Mr. Gan: China will lead the world in the development of metallurgical technology

"I think China will lead the world in steel pipe technology by 2030." On March 31, 2023 (the first) China steel pipe industry innovation and development conference and GB/T 5310 new version of the national standard promotion meeting was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, the former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the honorary president of the Chinese Institute of Metal Gan Yong at the meeting to do "several thoughts on promoting the high quality development of the steel industry" theme report said.

The picture shows Gan Yong.

Talking about the development status of China's steel industry, Gan Yong said that China has been the world's largest steel production for 27 years in a row, accounting for half of the world's steel production. The whole industrial chain of China's iron and steel industry has supported the rapid development of China's economy with a light weight in China's manufacturing industry. We improved the steel production system and supported "Made in China". Green development has been achieved. "Currently, 60 percent of the member units of the China Iron and Steel Association have completed ultra-low emission retrofit. It is estimated that 80 percent of enterprises in key regions will meet the ultra-low emission targets in all sectors by 2025." Mr Gan said.

"At present, China's iron and steel industry still faces problems such as an imperfect industrial chain, unstable quality of high-end products, and 'stuck' products to be solved." "Gan Yong said. "Mineral resources are the 'food' of industry, and the security of strategic mineral resources is related to the security and stability of China's industrial and national defense systems," he said, citing iron ore as an example. He further introduced that the country's mineral resources are characterized by large consumption of resources, accounting for 32% of the world's; Resource reserves are small, accounting for 7% of the world.

Gan believes that China's steel demand in the 14th Five-Year Plan period will enter a plateau, iron ore demand will be stable, the next 10 years will remain high demand for bulk minerals.

Talking about the future development of China's iron and steel industry, Gan proposed to promote reduction development, energy conservation and carbon reduction, scientific and reasonable development of short process, solid waste recycling, non-blast furnace ironmaking, hydrogen metallurgy, digital and intelligent, quality brand and other aspects. Among them, he focused on the steel industry in the green low-carbon, intelligent manufacturing and other aspects of the existing problems, as well as low-carbon metallurgical technology route and steel process manufacturing intelligent next development of the key direction.

Gan Yong proposed that in the aspect of low-carbon metallurgical technology route, it is necessary to strengthen information construction and use digital transformation to enable; Optimize steel layout and encourage short process; Energy saving and carbon reduction synchronization; Develop products with full life cycle theory; Developing and utilizing CCUS technology; Developing new technologies to promote hydrogen energy; Technological innovation system reform.

"The core of low-carbon metallurgy in the iron and steel industry is the issue of energy, that is, system energy saving, process energy saving, equipment energy saving." "The Full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach provides a comprehensive analysis that considers the potential environmental impact of a product at all stages of its manufacture, use, and final disposal (reuse, recycling, or disposal). This will help boost the low-carbon development of the steel industry, quantify the carbon emissions of steel enterprises and steel products, and make green steel products the first choice of downstream users."

In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Gan Yong pointed out that at present, the integration of the two aspects of the iron and steel industry has gradually deepened, forming a relatively complete and multi-level PCS-MES-ERP system, but there is still a certain gap from intelligent manufacturing, and it is necessary to continuously improve the level of digitalization, networking and intelligence. This gap is mainly manifested in five aspects: poor applicability of mathematical model of process process, low level of planning and scheduling of whole process, incomplete quality control of whole life cycle, large gap in supply chain coordination, and the level of management and control integration needs to be improved.

Based on the overall idea of green and intelligent integrated research and development, Gan proposed that Chinese process manufacturing industry should examine the gap between itself and international process manufacturing industry from the perspective of the whole industrial chain and innovation chain, focusing on the four key paths of manufacturing process structure optimization, new generation of ecological product technology improvement, manufacturing and service intelligent platform establishment, and new business model establishment and operation. Comes to realize the overall target of our country flow manufacturing industry. Specifically, the whole process should be refined, precise and intelligent. It integrates advanced product online testing technology and whole-process quality monitoring technology to improve the quality stability, reliability and applicability of products and key products used in national major projects and high-end equipment manufacturing. The materials Genome Project will be implemented to create a new generation of ecological products with the help of "molecular manufacturing" technology. Use big data, cloud computing, Internet of things and other intelligent means to establish a whole-process manufacturing and service platform; We will build an ecological chain and industrial chain that complement manufacturing with other industries.

In Gan Yong's opinion, the expected results of the development of process manufacturing industry are mainly reflected in the following aspects: the establishment of green and intelligent process theoretical system and evaluation system; To achieve the goal of eliminating excess capacity, and to form a green and intelligent manufacturing technology group with independent intellectual property rights for processes and varieties; Realize the localization of key varieties for high-end equipment manufacturing; Create a series of specifications and standards for green and intelligent construction and operation of manufacturing processes; Establish a green and intelligent manufacturing and service platform based on the industrial Internet of things; Develop a new industrial business model and form a new business form of process manufacturing industry.

"China has already become a global metallurgical production and consumption center and should further become a global metallurgical education center and research and development center, and China will lead the development of global metallurgical technology." "Gan Yong finally said.