Officially unveiled! Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Cultural Park to add a new scenic spot!

Cultural park

In order to celebrate the "51" International Labor Day, vigorously promote the spirit of labor, gather workers striving force, on May 1, Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Culture Park labor culture theme park officially unveiled. The garden is full of trees, flowers and plants, and the scenery is pleasant. It will become an education base for the staff and workers to inherit the labor culture and carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit.

Director of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Dongfeng County, Jilin Province Zong Delin, Deputy Director Zou Jiliang, General Manager of Jilin Xinda Steel Co., LTD Zhang Shujiang, Executive Deputy Director of Green and High-quality Development Promotion Office Wang Jianjun and other leaders attended the ceremony.

Zong Delin, Director of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Dongfeng County, Jilin Province; Zou Jiliang, deputy director; Zhang Shujiang, general manager of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD., inaugurate the labor culture theme Park

Leadership speech

Zhang Shujiang, general manager of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. introduced in his speech that Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Cultural Park is the first national AAA grade steel industry tourist attraction and industrial tourism base of Jilin Province, as well as the third national AAA grade tourist attraction independently created by Hebei Xinda Group. Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Culture Park Labor culture theme park integrates education, display, entertainment, sightseeing and rest, is a mass education base for workers to promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit.

General Manager Zhang Shujiang said that workers are the creators of history. Since the establishment of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD., located in the old industrial base in Northeast China, the majority of Xinda people have been upholding the old industrial base workers are not afraid of difficulties, hard work, high spirit of struggle, overcome one problem after another, and made one breakthrough after another. In order to fully implement the "carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth" requirements of the Party's 20 National Congress, our company is actively promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation work, continuously adjusting and optimizing the energy structure, industrial structure and transportation structure, promoting high-speed, high-end, intelligent and green development, and making positive contributions to the development of Jilin Liaoyuan culture and tourism. Create beautiful business cards for the revitalization of Northeast old industrial base. In the future, Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. will further inherit and carry forward the hard work spirit of the older generation in the past, keep strong and brave on the new journey, bravely stand the tide of The Times, and rely on hard work and sweat to create new brilliance.

Leadership speech

Zong Delin, director of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Dongfeng County, Jilin Province, said that the simple people of Northeast China's old industrial base have written a moving labor hymns with their industrious and intelligent hands, drawing the glorious transformation of the old industrial base. Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Culture Park Labor Culture theme Park is an effective carrier and propaganda and education front for inheriting industrial culture and promoting model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, which can lead more workers to create a better life through hard work. Relying on the labor theme park, we will tell good stories of model workers, labor and artisans, unite and lead the workers to unswervingly listen to the Party, feel its kindness, follow the Party, and join in production and construction. We should give full play to the functions of the labor theme park such as education and activities, and create a strong atmosphere of "labor is the most glorious, labor is the most noble, labor is the greatest, labor is the most beautiful."

Director Zong Delin emphasized that the Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Cultural Park labor culture theme Park is an important window to promote labor education, hold cultural and sports activities, and display the achievements of workers. It is hoped that Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. will take this opportunity to effectively manage, maintain and make good use of the theme park, build a propaganda platform of labor culture with heart and mood, tell good stories of model workers and labor stories, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and build Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Culture Park into a new cultural landmark, a new spiritual highland and a new leisure paradise. Motivate and lead the people make full of vigour, Benedict is not idle, were devoted to each labor to create the vivid practice.

Director Zong Delin and Deputy Director Zou Jiliang of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Dongfeng County, Jilin Province visited the labor culture theme Park

Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Cultural Park relies on factory industrial buildings, designed by Jilin Provincial Tourism Design and Planning Institute and built by employees independently. The layout of the park is "four parks, three districts, two camps, one Belt and One Road, one scenic spot". Industrial temperament + local culture + camping characteristics constitute a unique industrial scenic spot with mountains melting lake to grassland, where you can travel, play and study. The scenic spot contains "military science popularization, green and low-carbon, red Party construction, iron and steel research, Dongfeng culture, wild camping" and other theme elements, and the planning and construction of "a 'carbon', 'carbon' in the future, pure green, bright steel flowers, water of steel flowing gold, real CS competition, car camping base, Dongfeng farmer painting, steel VR reality, steel cultural innovation exhibition hall" and other sightseeing and play projects. Bring interesting industrial tourism experience to tourists.

Into the newly unveiled labor culture theme park, greeted by the theme of "labor is the most glorious, labor is the most noble, labor is the greatest, labor is the most beautiful" slogan, in the center of the park is standing craftsman Xin Pavilion, all kinds of creative models are produced by Xin Da employees, highlighting the theme of labor, promote the spirit of model workers, so that honest labor, hard work become a trend.

Go deep into the theme park and come to the theme area of Chinese craftsmen. From Wang Jinxi, Deng Jiaxian, the "Iron Man", to Kong Xiarui, the "blue-collar expert", to Gao Fenglin, the "Great craftsman", you can get close to the craftsmen and feel their ingenuity. In the spirit of practice, millions of workers have told us that labor creates history and happiness.

All the creative models in the theme park are handmade by Xinda workers. From conception to design and then to actual production, they are integrated into the enterprise development concept, green and low-carbon culture and labor theme culture. Waste materials are used to turn waste into treasure, showing the spirit of craftsmanship. The wall painting in the theme park is also completed by the workers. They are the most common workers of Xinda and the "artists" of Xinda. They create beautiful scenic spots with simple and ordinary labor.

Great in the ordinary, in the pursuit of excellence, glory belongs to the worker, happiness belongs to the worker. For a long time, the majority of Xinda workers love their jobs, strive for first-class, hard work, brave innovation, indifferent to fame and wealth, willing to contribute, they show the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, craftsman spirit, Xinda to build the most competitive iron and steel flagship inject strong spiritual motivation. Their story shows a simple truth -- times are changing, the background color of struggle will never change! The grand goal of a century-old strong enterprise is encouraging and inspiring. On the new journey, the broad masses of labor of Xinda will roll up their sleeves to work hard and move forward in all wests and rain, to write a new chapter of strong enterprise with wisdom and sweat!