2023(the third session) China Stainless Steel and Special Alloy New Material Industry High-end Forum -- Gather consensus, innovation and development to jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of China's stainless steel industry

On April 14th, the "2023(the third session) China Stainless Steel and Special Alloy New Material Industry High-end Forum" was successfully held in Guangzhou, sponsored by Zhongguancun Stainless and Special Alloy New Material Industry Technology Innovation Alliance (hereinafter referred to as Alliance) and hosted by Angang Lianzhong (Guangzhou) Stainless Steel Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Angang Lianzhong) and Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute.

Mr. Gan Yong, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, former Vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary President of the Alliance, Mr. Zhong Shaoliang, Deputy Director-General of the World Steel Association and Chief representative of Beijing Representative Office, Mr. Liu Jianjun, Secretary-General of China Special Steel Association and Mr. Hong Shuli, chairman of Angang Lianzhong, addressed the conference respectively. Zhang Xiaogang, Chairman of the Chinese Society of Metals, former President of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and honorary President of the Alliance; Niu Li, Deputy Director of the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center; Tim Collins, Secretary-General of the World Stainless Steel Association; Du Wansheng, senior chief expert of China Steel Research Technology Group Co., LTD., President of the Alliance; Fan Tiejun, President of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute attended the meeting and gave a keynote report. More than 300 representatives from the government, enterprises, industrial associations (business), research institutes, media and other units attended the meeting.

The picture shows the site of the conference.

In his speech, Gan pointed out that "a wise man changes according to The Times, and a wise man changes according to the circumstances." On the one hand, have a clear understanding and rational judgment to the macro situation, our country iron and steel industry has entered a new stage of development; On the other hand, we need to have new ideas and practices in response to the new situation in practice. First, the most important thing is to have firm confidence. As an important basic raw material, steel has a broad market space. Facing the higher requirements of downstream users on steel products, materials including stainless steel and special alloys have good application prospects. Second, look for and seize opportunities in the midst of challenges. Intelligent manufacturing, green and low-carbon, standard-leading stainless steel industry is an important direction of depth adjustment. Only by following the general trend can we find development opportunities, which can only rely on innovation. Innovation-driven is the only answer to achieve high-quality development of the stainless steel industry.

Gan stressed that the future development of the stainless steel industry should focus on four aspects of work: first, adhere to scientific and technological innovation, promote green and low-carbon transformation; Second, we should continue to promote digital intelligent reform and enable high-quality development. Third, we need to expand our global perspective and enhance our international competitiveness. Fourth, strengthen the control of strategic resources and improve the security and capability of resources.

In his speech, Zhong Shaoliang pointed out that stainless steel has unique physical and chemical properties as well as excellent environmental properties, and there is a huge space for development in China and the world. Recently, the World Stainless Steel Association under the World Steel Association focused on two important areas: one is stainless steel as a replacement for plastics; The second is the application of stainless steel in the construction industry, especially in the field of prefabricated construction.

He analyzed that under the background of global carbon neutrality, the external conditions for the low-carbon green transformation of the steel industry generally agreed by all countries are as follows: first, the government needs to create a fair competition environment, so that the pioneers cannot give up the market share to the laggards because of the extra costs brought by the transformation; Second, cultivate the market of low-carbon green products, and guide the low-carbon transition through attractive low-carbon product market; Third, open up green and low-carbon financing channels, so that pioneer enterprises in low-carbon and green transformation will become capital "darlings" of priority in the capital market, while limiting financing channels for enterprises that do not actively implement low-carbon and green transformation; Fourth, the government encourages and supports low-carbon and green technology R&D projects by setting up research and development funds to form an academic atmosphere that encourages original innovation. Fifth, the definition of low carbon steel iron, green steel, which will become the focus of a new round of competition between countries and regions.

In his speech, Liu Jianjun analyzed that facing challenges and opportunities under the new situation, China's special steel and stainless steel industry should first drive high-quality development and lead transformation and upgrading with innovation. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation of digital intelligence, accelerate the application of 5G, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, digital twinning and other technologies in the industry, build a professional, efficient and intelligent production and manufacturing system, and improve the efficiency and profitability of enterprises. Second, we need to promote low-carbon and green transformation. We should make full use of the advantages of high strength, corrosion resistance, low carbon and longevity of stainless steel products, accelerate the research and development and use of energy-saving and longevity, green and low carbon economic stainless steel products, and play a more important role in promoting energy saving and carbon reduction in the whole society. In addition, we will continue to expand the application scenarios of special steel and stainless steel products. Stainless steel is the most low-carbon metal material in the whole life cycle, which will be more selected by the fine chemical industry, steel structure construction, water supply pipe network, new energy storage and transportation, building and decorative materials and other markets. The enterprise level should take the initiative to develop the market and expand the application of stainless steel products.

Hong said in his welcoming speech that the overall operating efficiency of the stainless steel industry in China declined in 2022. After entering 2023, from the operating situation of the first quarter, the whole industry is still facing a severe market situation. In the face of new challenges and opportunities, innovation means development, and economic development means the future. The challenge is not innovation itself, but the ability to break the shackles of thought. We need to accelerate the implementation of the strategy of innovation-driven development and, through technological innovation, actively promote the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of enterprises, accelerate industrial development and enable economic development. At present, it is the time of our efforts to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and it is the important time to march on the new journey towards the second centenary goal. We hope that the stainless steel industry and enterprises can take advantage of this forum to fully communicate, build consensus, innovate and develop, actively seek new impetus for high-end development, and accelerate the process of high-quality development of the industry.

Zhang Xiaogang made the keynote report "Standards promote high quality development of Stainless steel industry". He pointed out that the problem of Chinese manufacturing being big but not strong is one of the main problems to be solved in China's high-quality development. At present, the main reason why China's manufacturing is big but not strong is the weak industrial technology foundation, especially the weak industrial quality technology foundation. The key to achieving high-quality development of China's manufacturing is to "strengthen the weak links". The success of "Made in China" is mainly reflected in five aspects: first, it can lead the world in scientific and technological innovation; second, it can lead the world in management innovation; third, it can make a major contribution to the formulation of global rules; fourth, it can play a leading role in assuming global social responsibilities; and fifth, it can play a decisive role in the resource allocation of the global industrial chain and supply chain.

Mr Zhang emphasised that the battle over technology ultimately boils down to a battle over standards, which has become the commanding heights of global competition. China's international standardization work still has a long way to go. "Made in China" needs strong support from international standardization. Chinese enterprises should use standards to help create products, take an active part in international standardization activities, and help Chinese manufacturing "go global".

Niu Li shared a keynote report titled "Strengthening Policies to Form Joint Efforts to Promote the Overall Economic Turnaround -- Analysis of the macroeconomic Situation and interpretation of the policies of the Two Sessions". He predicted that China's economic trend this year will be low, medium to high, and then stable. Insufficient demand and unstable expectations are still the main contradictions, but they are also confronted with positive factors such as policy overlay effect and gap effect.

He analyzed that in 2023, the world economy shows a downward trend of deceleration, the downward pressure of the global economy is further increased, and the global inflation will fall from a high level. Focusing on the domestic economy, China's economy will be upgraded to a new level in 2022, with steady improvement in the quality of development. However, at present, the Chinese economy still faces a series of problems and challenges, such as: the external environment is strong and turbulent, the lack of effective domestic demand is prominent, the structural employment problem is prominent, the real estate market is still in a state of adjustment, financial risks and pressure on the fiscal balance of payments are rising.

Looking ahead to 2023, Niu pointed out that macro-policy control should be strengthened, all kinds of policy coordination should be strengthened, and a joint force should be formed to promote high-quality development, which mainly includes five aspects: First, we need to increase the effectiveness of our proactive fiscal policy; second, we need to be precise and effective in our prudent monetary policy; third, we need to pursue both development and security in our industrial policy; fourth, we need to focus on self-reliance and self-improvement in our science and technology policy; and fifth, we need to ensure that our social policy meets the bottom line of people's wellbeing.

In his keynote report, Full Life Cycle Sustainability of Stainless Steel Products, Tim Collins shared a new feature being developed by the World Stainless Steel Association, the full life Cycle Sustainability Model, which will provide strong evidence for the sustainability of stainless steel.

Tim Collins pointed out that with the large-scale urbanization of the world and climate change, under the combined effect of environmental protection, economic development and other factors, the consumer demand for stainless steel is continuing to grow. However, the value of stainless steel as an important building material is still often overlooked, stainless steel because of its high strength characteristics, can reduce the use of auxiliary materials. Therefore, how to change this situation to promote the better development of the stainless steel industry, is an important issue. We should focus on emissions throughout the life cycle of products, not only those associated with the stainless steel production process. Modeling emissions shows that the emissions curve of all materials except stainless steel changes over a 100-year lifetime. When stainless steel is used correctly in certain scenarios, its emission curve becomes more competitive over a longer life cycle.

Du Wansheng made a keynote report "Improving the Quality of Steel Materials, Promoting the Development of high-end Equipment", in-depth analysis of China's urgent demand for high-performance steel, a systematic introduction to the development of relevant technologies, and put forward specific suggestions on the quality and capability classification of steel materials.

Du pointed out that energy engineering, ocean engineering, aerospace and transportation construction are important strategic pillar industries in China, and high-performance steel is the foundation to support the "independent and controllable" and "going-out" strategy of China's high-end equipment and major projects. Focusing on the application needs of national high-end equipment and major projects, the General Institute of Iron and Steel Research has carried out continuous research work in ultra-high strength steel, high-strength plastic steel, wear-resistant steel, bearing steel, gear steel, economic refractory stainless steel, low-density steel and other aspects, and achieved a series of common and core key technology breakthroughs and engineering application achievements. Quality classification is a market-oriented approach to solve the no-bottom line cost control. At present, the evaluation of quality ability of Chinese iron and steel products is still in its infancy, but it can be used as an important reference for steel enterprises to standard, quality continuous improvement and user selection of materials adaptation.

In the report titled "Discussion on the Development Pattern of China's Steel Industry and the Development Path of Stainless Steel Industry", Fan Tiejun systematically analyzed the current development environment and operation characteristics of China's stainless steel industry based on the hot issues of steel industry and the new pattern of high-quality development.

According to the high-quality development path of our stainless steel industry, Fan Tiejun puts forward five suggestions: First, strengthen technological innovation. Efficient use of laterite nickel ore RKEF smelting technology and large-scale production, can reduce the cost of stainless steel production, expand the market consumption, is an energy saving, efficient stainless steel production process path. Second, we will promote standards-driven development. On the one hand, the industry development should be standardized to improve the quality of industry development; On the other hand, we should meet the market demand and improve the standard supply level. Third, we will promote mergers and reorganizations. A new round of larger scale, wider scope and more forms of merger and reorganization window has come, we should grasp the strategic opportunities, actively prepare plans, take the initiative to choose the target. Fourth, promote industrial extension and cluster development. We should focus on the development of extended processing, the implementation of agglomeration development in industrial parks, and vigorously develop the stainless steel industry, create and lead the consumption and upgrading of stainless steel. Fifth, we will improve our ability to secure resources. It is necessary to strengthen the layout of scrap processing and distribution base and improve the ability of nickel and chromium resources.

During the meeting, Wen Leliang, Assistant deputy General manager and director of Technology Center of Angang Lianzhong, Deng Libo, Deputy Director of Planning Department of China Baowu Tisco Group, Wu Yaohua, Deputy Chief engineer of Construction Research Institute of China Metallurgical Corporation and deputy director of Expert Committee of China Steel Structure Association, Jian Zhijun, technical expert of China National Offshore Oil Corporation Limited, Gao Xue, deputy chief engineer of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute and Secretary-General of Metallurgical Committee of China Energy Conservation Association, etc., also shared the title "Exploration and Practice of high quality Development of Anshan Steel Group", "All-out Construction of Stainless Steel High Quality Ecological Circle -- Thinking of the Current industry Situation and countermeasures", "Application Analysis of Stainless steel in Construction and Structure", "offshore oil directional Drilling Technology and related issues Application of Rusty Steel Materials, Interpretation of Energy Efficiency Benchmark Policy and Analysis of Extreme Energy Efficiency Path in Stainless Steel Industry, etc.