All hands on deck order! Xinda deployment launched 2023 "Safe Production Month" activity!

Xinda News

June this year is the 22nd National "Safe Production Month", the theme of this activity is "Everyone speak safety, everyone will respond to emergencies". In order to further strengthen the safety awareness of employees and continuously improve the essential safety level of equipment and facilities, on June 2, Hebei Xinda Steel Group Co., Ltd. and Hebei Rongxin Steel Co., Ltd. held the "Safety Production Month" activity launch conference. Jia Zhanjun, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Xinda Group and deputy general manager of Production operation Management Center and other leaders attended the meeting. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Minister of Security Li Jingbing presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Wang Baoxiang, vice minister of the safety department of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., reported the company's safety work summary, including the completion of safety production goals from January to May, the performance evaluation of each unit's safety responsibilities, safety education and training, safety activities of the team, rotating safety officer activities, hidden trouble investigation and management, three violations of the behavior inspection, Remote vulnerable positions, insecure personnel management, emergency drills, inspection and maintenance and outsourced construction safety management, matters needing attention, key work of production safety in June, and read out the activity plan of production safety month.

Leadership speech

In view of the "Safe Production Month" activity, Li Jingbing, head of the safety department of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. said that first, it is widely launched to improve the safety awareness and safety skills of all staff. All units should publicize and implement in place, continue to establish the safety red line awareness and safety concept, actively create a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in the safety development, carry out the "safety production month" activities solidly and effectively, continue to improve the safety production performance, and constantly improve the essential safety management level of enterprises.

Second, highlight the theme of activities and implement the plan. All units should closely around the theme of "everyone speaks safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", work hard, pay attention to actual results, do not go through the motions, do not make a show, to ensure that all activities are implemented in place, effective implementation.

The third is to carry out the "safe production month" activities and normalization work closely. Each unit should take the "summer four prevention" work as the primary task to do well, find problems as soon as possible to solve; Heavy maintenance task in June, the inspection and maintenance, the safety management of the relevant parties as a recent important work to grasp; We will comprehensively promote the investigation and rectification of major accident hazards, effectively find a number of hazards and rectify a number of hazards. Conscientiously carry out the accident review, implement the basic operation system on site, and ensure the effectiveness of the activities.

"I swear: strictly abide by the production safety laws and regulations, strengthen the red line consciousness and the bottom line thinking, fulfill the safety responsibility of the post, pay attention to the safety of the operation, care for the lives of employees, dare to fight against all violations of rules and regulations, illegal behavior, to be a qualified 'Xinda safety person'." The participants raised their right fists to take a solemn oath.

The person in charge of some units have made a statement, said that in strict accordance with the "production safety month" activity deployment, with greater efforts, more effective measures, effectively prevent all kinds of accidents, to promote the stable development of enterprise production safety work to make a positive contribution.

Leadership speech

Jia Zhanjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group and deputy general manager of the production and operation Management Center, arranged and deployed the work of production safety. First, the division of responsibilities was clearly defined and implemented item by item. The Ministry of Security, together with the Human Resources Planning Department, revised the members and responsibilities of the Safety Committee of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., LTD.

Second, we will put management in place and implement the production safety responsibility system. Give full play to the role of the head and tail of the soldiers. The middle-level leaders should understand and grasp safety, pass on the safety concept layer by layer, and implement the safety management system to the very end. Each branch factory should assume the main responsibility of safety production, enhance the initiative of safety management, and focus on improving management efficiency.

Third, we will manage risks in key equipment and key regions. Any work should be done well in risk assessment, focusing on the safety work of inspection and maintenance of each branch plant in June, as well as the management of moving vehicles, cross operation and insecure people. The safety closed-loop control chain is tightened for key parts such as high-altitude operation, energy medium, power supply system, equipment and facilities, high temperature area and gas area of the steel making project of Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel Co., LTD., and all safety tasks are thoroughly connected and implemented in place.

Fourth, correct treatment of occupational disease physical examination. Timely grasp the health status of workers, do a good job of health monitoring work, to achieve early prevention, early detection, early treatment, to protect the safety and health of workers.

Fifth, enhance the safety management ability of the team and build efficient safety team. Implement the security interconnection and mutual insurance system for employees, and mutual insurance personnel timely remind and stop violations. Middle-level leaders should go deep into the front line to participate in team meetings and start safety education activities face to face.

Sixth, put an end to formalism in safety management. By carrying out a series of "Safety Production Month" activities, such as safety knowledge contest, emergency rescue skills contest, safety hidden danger investigation, emergency drill, safety speech contest, etc., to promote all staff to learn safety, understand safety and be able to be safe, and effectively achieve the purpose of enhancing staff's sense of safety responsibility and safety awareness.

Seventh, the implementation of various safety precautions, and do a fine job of safety management. Resolutely stop all kinds of illegal command, illegal operation and violation of labor discipline behavior, curb the occurrence of safety accidents, if accidents, serious handling.

Finally, the participants signed on the banner of "Safe Production Month", indicating the determination of safe production, promising to strictly abide by the safety system and operating procedures, and promote the company's safe production situation to continue stable and good.

To grasp security is to grasp development, and to grasp development must grasp security. Each company will implement the decisions and deployment made at the meeting, take the "Safety production Month" activity as an opportunity, overall development and safety, with strict and strict, fine and fine, solid measures, so that each level, each system, each unit, each position to fulfill their responsibilities, forming a new safety management mode of full participation, everyone self-check, step by step. Firmly grasp the "initiative" of safety development, tighten the "responsibility chain" of safety development, truly implement the responsibility of production safety, control safety risks and control accident hidden dangers in place, promote the level of production safety, promote the "everyone speaks safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", and ensure the overall safety, intrinsic safety and long-term safety of the group!