China Steel Association held a seminar on steel standard system for prefabricated steel structure housing

Recently, China Iron and Steel Association organized relevant steel enterprises to hold a symposium on Steel Standard System for prefabricated steel structure residential Buildings in Beijing. Vice Chairman Luo Tiejun attended the meeting and Vice Secretary General Yao Linlong presided over the meeting. Experts from 9 iron and steel enterprises, including Anshan Iron and Steel Group, Baosteel Group, Shougang Group, Baogang Group, Shan Steel Group, Ma Steel Group, Wuyang Iron and Steel, Nangang Group, Jinxi Iron and Steel, and responsible comrades of the planning and development Department of the Steel Association, the Ministry of Science and Technology Environmental Protection, the Application and Promotion Center of Iron and Steel Materials, the Institute of Metallurgical Industry Information Standards and other units attended the symposium.

At the meeting, the Steel Materials Application and Promotion Center of the Association introduced the Standard Analysis of Steel Structure Buildings and Steel Products. The participating enterprises had a full discussion on the current practical application of steel products in steel structure buildings, as well as the difficulties and blocking points in the integration of steel structure building design codes and steel product standards, and put forward relevant suggestions.

Yao Linlong pointed out in the summary, although there are still many problems in the promotion process of steel structure housing at the present stage, but because of the advantages of low carbon, environmental protection, fast construction cycle, safety and other advantages, steel structure building must be the future development direction. Through this symposium, the problem gradually focused, the idea gradually clear, the primary task is to promote the optimization of construction steel standards, convene experts in the system to optimize and improve the steel product standards matching the building design code.

Luo Tiejun stressed that the next step should be done well in the following three aspects: first, it is necessary to reach a high altitude and look far and be down-to-earth, focusing on concrete work deployment of steel structure housing; The second is to simplify complex problems, focus on mature models, simplify existing standards, and promote the perfection of architectural design codes; Third, we should pay attention to the effectiveness of standards. The implementation of effective standards should focus on the improvement of existing standards, and no new standards should be formulated.