An on-site conference on energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas was held

"The iron and steel industry is pushing forward the energy efficiency benchmarking three-year campaign, extreme energy efficiency project and other key work, let us see the steel industry through the 'three lists, two standards, one system' to lead the practice and responsibility of green and low-carbon development." On May 25, the Department of Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Department of Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology co-sponsored the National key areas of energy conservation and carbon reduction work site meeting was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Relevant leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission affirmed the results of the energy conservation and carbon reduction work in the steel industry.

Director General of the Department of Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission Lu Sanitary, Director General of the Department of Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Huang Libin and other leaders attended the meeting. More than 100 people from relevant ministries and commissions, industry associations, financial institutions, relevant central enterprises, as well as local departments of development and reform, economy and information technology attended the meeting. Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission department deputy director Gong Zhen Zhi chaired the meeting.

At the meeting, relevant leaders from Zhejiang, Shandong, Sichuan, Shanghai and other places exchanged experience on energy conservation and carbon reduction practices in key areas. The People's Bank of China responsible person carried on the financial policy interpretation. Zhang Yongjie, executive director of China Iron and Steel Association and director of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environmental Protection, and other representatives of the industry association made a keynote speech on energy conservation and carbon reduction in various industries, which was affirmed by the leaders of relevant ministries and commissions.

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, China has made solid progress in energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas. First, a policy system has taken shape. We have initially established a policy system that uses energy efficiency to guide green and low-carbon development. We have defined our work objectives and detailed key tasks and implementation paths. 2) Solid progress was made in basic work. To organize research on green low-carbon transformation and optimization and upgrading paths in key areas; We will review the typical practices of local and corporate energy conservation and carbon reduction. We urged and guided all parties to carry out the work of "clearing the single plan". 3) Implementation of key projects was accelerated. On the one hand, we systematically reviewed advanced and mature technologies and equipment in key areas for energy conservation and carbon reduction, as well as key projects for upgrading and upgrading, and supported a number of key enterprises in carrying out technological upgrading for energy conservation and carbon reduction. On the other hand, focusing on key green and low-carbon technologies, a joint innovation mechanism for industrial green and low-carbon development has been initially established, with leading enterprises as the guide and participation of upstream and downstream enterprises, universities and institutions. Fourth, local governments have their own characteristics. The specific performance is in strengthening overall planning and comprehensive promotion, strengthening energy efficiency investigation, building demonstration benchmarks, carrying out energy audit, strengthening energy saving diagnosis and other aspects. Fifth, the departments work together effectively. By strengthening coordination and cooperation with relevant departments, we will promote the development of market-oriented and law-based fiscal, taxation, financial, pricing and standards systems, leverage the joint efforts of various parties, accelerate the establishment and improvement of a green and low-carbon policy system, and help implement energy conservation and carbon reduction upgrading.

During the meeting, participants visited 6 key enterprises in Ningbo including Ningbo Iron and Steel to learn about the progress of energy conservation and carbon reduction work of these enterprises. During the visit and research of Ningsteel, accompanied by Qu Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Ningsteel, participants visited the Smart Control Center of Ningsteel and the site of smart blast furnace, and listened to reports on energy-saving and carbon reduction measures, energy-saving and carbon reduction work and the establishment of benchmarking enterprises in process energy consumption, industrial digitalization and technological innovation of Ningsteel. Fully affirmed Ningsteel in the green and low-carbon development of achievements.