Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD. Cleaner production audit information publicity

Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD. Cleaner production audit information publicity

According to the Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China and the Cleaner Production Audit Measures (Decree No. 38 of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection), According to the 14th Five-Year National Cleaner Production Implementation Plan (Reform of Environmental Capital [2021]1524), Notice on In-depth Promotion of Cleaner Production Audit in Key Industries (Environmental Affairs Office Kecai [2020]27) and Notice of Jilin Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on doing a good job of Cleaner Production Audit in Key Enterprises in 2023 (Jihueccai [2023]) 3) requirements, Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. belongs to mandatory clean production enterprises. Now to the public to publicize the company's clean production and production and sewage status, please the community to our company's implementation of clean production audit situation to supervise.

I. Basic information of the enterprise

Enterprise name: Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., LTD

Legal representative: Ren Hongwei

Enterprise address: Hengdaohe Town, Dongfeng County, Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province

Main products and scale of the enterprise: Xinda Iron & Steel has an annual output of 2.7 million tons of molten iron, 3.3 million tons of billet, 3 million tons of high-speed wire, 1.2 million tons of metallurgical coke, and an annual power generation capacity of 1.292×109 Kwh using high-temperature flue gas waste heat. The main products for the national promotion and application of three, four seismic hot rolled ribbed steel bar (HRB400, HRB400E, Φ6-12mm) and hot rolled round steel bar (HPB300Φ6.5-16mm).

Main raw materials and energy consumption: Main raw materials include iron concentrate powder, binder, quick lime, high magnesium powder, coke, flux, coal powder, scrap steel, iron alloy, limestone, etc. The main energy consumption is coal and electricity, coal consumption per unit product is 1.09t, electricity consumption per unit product is 91.53KWh.

Related to toxic and harmful raw materials: lime, lime powder, high magnesium powder

Main pollutants: waste water, waste gas, solid waste

2. Sewage discharge and treatment measures before audit

1. Waste water: The waste water pollutants produced by the enterprise mainly include COD, ammonia nitrogen, pH value, turbidity, suspended matter, total phosphorus, and total alkalinity. There is a sewage pretreatment station in the factory, which adopts the combined process of coagulation precipitation + active sand filtration for treatment.

2. Waste gas: the exhaust gas is mainly smoke, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate matter, etc., and the flue gas of shaft furnace is discharged at high altitude after being treated by electrostatic dust removal and desulfurization system; Dry waste gas is discharged at high altitude after being treated by wet dust collector. The sintered waste gas is discharged at high altitude after being treated by electrostatic precipitator and cloth bag precipitator. Blast furnace waste gas is discharged at high altitude after being treated by bag dust collector. The flue gas of converter is discharged at high altitude after being treated by tube dust collector and cloth bag dust collector. The flue gas of heat treatment is discharged at high altitude after being treated by desulphurization system. High altitude emission of hot blast stove flue gas; Gas boiler exhaust at high altitude.

3. Solid waste: the main solid waste includes dust removal ash, gas ash, blast furnace slag, converter dust mud, oxide sheet, converter steel slag, sludge, oxide sheet, shear waste, steel rolling waste, waste refractory and other general solid waste, dangerous waste oil. General solid waste shall be utilized comprehensively, and hazardous waste shall be entrusted to qualified treatment units after temporary storage.

Iii. Implementation of environmental risk prevention and control measures

1. The Company shall timely supplement emergency materials according to daily consumption, store them in designated locations, arrange special personnel for management and inspection, and ensure that the facilities and materials are in good condition, effective, and ready for use at any time.

2. The Company has completed the Emergency Plan for Emergent Environmental Events of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and put it on record, established an emergency leading group, developed a response mechanism for various risk accidents in the plant, and strengthened daily training and risk accident drills.

4. Contact person and contact information

Approved enterprise: Jilin Xinda Iron & Steel Co., LTD

Contact person: Wang I

Contact number: 0437-6752010