacement, Transformation and Upgrade Project has been completed and put into operation!

Recently, the steel production capacity reduction, replacement, transformation and upgrading project of Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., Ltd. was successfully put into operation! The bright red molten iron, accompanied by the loud sound of firecrackers, poured into the converter. Under the command of the general manager, the converter smoothly turned on oxygen for ignition, and a raging fire ignited inside the furnace. The steel workers in the operation room closely monitor the data screen, while the furnace workers and alloy workers operate accurately. After the blowing is completed, the pouring, temperature measurement, and sampling smoothly meet the tapping conditions, the steel composition is qualified, and the continuous casting is started normally. The first batch of molten steel was successfully cast into qualified billets, during which the converter operated normally!

The smooth operation of the steel production capacity reduction, replacement, transformation and upgrading project of Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. marks the further strengthening of the industrial chain resilience of Hebei Xinda Group, the continuous improvement of digitalization and intelligence levels, and the advancement of comprehensive capabilities such as environmental protection and governance to advanced levels in the industry!

Leaders including Wang Bao, General Manager of the Production and Operation Management Center of Hebei Xinda Group and General Manager of Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., Ltd., Wei Gang, General Manager of the Group Engineering Management Center, Jia Zhanjun, Deputy Secretary of the Group Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Production and Operation Management Center, Liu Zuodong, Deputy General Manager of Equipment of Hebei Xinda Steel Group Co., Ltd., Ma Yuyou, Deputy General Manager of Production of Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., Ltd., and Yuan Xuejun, Deputy General Manager of Equipment, attended the site for guidance, The functional departments of the group company, the leaders in charge of the production plant, and representatives of the construction unit jointly witnessed this historic and milestone moment.

At the ceremony, Wang Bao expressed heartfelt gratitude to leaders and builders at all levels who cared about and supported the project construction, and emphasized that the smooth operation of this project is an important achievement in deeply implementing the "Five Five Year Strategic Development Three Step Plan" of Hebei Xinda Group, adhering to the concept of high-quality development, accelerating capacity replacement, promoting transformation and upgrading, and promoting the green and high-quality development of the group. Rongxin Steel will take this opportunity and momentum to fully demonstrate its responsibility and responsibility on the journey of Xinda's grand development blueprint. With higher morale, we will explore new paths, improve efficiency, and create new achievements for Xinda's high-quality green development!

▲ Liu Guojun, the director of the steelmaking plant, presided over the ceremony

Since the commencement of the project, in the face of severe challenges such as complex processes, large quantities, multi unit and multi specialty operations, and tight schedule requirements, the leaders of the Group and functional departments have firmly adhered to the goal of transformation and development, and firmly adhered to Innovation management. The project management department has made scientific planning and precise implementation. The participating units have worked together, fought hard, and the steelmaking plant has been involved in the whole process, which has helped ensure the steady progress of the project construction, Ensure that the project is completed and put into operation on schedule.

It is understood that Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s steel production capacity reduction, replacement, transformation and upgrading project modernizes the technological level. Following the design concept of "modernization of process, high-efficiency of process, and optimization of benefits", the project adopts new technologies, processes, and equipment that are "advanced, reasonable, safe, and economical". The main process flow of the steelmaking system is: blast furnace molten iron - top and bottom combined blowing converter - ladle argon blowing - continuous casting machine - finished steel billet. The converter steelmaking workshop adopts a full continuous casting production process, We have built an efficient, low-cost, and high-quality clean steel production system based on a dynamic precision production system, and the workshop has reached the advanced level in the same industry in China.

Rationalization of spatial layout. Adhere to adapting measures to local conditions, make good use of and revitalize land assets, and utilize the characteristics of the site to layout the main steelmaking plant and public auxiliary facilities, while meeting the requirements of reasonable process layout and smooth material flow, to maximize the utilization rate of land resources.

Intensification of project management. Strictly control project investment, optimize the design of factory buildings and main equipment, and base the selection of process technology and equipment on advanced domestic principles. Under the premise of ensuring smooth process flow and safe production operation, combined with our own level of process technology and equipment and product characteristics, we will conduct system optimization and exploration to achieve the best combination of overall construction, process maintenance, product quality and cost.

Green production process. According to the goal positioning of "environmental priority and green development" and the concept of circular economy and clean production, the project fully adopts the most advanced environmental protection technology in China: the converter primary dust removal system adopts dry dust removal technology, ensuring that the primary dust removal meets the highest environmental protection level requirements, and optimizing water resource consumption and gas recovery and utilization; The dust removal fan motor adopts a low-speed variable frequency fan to ensure further reduction of power consumption while meeting environmental requirements; The steel slag treatment uses a hot slagging process to ensure the maximum reduction of water resource consumption and solid waste pollution; Adopting processes such as steel tank insulation to minimize process energy consumption. Promote and apply clean production technology, strive to achieve resource utilization and harmless disposal of waste, and adopt effective treatment measures for waste gas, wastewater, noise, and fixed waste generated during the production process, ensuring that all types of emissions exceed the relevant national and local standards.

Intelligent device operation. The project highlights intelligent manufacturing and continues to promote the deep integration of new generation information and communication technology with steel process, operation technology, and operation management in accordance with the upgrade route of "informatization, modeling, and intelligence". We have built a full process digital production command and coordination system based on a fully automated information transmission system, creating intelligent manufacturing units, intelligent production lines, and digital workshops. We aim to build a first-class intelligent smelting factory in the industry, improve product quality, reduce raw material and power consumption in the workshop, and develop towards a direction of fewer people and unmanned production.

The raging fire reflects a new journey of struggle, and Xinda people are steadfast in their steps and have doubled their strength! The successful transformation and upgrading project of Hebei Rongxin Steel's production capacity reduction, replacement, and transformation has accumulated a solid foundation for sustainable development, forming a good atmosphere for restarting the journey, and ushering in the best period of transformation and leap!

To start is to run, to start is to sprint! Hebei Xinda Group will consolidate its leading position in the steel industry, take the project production as an opportunity, continue to maintain a hundred times the momentum of accelerating the start and rapid development, quickly achieve production and efficiency standards, leverage new advantages in the production line, promote the upgrading of product structure to high-end, intelligent, and green, and achieve new leaps in efficiency, efficiency, and efficiency. Based on the advantages, seize the opportunities, make greater progress in building a modern steel industry system with moderate scale, advanced equipment, diversified products, reasonable layout, first-class environmental protection, and efficient management, show greater achievements in building a regional hundred billion level steel enterprise, and make Xinda contributions to the high-quality development of China Steel's steel industry!