In the first quarter, these steel companies made a good start

In the first quarter of Shougang Group, multiple indicators reached historical best levels, and the production of iron, steel, and materials achieved their target output. Strategic products, high-end leading products, and key thermal products exceeded the plan. Among them, three blast furnaces reached the highest load level in history; The output of a single steelmaking furnace, the monthly production of galvanized automobile plates, and six stand rolling mills have all set new historical records; Non oriented high brands, new energy products, and orientations all achieved year-on-year growth. With its advantages in many aspects, Shougang's products won the "Sincere Partner Award", the highest honor awarded by Great Wall Motor for the second time in a row, the "Technological Innovation Award" of Hisense Home Appliances Group for two consecutive years, and the "Challenge and Assistance Award" of GAC Trumpchi. Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Company's new energy oriented electrical steel has been awarded the 2022 China Steel Industry Product Development Market Development Award.

Shougang Jingtang pursues ultimate efficiency and continuously improves the production capacity of its production line. Five production lines, including No. 3 blast furnace, pellet, No. 2 acid pickling, No. 3 acid rolling, and No. 3 continuous annealing, have broken monthly production records 10 times. The iron production of blast furnaces continues the efficient and stable trend in the fourth quarter of last year, with an increase of 2.9% in molten iron production compared to the same period last year, which is the highest level in history. The average utilization coefficient of the blast furnace reached 2.45, and the coke load of the three blast furnaces reached above 6.0. Promote high-end leadership, adhere to efficiency orientation, and in the first quarter, promote products exceeding the plan by 216000 tons, leading high-end products exceeding the plan by 218000 tons. Accumulate 23 new products developed, complete 54 product certifications, and continuously improve product competitiveness and brand influence.

Shougang Changgang focuses on improving efficiency and efficiency with a repeated attitude of charging, and implements various tasks with a spirit of nail nailing. Multiple technical and economic indicators such as output and cost have achieved the planned target tasks. The linkage of various processes and the collaboration of various systems release the maintenance benefits of the Eight Blast Furnace series, steadily achieving high-quality and efficient operation of the production system.

Shougang International has broken down the key tasks for the year into 87 specific tasks, with layered compaction responsibilities. In the first quarter, Shougang International seized the market opportunity to increase production and efficiency, achieving profits exceeding 50% of the annual budget, and achieving another excellent business performance. By directly purchasing discounted resources and exchanging contract varieties, it is expected to reduce the cost of the base by 51.41 million yuan in the first quarter; Setting the annual export volume as the task target, we will reverse the construction period, strengthen cooperation with the base, domestic and international cooperation, seize market opportunities, strengthen export channel maintenance and development to ensure the export of key products. In the first quarter, it is expected that the shipment of steel exports will increase by approximately 112000 tons compared to the same period last year. By giving full play to the value creation potential of overseas resources, on the basis of a new record of production and transportation last year, the output of Mystery Fine Powder in the first quarter exceeded the schedule by 28% of the annual plan, an increase of 424000 tons over the same period of the previous year, and the output reached a new record in the same period of history.

Shougang Mining efficiently utilized resources, accelerated the promotion of key projects, optimized the industrial product structure, achieved a 38.02% increase in sales revenue compared to the annual schedule, and a 19.16% increase in profit compared to the annual schedule, achieving a successful start to production and operation in the first quarter.

In the first quarter, Shangang Capital reported a total profit of 237 million yuan, a net profit of 188 million yuan, and a net profit attributable to the parent company of 130 million yuan, achieving a "good start" for the first quarter.

At the 2023 work meeting of Shangang Capital, Huang Zhenhui, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the company, put forward a request to fulfill the mission of 'striving for excellence and being ahead' with outstanding achievements. Shangang Capital plans ahead, anticipates macroeconomic trends, policy trends, and industry trends in advance, and timely digests new regulatory measures such as asset classification and capital occupation to ensure correct thinking, clear direction, and effective measures. Maximize the efficiency of funds, assets, personnel, and management, coordinate and plan funds, use them to the fullest, and allocate them accurately, ensuring that every penny runs on the path of efficiency creation.

During the day, there are basically no people in the office and they are running business outside, "said Xin Shuai, the general manager of Shangang Leasing, which is the normal situation of Shangang Capital. Since the beginning of this year, Shangang Capital has actively seized business opportunities, efficiently developed the market, and pursued the eight goals of "striving for the top and being ahead". All employees have no complaints, no procrastination, no surrender, and are full of enthusiasm.

In the first quarter, Ping'an Iron and Steel achieved its monthly target for iron, steel, and material production, especially with strong iron and steel production in the Anyuan production area, breaking historical records in production. Among them, on February 28th, Anyuan Iron Works broke a record for daily iron production of 10083 tons, surpassing the daily iron production platform of 10000 tons; On March 16th, Anyuan Steelmaking Plant produced 12101 tons of steel, rewriting the best daily production level of crude steel. Data shows that in the first quarter of 2023, Ping'an Iron and Steel made significant progress in multiple technical and economic indicators compared to last year, with a year-on-year decrease of 27.56kg/t in blast furnace fuel ratio; The consumption of physical steel materials decreased by 2.65kg/t compared to the same period last year, with an increase of 19.83% and 4.20% respectively in the first pouring steel rate and alloy yield of the converter compared to last year.

At the same time, Ping'an Iron and Steel actively promotes green and low-carbon development and full process ultra-low emission transformation, and continues to make efforts in energy conservation and emission reduction. Under the incentives of the energy-saving and consumption reduction incentive plan for each process, as well as the staggered peak electricity generation plan, the comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel in the first quarter of 2023 decreased by 13.21kg standard coal/t year-on-year. In February and March, the proportion of self generated electricity consumption reached over 42%. The flue gas ultra-low emission renovation project of the heating furnace in Anyuan production area of Ping'an Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. also overcame the impact of last year's COVID-19 and completed ahead of schedule in February this year, with the emission index meeting the national ultra-low emission requirements.

In the first quarter, the import and export trade situation of Baosteel Company continued to improve, with the import and export trade volume increasing by more than 60% compared to the same period last year.

In the first quarter, Baosteel issued a total of 115 Baowu trains, with a total import and export trade volume of 850000 tons. The cumulative import of iron ore goods exceeded 580800 tons, an increase of approximately 61.79% compared to the same period last year, and the export of various types of steel reached 21500 tons, an increase of 68% compared to the same period last year. It is understood that export goods include coil steel, threaded steel, steel pipes, cross cut products, etc., mainly shipped to countries such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, etc. This year, in addition to traditional building materials and panels, Baosteel will also export automotive panels to Uzbekistan through the Baowu train. From the orders shipped, it can be seen that the monthly export volume of foreign trade has been steadily increasing since April. Next, Baosteel will continue to expand international trade and increase the circulation of international trains.