Mountains, forests and fields, picnic! Xinda this collective outdoor expansion "the most youthful"!

May 4th Youth Day activities

In order to commemorate the 104th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and mobilize the youth to better participate in the group's "Five-Five-plan strategic development three-step plan", and further enhance the cohesion, combat capability and creativity of young workers, Hebei Xinda Group Production operation Management Center, human resources Planning Department, joint board office of the financial media center was located in Jiayuan Scenic spot, Lulong County, Qinhuangdao City on May 3rd. The theme activity of "May 4th Youth Movement, Vitality toward the Sun" was held. 77 representatives of the group, including educated employees, Lijun Club members, outstanding young workers and middle-level reserve cadres, participated in the activity.

The sun is shining, the wicker stretch, facing the morning sun, the bus full of workers set out from the palace building. Everyone all the way singing and laughing, excited, the roadside green everywhere makes everyone feel the beauty of spring.

After arriving at the destination, in order to promote young workers to learn and understand the spiritual connotation of the May 4th Youth Day, the activity began in the intense May 4th knowledge question-and-answer session. "May Fourth Youth Day is to commemorate what activities set up" "May Fourth spirit core content"... All of them responded like a stream, interpreting the new era significance of the May Fourth Spirit with practical actions, and moving forward toward a new era of "Xin" youth with more ideals and discipline.

        "I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the league's constitution, carry out the league's resolutions..." All the young workers review the oath of joining the league, and the vow inspires everyone to remember the history, remember the original aspiration, remember the martyrs, remember the heroes, remember the responsibility and responsibility on the shoulders.

Before the formal launch of the activity, the warm-up activity "Flowers bloom and fall", to open everyone's "two veins". Hand in hand, side by side, foot to foot to protect each other, support each other, closely rely on each other, each team is a flower, the beauty of the flower comes from its petals, the bloom of the team flower comes from the support and trust between each other.

A cheerful and dynamic warm-up rhythm "Tractor", let everyone in the dance to release themselves, jump out of the beautiful posture, dance out of the youth vitality.

       Expansion activity "Trolleybus", each team members line up, work together to clip balloons, in the shortest time through the specified route to win. Along the way, the team members are closely linked, step in unison, cooperate with each other, trust each other, push forward.

We all went to the Cave restaurant to enjoy a delicious lunch, replenish energy, riveting energy for the afternoon activities.

After a short rest, each team held the treasure map, opened the "tour + treasure hunt" mode, and completed the Douyin shooting task at the designated place. The team with the shortest time won. In the small bridge, beside the pavilion, barbecue, everywhere hidden "surprise". The cool spring breeze could not stop everyone's enthusiasm for play and treasure hunting. Cheers and celebrations echoed here. Everyone gives full play to their wisdom and the ability of cooperation between teams to obtain the "treasure" smoothly through the customs.

Clear lake, bright sunshine, do not have a taste. Seesaw, swing, swing bridge... A dazzling array of items. Sitting on the swing, running in the spring, laughter in the breeze, birdsong, lush grass, rippling lake.

Tempting squid, spicy chicken wings, simple potatoes, delicious prawns... The open-air barbecue has officially kicked off. People are assigned by groups, sitting around the table, making their own delicious food. All of a sudden, the smoke was wreathing with delicious fragrance. We ate all kinds of food baked by our own hands, and talked about all kinds of funny things encountered in work and life. The joy and laughter lingered in the air with wisps of smoke.

Passion burning, Xinda "song god" have been out, competing to deduce their own repertoire. After a song or deep lyrical, or passionate and magnificent songs, lively atmosphere filled with joy.

▲ Awarding prizes to the winning team

With a large scale, deep level and new form, this expansion activity is an effective attempt to help cultivate talents by means of group building. It plays a positive role in guiding young people to have firm faith, promoting their growth and talents, stimulating their enthusiasm for work, and promoting the high-quality and high-speed development of the group. Young workers have expressed that they will turn the spirit of unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and striving for the top shown in this expansion activity into a strong driving force for daily work, and contribute their youth power to promote the green and high-quality development of the group.

"Young people, the king of life, the spring of life, life also." At present, there are nearly 8,000 young employees under the age of 35 in the Group, representing the most vigorous, vigorous and surging core force of Xinda. In recent years, the Group has been focusing on young people, placing the hope of development on young people, setting up a platform for young talents to do business, and constructing an income distribution mechanism that fully reflects the value of knowledge, technology and other innovative elements. Preferential treatment will be given in such aspects as allowances and welfare, home purchase and living security. Through staff colleges, Lijun clubs and the training of junior and grass-roots reserve cadres, we will strengthen training and education. Over the past year, another 22 young talents have entered the middle management positions, and the large-scale young team is gradually playing the leading role in the green and high-quality development of the group.

Pave the way for the strivers, encourage the young people, and build a century-old strong enterprise's youth power more surging! Hebei Xinda Group attaches great importance to young people, cares for young people passionately and trusts young people fully. Xinda youth, who dare to dream, have the courage to pursue dreams and work hard to realize dreams, will hold high the torch of the May Fourth spirit, keep the newborn calves fearless of tigers, and keep moving forward with courage and courage when the danger is greater, give full play to the role of young people's fresh force and strike team, put their heart on the post, use their strength on the knife edge, and be a skilled technical expert. Do the role model, play the leading role, take the lead, play the role of youth energy, strive to be the tide of The Times, integrate the ego into Xinda, toward the grand vision of "serving the country with industry to create a century-old strong enterprise", speed up, brave and forge ahead!