Riot prevention and sudden battle! Hebei Xinda Group launches an emergency rescue skills and security competition!

In order to strengthen the construction of the security team of Hebei Xinda Group, continuously improve the quality and professional skills of security and firefighting personnel, effectively enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team, and strive to create a high-quality team that can fight, understands combat, dares to fight, and is good at fighting, on April 17th, the Hebei Xinda Group Emergency Rescue Skills and Security Competition was held Tiandao Warehousing and Logistics Port (Qian'an) Co., Ltd. officially kicked off the emergency plan exercise in 2023.

Wang Zhenyi, Deputy Director of Qian'an City Emergency Bureau, Liang Haiming, Deputy Director of Hebei Qian'an Economic Development Zone Emergency Bureau, Lan Zhigang, Deputy Director of Qian'an City Fire Rescue Brigade, Zhang Sen, Deputy Secretary of Hebei Xinda Group Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Production Operation Management Center, Jia Zhanjun, Party Secretary of Tianjin Tiandao Metal Group Co., Ltd., Fan Tiejun, Deputy General Manager, Wang Huiyong, Minister of Safety Department of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Li Jingbing Minister of Security Ji Zhiqiang and leaders in charge of various security departments attended the event.

At 9 a.m., the flag guard team entered with strong and powerful steps. Hebei Xinda Fire Brigade, Hebei Jingdong Fire Brigade, Hebei Xinda Security Brigade, Hebei Xinda Mobile Brigade, Hebei Rongxin Security Brigade, Hebei Jingdong Security Brigade, and Tiandao Group Security Brigade entered the site in an orderly manner. Jilin Xinda Security Team, Jilin Xinda Fire Team, and Liaoning Security Team competed in the same subject at the same stage of the branch competition.

Subsequently, firefighting vehicles, small water tank firefighting vehicles, emergency rescue vehicles, 8-ton water tank firefighting vehicles, and lift jet firefighting vehicles entered the area in a neat manner. After receiving the alarm, firefighting vehicles can arrive at the scene of the fire as soon as possible for various auxiliary rescue efforts.

In the emergency skills drill, the tactical actions of the combatants are neat and uniform, firm and powerful, with firm eyes and a high fighting spirit in their hearts. What they strive for is the breath of youth. At one command, "Catch the enemy with a fist, prepare for combat!" The fighter's roar rang out on the training ground, showcasing their bloodiness to the fullest.

At the scene of the security and riot prevention drill at the gate, two drunken terrorists attempted to forcibly break into the Xinda factory area. Xinda security immediately sent out riot prevention signals through walkie talkies, picked up riot prevention equipment, and rushed to the scene to intercept and arrest the "terrorists". After twists and turns, struggle, and finally, with rich experience, they subdued the criminals and guarded the safety of the factory area.

In the equipment display section, the firefighters arranged the fire-fighting equipment one by one, and through the introduction of the commanders, the on-site personnel were immersed in learning and understanding the performance and function of the equipment, the use of fire extinguishers, as well as basic firefighting and self rescue knowledge. These equipment and equipment dispel the mysterious veil of the past, allowing the present personnel to have a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of it.

At the opening ceremony, Jia Zhanjun, Deputy Secretary of the Group Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Production and Operation Management Center, pointed out that this competition aims to test the results of the daily training of the Xinda security team, enhance team spirit, organizational ability, and tenacious determination, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. I hope all participants can demonstrate their style and level, enhance their skills, and improve their level of safe operation; All referees and staff should adhere to the principles of seriousness, fairness, and impartiality, do a good job in ensuring all aspects of work, and create the best competition conditions and environment for participating players.

Wang Huiyong, Deputy General Manager of Tianjin Tiandao Metal Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech in which he pointed out that emergency rescue drills are aimed at further strengthening the company's ability to organize, coordinate, alarm, respond, rescue, and handle sudden accidents, testing the comprehensive emergency plan for production safety accidents, improving the emergency rescue and disposal level of personnel at all levels, and achieving the goal of effectively ensuring the safety of employees' lives and property. I hope to enhance the safety awareness of all employees through practical exercises, exercise the emergency response ability of the team, and ensure the continuous, safe, stable, and healthy development of the company.

The background of this exercise is to simulate the hot work during the maintenance of the gas film storage. Due to inadequate risk identification and safety measures for the hot work, flammable materials at the work site were ignited, leading to a fire accident. After that, the "Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Production Safety Accidents of the Company" was quickly activated, and rescue and rescue work was carried out in conjunction with the Emergency Management Center.

During the emergency rescue drill, Xinda firefighters efficiently collaborated and closely cooperated, treating the injured and controlling the fire as soon as possible, effectively preventing the accident from further expanding. Subsequently, immediately organize troubleshooting and equipment maintenance to restore normal production as quickly as possible. Exercise to achieve the expected purpose.

Leadership SpeechWang Zhenyi, Deputy Director of the Emergency Bureau of Qian'an City, gave high praise to the drill activities. He requested that all cadres and employees increase their attention to daily drills and cultivate emergency teams with strong professional abilities, fast emergency response, and high overall quality through drills; We need to educate and guide all employees to improve their safety awareness, emergency response capabilities, and safety work level through safety drill activities.

Liang Haiming, Director of the Emergency Bureau of Qian'an Economic Development Zone in Hebei, delivered a speech on safety production work.

In the afternoon, Yang Dawei, Vice Minister of the Security Department of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., the Chief Judge, announced the competition projects, classification, grouping situation, group score scoring rules, and the schedule of the competition projects.

Subsequently, Minister of Security Ji Zhiqiang announced the start of the competition.

The first item is to operate three water guns on the double main line of the fire brigade's water tank fire truck. At the command of the commander, four station fighters quickly got off the vehicle and placed their water guns, hoses, and water dividers one by one. The two fighters rushed towards the target with their equipment, connecting the interface, throwing hoses, connecting the water dividers, receiving water, and supplying water, all in one go. The four combatants have clear tasks and reasonable division of labor, achieving a perfect combination of personnel and equipment, maximizing the combat effectiveness of existing equipment, ensuring quick response, quick attack, and quick decision-making in the event of a fire or trapped accident, and minimizing casualties and property losses.

The second item is the dual trunk mobile gun operation. The project involves five combatants working together, all dressed in firefighting protective clothing, which enhances their level of cooperation, speed, and accuracy. The laying of water hoses by combatants is fast, accurate, and in place, with basic skills such as hose connection and water gun shooting posture being difficult.

The third item is comprehensive physical fitness on flat ground. On the 30 meter round-trip track, they carry dummies, pull and knock tires, lift foam barrels, etc., which is a dual challenge of endurance and physical strength. I saw the fighters sweating profusely, still carrying a "fierce" energy, gritting their teeth and persevering until the last second of the game.

The fourth item is the 100 meter weight bearing project. Before starting, the combatants underwent sufficient warm-up training, effectively avoiding the occurrence of their own injuries. Subsequently, with the sound of a gun from the commander, the enthusiasm and momentum of the combatants surged, sparking a wave of chasing after each other.

The fifth item is the 5000 meter fire protection run. Starting from the 5000 meter gallop, please prepare the fighters! "The intercom issued a notice, and the fighters set off with their uniforms, fully honed their willpower, honed their fighting spirit, and effectively improved their practical physical fitness level.

The security skills competition is divided into line up competition, traffic command competition, push ups, and 10 meter competition × Four round-trip events. Standing at attention, cross standing, salute, align to the right, turn left... The queue competition is a review of the spiritual outlook of Xinda security personnel, which not only examines the neatness of the queue but also tests the standard of movement.

Security Competition

First place: Hebei Xinda Mobile Brigade Representative Team, Hebei Security Representative Team

Second place: Hebei Xinda Security Representative Team and Tiandao Group Security Representative Team

Third place: Hebei Rongxin Security Representative Team

Fire Fighting Competition

First place: Hebei Xinda Combat Squad 1 Representative Team

Second place: Hebei Xinda Combat Second Squad Representative Team

Third place: Hebei Fire Brigade

Finally, Jiang Tao, Executive Vice Minister of the Security Department of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., gave a competitive evaluation. He pointed out that all personnel should take this martial arts competition as an opportunity to deeply study and train diligently, promote the further improvement of the team's professional level, enhance the combat effectiveness of Xinda security personnel, and hold up Xinda's "protective umbrella" well.

Sharp blades emerge from their scabbards, and repeated refinement turns them into steel. The highlights of this competition are outstanding, with competition equipment and requirements closer to actual combat. The contestants are tenacious in their struggle and fierce competition, presenting a good spirit and fully demonstrating the spirit and hard skills of Hebei Xinda Group's security team, achieving the effect of "promoting training through competition". Next, Hebei Xinda Group will continue to strengthen scientific guidance for the security department in terms of operations, training, construction, management, use, and support based on the actual safety production work, strengthen training, improve skills, and develop a security team that is "ready to come, able to fight, and victorious in battle", to safeguard the safety production of Hebei Xinda Group!