The annual mining scale of Anshan Iron Mine will be increased to 100 million ton

Recently, it was learned from the 14th press conference of the "Implementation of Comprehensive Revitalization New Breakthrough Three Year Action" themed series held by the Liaoning Provincial Government Information Office that the total output value of Anshan's industrial enterprises above designated size is expected to reach 350 billion yuan by 2023, and the number of industrial enterprises above designated size exceeds 850.

According to Liu Guangxin, Secretary General of the Anshan Municipal Government, Anshan City has a strong industrial foundation, with outstanding advantages in resource endowment and industrial foundation. The city will adhere to taking industry as the main battlefield for revitalization and development, focusing on building a modern industrial system, building three bases: a national comprehensive steel industry base, a world-class magnesite industry base, and an important equipment manufacturing base in the Northeast region. The city will achieve a total industrial output value of 400 billion yuan, create eight major industrial clusters such as steel and deep processing, iron ore, and magnesite, and promote the transformation of Anshan from an industrial city to a strong industrial city.

Liu Guangxin stated that Anshan will implement the chain extension and upgrading project. Support 624 local enterprises on the industrial chain, develop high value-added products, and scale up. For example, in the steel industry, under the premise of unchanged crude steel production capacity, we guide enterprises to develop deep processing and form a five major product system of refined and special steel and deep processing of plates, wires, pipes, and structures. In terms of magnesite industry, in 2023, the integration of magnesite resources will be completed, the industry standard will be formed, the group limited green mining will be promoted, the transformation of kilns will be accelerated, and the magnesite industry will develop new varieties of high-end magnesium refractory, magnesium building materials, magnesium chemicals, etc.

At the same time, we will implement an increase in production and capacity expansion project to increase production on the basis of existing production capacity. In the iron ore industry, 5 new iron mines such as Xishan and Chentaigou have been developed, and 7 old mines have been renovated. By 2025, the annual mining scale will increase from 55 million tons to 100 million tons.

It is reported that Anshan has also implemented the Enterprise Multiplication Project, targeting enterprises with strong innovation capabilities, good market prospects, and high growth. A plan for enterprise multiplication has been formulated, and through policy guidance and specialized promotion, a group of enterprises with a total output of 10 billion, 5 billion, and over 1 billion have been cultivated. At the same time, policies will be formulated to guide and encourage enterprises to upgrade their regulations and integrate them into the system, and the work of "upgrading small regulations and upgrading large ones" will be accelerated.

Implement the "double saddle" integration project, promote the extension of Angang's by-products to the field of new materials, rely on coal tar to develop battery cathode materials, rely on coke oven gas to develop hydrogen energy industry, rely on iron oxide and other by-products to develop magnetic materials, rely on tailing rock stripping to develop new building materials, build a base for comprehensive utilization of industrial resources, and form an industrial development pattern of multiple support, simultaneous development of multiple industries, and diversified development.