Xinda successfully extracted the rare gas crude Krypton xenon! Expected annual profit of more than 10 million!

Recently, in Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Oxygen plant and installation and construction units of the unremitting efforts of all personnel, rare gas crude extraction project successfully produced crude krypton xenon products, is expected to make an annual profit of more than 10 million yuan.

Rare gas crude extraction project

Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co. LTD oxygen plant

Since the construction in February, Liu Fengsuo, the dire1ctor of the oxygen plant of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., Li An, the deputy director of the plant, and the professional staff have gone deep into the installation line, adhering to the attitude of "not a day delayed, not a day slack", to overcome the adverse factors such as short construction period, slow equipment supply, difficult assembly and hoisting, pay close attention to the construction safety, strict construction quality, Combined with the characteristics and difficulties of site construction, repeatedly demonstrate the construction scheme, study various data, optimize the construction organization design, and make every effort to ensure the steady progress of the project. The smooth implementation of the rare gas crude extraction project will further enhance the industrial competitiveness of the enterprise and give strong new impetus to the continuous deepening of the reform and development of the Group.

Under the premise of ensuring the gas supply of the main iron and steel industry, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD. Oxygen plant has deep internal operation advantages. At present, the by-product liquid oxygen is mainly cold extracted liquid oxygen, which has a large amount of liquid oxygen production and good conditions for extracting krypton xenon liquid oxygen. After the raw material is extracted from the raw material tank, the liquid oxygen pump is pressurized into the fractionation tower, into the middle of the rectification tower, to participate in the rectification. The concentrated liquid oxygen of krypton xenon is obtained from the bottom of the rectification tower, and the rich oxygen is extracted from the top of the rectification tower. Part of the oxygen enters the condensing evaporator, which is liquefied into liquid and sent back to the rectification tower to provide liquid for the rectification. The other part is pumped out of the cooler.

Pressure nitrogen into the fractionating column, first through the main heat exchanger heat cooling to the dew point temperature, sent to the bottom of the distillation column at the reboiler to provide heat source for distillation, itself is liquefied into liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is throttled and distributed into the condensing evaporator at the top of the tower to provide a cold source for distillation. After being vaporized, the liquid nitrogen is reheated to room temperature by the main heat exchanger, and then sent to the circulating nitrogen compressor for pressure reuse. Finally, krypton xenon products with qualified purity are produced.

The application of noble gases

Most of the applications of noble gases are in high-tech fields. At present, the demand for noble gases in the whole global market has also shown explosive growth. Krypton xenon has the lowest amount of rare gases, and is called gold gas due to its complicated extraction process and high price. At the same time, the development of China as a new economy is obvious to all. With the rapid development of the high-tech sector, the application space of krypton and xenon increasing, the price trend will be steady and rising. In recent years, Xinda has paid close attention to the noble gas market. On the basis of consolidating the traditional industrial gas, Xinda has invested in the research and development of high-end products and cultivating high-end customers. Through continuous innovation and breakthrough, Xinda has developed and produced a new product of high value-added gas krypton xenon.

The main applications of krypton are in chips and in some semiconductor lithography applications instead of xenon (the main reason for the recent price rise of krypton gas); Aerospace, Hall thrusters (hybrid propellants instead of pure xenon), and SpaceX's Starlink program use krypton gas as propellants; Building energy saving, Europe for laminated glass filling gas to achieve the effect of sound insulation; Warm light source, aircraft, high-end hotel lamps and so on.

Xenon applications include chip, DUV and EUV lithography for stacked 3D storage over 128 layers; Excimer laser, widely used in material structure research, laser weapons, remote sensing, optical communication, medicine and other high-tech; Aerospace, Hall thrusters (space stations), used for spacecraft propulsion, cargo delivery to space stations, asteroid missions, and the establishment of Mars bases; Dark matter research, the dark matter detection system needs to be placed in liquid xenon to ensure the reliable operation of the thermal radiation meter; Medical, no side effects of anesthetics, at present domestic rarely used, follow-up rigid growth of one.

The rare gas crude extraction project is an important attempt of Xinda to actively practice the new development concept according to the national target of "carbon emission reduction", continuously improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise's products by strengthening technological improvement and optimizing the product structure, and take the road of green and high-quality development. 

Xinda will focus on the goal of building a new engine for economic growth, seeking a comprehensive breakthrough in emerging industries, developing and expanding the industrial chain, and expanding and strengthening the new economy. Xinda will seize the opportunity of the accelerated process of rare gas localization, optimize and improve the manufacturing equipment and process of rare gas, stabilize the quality of gas products, increase the construction of rare gas projects, and constantly expand the market share of rare gas. Establish a long-term competitive advantage of the enterprise, rely on technological innovation to create more benefits for the enterprise, open a new bureau in the changing situation, enhance the brand influence of Xinda, and strive to win the development initiative, win the development advantage, win the development future!