National honors! China Iron and Steel Industry Association has approved the title of Xinda deformed steel bar as "Golden Cup High Quality Product"!

Recently, the China Iron and Steel Industry Association released the announcement of the 2022 metallurgical product physical quality brand cultivation and recognition results. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.'s hot rolled ribbed steel bar HRB400E (deformed steel) product for reinforced concrete was named "Jinbei High Quality Product"!

It is reported that the brand cultivation activity for physical quality of metallurgical products is a recognition and evaluation activity organized by the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, and it is also the only recognition activity in China to review the quality of physical products in the iron and steel industry. High quality products that have reached the international level of physical quality of similar products are awarded the titles of "Jinbei High Quality Product" and "Jinbei Premium Product", which are known as the "Oscar" in the industry.

According to the application of the Technology Department, Xinda has obtained the title of the hot rolled ribbed steel bar HRB400E for reinforced concrete, with stable steel purity and stable yield strength. The actual controlled strength is higher than the national standard of 20-50Mpa. The product has a beautiful appearance, straight strips, high strength, good plasticity, excellent weldability and bending processing performance, reaching the seismic level, and the physical quality reaches the leading level in China!

Advanced equipment boosts the improvement of technical indicators

Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. is a national construction steel quality brand demonstration base. Its hot rolled ribbed steel production process uses microalloying, and its key facilities use a fully continuous rolling production process, with a rolling speed of up to 23m/s; The POMINI new type short stress line rolling mill is selected and equipped with a high-power DC main drive motor, which can produce high-strength steel and ensure a high rolling speed; The entire line of units is arranged alternately horizontally and vertically to achieve torsion free rolling of products. Rough and intermediate rolling adopt micro tension rolling, which can ensure high accuracy of products; The finishing mill unit adopts a flat/vertical convertible frame to meet the requirements of using slitting rolling small gauge deformed steel bars; The rack and pinion stepping cooling bed is adopted, which ensures uniform cooling of the rolled piece and has a straightening effect on the rolled piece. Through the investment of key equipment, the steel bar products have a neat appearance and accurate number of pieces, which have received unanimous praise from customers and users.

The company also uses information technology such as big data and cloud computing to penetrate the entire production line, collecting and managing the entire production process data, quality data, energy consumption data, and so on, to achieve full intelligent production. Among them, the automatic counting equipment is used for the collection of the finishing area of the hot rolled ribbed steel bar production line. By scanning and counting the ends of the steel bar and accurately dividing the steel, the accuracy of the number of packages is greatly improved; Automatic packaging machine is used for packaging, and the steel bars are neat and beautiful after packaging; Apply the intelligent XYAI third generation intelligent tag welding robot to automatically weigh, automatically enter data, automatically print tags, and automatically weld tags. The adoption of a multifunctional automatic control system ensures the high efficiency, low cost, and high quality of the rolling mill.

Quality control to ensure product supply quality

Xinda has a national CNAS recognized quality testing center, and modern laboratories all use the steel intelligent manufacturing iMES data acquisition system to achieve real-time sharing of data sources. Scientific research instruments and equipment, as well as inspection and testing equipment, are advanced, with an original value of over 35 million yuan. Their functions include physical and chemical property testing of incoming raw materials, fuels, and auxiliary materials, metallurgical property testing of sinters, performance monitoring of iron and steel production processes, metallographic observation and physical property testing of finished materials, and low-power processing centers. Their testing capabilities have achieved national and internationally recognized management levels and testing qualifications, Achieve "one test, global recognition".

Strive for innovation and accelerate the research and development of new varieties

High quality products stand out one after another, reflecting the sonorous pace driven by Xinda's innovation. In recent years, through in-depth technological innovation and creation, the company has rapidly researched and developed a large number of high-end and efficient products, such as Q355C steel, 390 * 300 specification H-shaped steel, HRB500E deformed steel, 1580 hot rolled coil, etc., successfully offline, and entered the market, winning praise and favor from users. Xinda also adopted BD rolling mill+11 universal precision continuous rolling mills for the first time nationwide, realizing the technology of rolling 500H section steel with bloom; Take the lead in realizing the production of high-strength HRB500E technology using microalloying+controlled rolling and controlled cooling technology in Hebei Province; Take the lead in realizing the sintering cup test database control and optimized batching technology in the regional steel industry; A post rolling cooling control process has been developed in cooperation with Northeast University to ensure that the metallographic matrix of high-strength deformed steel is ferrite and pearlite, without harmful structures and tempered martensite. In recent years, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. has applied for and obtained 443 independent intellectual property rights and 2 national professional quality innovation achievement awards.

Brand leading, Xinda manufacturing goes global

Relying on first-class technological processes and product quality, the country's heavy weapons are constantly engraved with the imprint of Xinda. Hot rolled ribbed steel bar HRB400E products are mainly sold in the markets of East China, North China, Northwest China, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions; In the South China market, in the areas of Guangdong and Fujian, it is used in the construction of national key projects such as Beijing Daxing International Airport, known as the "New Seven Wonders of the World", Xiong'an High Speed Railway Station, the "Asia's Largest High Speed Railway Station", Tsinghua University Comprehensive Experimental Building, and the main building of China Special Aircraft Research and Development Center. It is listed as a "designated steel bar production enterprise" by Xiong'an New Area, and is exported to countries and regions such as South Korea and Southeast Asia, Effectively integrate into the domestic and international "dual cycle".

The company has successively received the titles of China's Outstanding Steel Enterprise Brand, National Quality Inspection Trusted Product, Group Member of China Quality Inspection Association, National Quality Leading Brand in the Steel Industry, National Quality Inspection Stable and Qualified Product, National Quality Inspection Integrity Enterprise, National Quality Integrity Benchmark Enterprise, and so on. The Xinda trademark has been rated as "Hebei Excellent Brand" (5A level).

From scratch, replace ordinary materials with high-quality steel; From less to more, replacing a single variety with multiple varieties; From small to large, small specification steel is used to extend medium and large structural steel, and innovative projects have blossomed one after another. Reflecting on the rushing iron, they have produced fruitful scientific and technological results, promoting the accelerated leap in Xinda's core competitiveness and brand leadership.

Quality is the foundation of a country, the way to strengthen a province, and the key to prospering an enterprise. Hebei Xinda Group will take "industrial modernization, high-end products, technological autonomy, and market internationalization" as the direction, upgrade the equipment level of the entire production line through scientific and technological innovation, promote the development of higher level screw thread steel production processes, effectively focus on production and marketing integration, cost reduction and efficiency increase, as well as the research and development and production of high value-added steel varieties, and build the most competitive steel flagship in the industry, in order to build a technological power Make new and greater contributions to the steel backbone of a manufacturing power!