Xinda adds a new landmark! Two 80 meters high "blue and white porcelain" rose from the ground!

The sky is blue and the rain is misty

And I'm waiting for you...

In Hebei Xinda Group multi departments, units

Cooperate with and fully implement

Two 80-meter-high "blue and white porcelain" rose from the ground

Become a "new landmark" of Xinda

May 22, following the completion of the main spray painting project, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Energy power plant 110MW sub-critical power generation area of two cooling towers beautification project successfully ended. "We have 12 people on site, starting at 7am and finishing at 6pm every day. During the construction period, under the test of strong convection weather, wind and sun, and high temperature, after 36 days, the painting project was successfully completed under the condition of quality, quantity and safety."

Two 80 meters high cooling towers, transformed into a classic symbol of the Chinese wind of the giant "blue and white porcelain", standing in the sub-critical scenic area, not only beautify the factory, but also enhance the corporate image, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel to add two very Jiangnan characteristics, show the corporate culture of the "new landmark", let the national AAA level tourist scenic Xinda Iron and Steel Industrial Park tourism card more dazzling.

Appreciate the giant "blue and white porcelain", product tower body culture

Located in the energy power plant 110MW sub-critical power generation area of two 3000 square meters cooling tower, is an important water saving facility of Xinda ultra-high temperature sub-critical gas power generation project, because of its appearance similar to the mathematical graph in the hyperbolic graph, so this kind of tower is usually called hyperbolic cooling tower, and because of its natural ventilation, it becomes a natural ventilation hyperbolic cooling tower. One can be used by three 50MW units and the other one can be used by 110MW sub-critical units.

The cooling tower is high, easy to form the smoke window effect, because of the air pressure difference between the upper and lower, there will be wind from the bottom of the tower, from the top out. The hot water from the condenser is transported to the water distribution tank in the middle of the cooling tower, where the hot water is sprayed into a droplet shape. As the water drops fall, the cold wind rises, cooling the hot water in the process, and the rising water vapor emerges from the upper mouth as a white mist. The cooling water drops into the sump and is re-transported to the condenser for recycling. Through the continuous circulation of cooling water, the waste heat carried in the cooling water is taken away, the exhaust steam temperature is reduced, and the efficiency of the unit is ensured. According to the statistics of relevant departments, the cooling water can be about 12000m³ per hour.

Plastic water city culture, show good meaning

Today's cooling tower, from all sides of the distance, is the most striking new landmark. However, what is worth mentioning is that its seemingly simple pattern design actually has quite rich and profound cultural connotation and allegorical charm. Its "blue and white porcelain" design not only conforms to the traditional Chinese culture of harmony, happiness, good luck, positive enterprising and other beautiful connotations, but also adds the multiple elements of Hebei Xinda Group corporate culture......


First of all, the top of the cooling tower of the painting is shaped like the pattern of the word "hui", which is known as the reverie of the rich and persistent head. In traditional porcelain and embroidery, the pattern is often used as a background or border, so the cooling tower is also painted on the top. The circle on the tower repeats, rings, meaning continuous, auspicious forever, is a blessing for Xinda's evergreen and sustainable development.

The picture depicted in the middle of the cooling tower, the first and second pictures are composed of peach, chicken chick and so on. Meaning spring infinite good, often stay in the world. The third painting is a butterfly in full spirits, reflecting the entrepreneurial process of Hebei Xinda Group in the past 30 years. The fourth picture of koi represents good luck and friendship, meaning Xinda adhere to integrity and win-win situation on the road of green and high-quality development, good luck and prosperity.

The pattern below the waist of the cooling tower is a traditional Chinese pattern with good luck. The appearance is like the cloud head pattern of love heart, also known as "Ruyi cloud", is a typical decorative pattern of porcelain. Because it resembles the heart, and like the sagging ruyi, it is often used as a metaphor of contentment, a symbol of auspicious peace, all the best.

The wave pattern at the bottom of the cooling tower, meaning Xinda free spirited, brave iron and steel industry tide, wave forward.

East tower

The top of the second painted cooling tower is integrated with the pattern of "Ruyi cloud", and the silhouette of Xinda steel factory is integrated into the middle part. The initial letter of Xinda "XD" is organically integrated with butterflies and flowers. On both sides, the enterprise vision of "serving the country through industry to create a century-old strong enterprise" and the development concept of "innovation, green, open and win-win" are used to express that Xinda is based on the steel plate. Carry forward the spirit of innovation, make unremitting efforts to build green ecological steel, century-old brand Xinda, and join the world's strong enterprises.

In recent years, Hebei Xinda Group is committed to the construction of scenic spots and strives for perfection in the construction of green cultural factory. Xinda Iron and Steel Industrial Park, a national AAA level tourist attraction built with huge investment, fills the blank of industrial tourism in the local steel industry. By increasing investment in infrastructure and optimizing service quality, the quality of tourist attractions is comprehensively improved. There are fire theme parks, honest culture theme parks, carbon parks, Red Chuxin theme parks, etc., to meet the needs of tourists' different park experiences. And organic integration of iron and steel culture, metallurgical history, unique resources, to build the image of tourism IP, constantly improve the influence and visibility of the scenic spot. At the same time, in various tourist attractions, CS projects, pottery experience courses, plaster doll coloring games and other children's entertainment features are launched, with land curling, electric bicycle, trampoline, archery, throwing pot and other fun sports facilities, to improve tourists' park experience, drive the industrial tourism heat.

Nowadays, Xinda's blue sky, white clouds, green water and green mountains are integrated into the magnificent "blue and white porcelain" cooling tower, which is like a boundless beautiful picture, effectively highlighting the great achievements made by Xinda's green and high-quality development. In the next step, Xinda will continue to adhere to the concept that clean water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains, and improving the ecological environment is the development of productivity. It will further explore and optimize the cultural resources of iron and steel enterprises and the space resources of scenic spots, improve the supporting facilities, enrich and enrich the connotation of scenic spots, constantly improve the quality of service and management level, and transform the green environmental protection advantage into a comprehensive competitive advantage. Create a warm, valuable and distinctive industrial tourism "Xin" business card!