The Fifth session of the Sixth General Assembly of the Steel Association was held -- implementing the twenty Spirit and striving for a better future of China's steel

the fifth meeting of the sixth General Assembly of China Iron and Steel Association (hereinafter referred to as the association) was held in Beijing.  Forge ahead, work hard and create a better future for China's steel!

He Wenbo, Party Secretary and executive president of the Steel Association, made a report on the work of the association. The new rotating president of the Steel Association in 2023, Anshan Steel Group Party Secretary, Chairman Tan Chengxu delivered an inaugural speech. Huo Fupeng, deputy Director general of the Department of Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Haidan, Deputy Director general of the Department of Raw Materials of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Zhang Dawei, Deputy Director general of the Department of Atmosphere of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the meeting.

The six and five board meetings of the Steel Association were held at the same time. Jiang Wei, deputy secretary of the Committee of the Steel Association, was elected vice president and Secretary general of the association, and Tang Zujun, standing Committee member of the Committee of the Steel Association, was elected vice president of the association. The meeting passed the Motion on changing the legal representative of China Iron and Steel Association, and Comrade Jiang Wei took over the legal representative of China Iron and Steel Association. The meeting also deliberated and approved the absorption of new members, the adjustment of the director, the executive director, the adjustment of the deputy secretary general, the establishment of stainless steel branch and other motions, and passed the report of the income and expenditure of dues.

Vice President of the Association Yao Lin (Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Minerals), Hou Jun (Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shan Steel Group), Ding Liguo (Chairman of Delong Steel and Xintian Steel Group), Wang Shilei (member of the Party Committee and deputy General Manager of China Minmetals), Liu Andong (Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Steel Group), Zhang Shaoming (Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Steel Research Institute), Zhang Zhixiang (Jianlongji) Chairman and President of the Group), Huang Yixin (Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Nangang Group), Yang Haifeng (Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shaanxi Steel Group), Shao Anlin (Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Mining Group); Hou Angui, Standing Committee Member of the CPC Committee and Vice President of China Baowu; Liu Jianhui, Assistant to General Manager of Shougang Group and Party Secretary, Director and general Manager of Shougang Group; Wang Lanyu, General Manager of Hesteel Group; Sheng Genghong, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Baowu Tisco Group; Wang Wenjin, Executive Vice President of Citic Pacific Special Steel; Li Jianyu, Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Chairman and General Manager of Hunan Iron and Steel; Meng Fanying, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Baotou Steel Group; Bo Xuebin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Angang Group; Huang Baocai, chief engineer of Fujian Sangang Group; Jiang Wei, Qu Xiuli, Luo Tiejun, Gao Xiangming, Chen Hongfei, Tang Zujun and Chief economist Wang Yingsheng attended the meeting of the Executive Board of Directors and the general Assembly. Sasac Association Party Construction Bureau deputy director Song Guanglan meeting guidance. Qu Xiuli and Luo Tiejun chaired the morning and afternoon agenda of the meeting respectively.

When He Wenbo made the work report of the association, He comprehensively summarized the operation of the steel industry in 2022, introduced the progress of key work in 2022 in detail, in-depth analyzed the economic situation and market situation faced by the steel industry in 2023, and deployed the key tasks to be carried out in the steel industry in 2023.

He Wenbo said that the steel industry in 2022 will show seven features: first, steel production will decline year on year and consumption intensity will weaken; Second, the global steel market is depressed, and crude steel production outside China has fallen more than that of China. Third, steel exports were basically flat compared with the same period last year, while imports declined significantly. Fourth, steel prices from rising to falling, fuel costs increased significantly; Fifth, corporate performance declined year on year and the asset-liability ratio increased slightly. 6) The investment structure of fixed assets continued to improve, and R&D expenditure continued to increase. Seventh, the environmental protection indicators continued to improve, unit energy consumption index increased slightly.

He Wenbo pointed out that new progress has been made in six key areas for the steel industry in 2022. First, focus on key issues, build Bridges, and maintain the stable operation of industrial and supply chains. Second, strong progress has been made in implementing the Cornerstone Plan. Third, resource integration, merger and reorganization, steel industry concentration further improved. Fourth, reduce pollution and carbon, go green, low-carbon development deployment is gradually carried out. Fifth, innovation-driven, continuous investment, "first" and "first" achievements continue to emerge. Sixth, digital empowerment and intelligent drawing of the future, the iron and steel industry digital transformation is developing rapidly.

For 2023 to face the situation, He Wenbo analysis, from the global point of view, global economic growth is slowing down, steel consumption growth is narrowing; From the domestic point of view, the domestic economy is stable, steel supply and demand is expected to remain stable. Steel supply and demand will be stable in five aspects: first, the real estate steel decline trend to slow down, infrastructure steel still plays a supporting role. Second, the machinery industry maintains steady growth, and the overall steel use will be stable and have a decline. Third, the automobile industry maintains growth, driving the steady demand for automobile steel. Fourth, the domestic shipbuilding industry is expected to be stable, the container market decline. Fifth, the demand for home appliances is expected to pick up, and the demand for steel remains stable.

"The Party's twenty scientific congresses have mapped out the goals, tasks and action programs for the development of the Party and the state in the next five years, and also provided fundamental guidelines and goals for the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry.  He Wenbo finally deployed the key work of the industry in 2023: first, strengthen and improve the industrial operation monitoring system, and strive to achieve stable operation of the industry; Second, we will actively study and promote the "two basic measures" (a new mechanism to control production capacity and a better policy direction for joint restructuring), and continue to optimize the order of industrial operation and improve the environment for industrial development. Third, we will continue to push forward the three major transformation projects (replacement of production capacity, ultra-low emission, and extreme energy efficiency) to promote green and low-carbon development. Fourth, the implementation of the two major industrial development plans (cornerstone plan and steel application expansion plan), strive to consolidate the industrial foundation, open up industrial development space; Fifth, promote the innovation of key technologies and products, and strive to promote the successful transformation, popularization and application; Sixth, carry out pilot demonstration, popularize generic technology, and strive to improve the level of industrial intelligent manufacturing; Seventh, strengthen the positive publicity, and strive to maintain and enhance the image of the industry.

At the meeting, Tan Chengxu inaugurated a new rotating president of the steel association. Tan Chengxu in his inaugural speech, fully affirmed the steel association under the guidance of various ministries and commissions, under the leadership of Secretary He Wenbo and President Chen Derong, under the efforts of the majority of member units of the work achievements. He is confident that the iron and steel industry will open a new bureau, seek a new chapter and innovate in the New Year, and emphasized the key work in three aspects: First, focus on the key tasks of the industry, improve the overall operation quality and efficiency. Second, give full play to the role of the industry platform, gather the industry work force. Third, we should strengthen the self-discipline of the industry and strive to maintain the balance between supply and demand.

"At present, the industry is in the critical stage of accelerating the construction of a strong iron and steel country and striving to achieve high-quality development. I am elected as the new chairman and feel the great responsibility. I will fulfill my duty and fulfill my mission, fully rely on the members, unite all forces, continue to carry forward the fine work style formed by the Association over the years, reform and innovation, work hard and faithfully, ensure that all undertakings in the industry take root and flourish, fulfill the purpose of serving the members wholeheartedly, think what the members want and meet the needs of the members, and work together with you,  Tan Chengxu said.

Huo Fupeng said in his speech that in 2022, in the face of the stormy international environment and the arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments have issued a series of policies and measures in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, providing a strong guarantee for the overall stable operation of the steel industry. He introduced that in 2022, the new achievements of high-quality development of the steel industry are mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, the "double control" work of crude steel production capacity and output achieved results; Second, a number of domestic key iron ore projects started construction; Third, steady progress was made in energy conservation and low-carbon work.

Huo Fupeng pointed out that in 2023, the implementation of the key work to promote the high-quality development of the steel industry, one is to consolidate the results of overcapacity reduction, resolutely prevent rebound; Second, ensure the safety of industrial and supply chains and enhance their resilience. Third, we should pay close attention to energy saving and low-carbon transformation to ensure the completion of the target of carbon peak; Fourth, we should strengthen technological innovation and promote technological progress in the industry. Fifth, we will deepen reform and innovation and push forward mergers and reorganizations. Focusing on the work related to the high-quality development of China's iron and steel industry, he put forward the following suggestions: First, continue to consolidate and improve the advantages of development; Second, conscientiously implement the requirements of national industrial policies; Third, vigorously promote technological innovation and enhance competitiveness; Fourth, we need to strengthen industrial collaboration.

In his speech, Zhang Haidan focused on implementing the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress and the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and put forward guidance on promoting high-quality development of the iron and steel industry. He said that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the steel industry has made historic achievements and entered a new stage of development from large to strong. First, its scale advantage continues to expand. Second, the quality of supply has improved substantially. Third, green intelligence is accelerating. Fourth, the industrial structure will be improved. However, the foundation for the long-term sustainable development of the iron and steel industry is still not solid. For example, the constraints of resources and energy continue to tighten, the task of green and low-carbon development is arduous, and the development level of digital intelligence is in urgent need of improvement.

Zhang Haidan pointed out that under the current situation, to promote the high-quality development of the steel industry should focus on four aspects: first, to promote the deepening of the supply-side structural reform; Second, implement the strategy of innovative development; Third, promote green and low-carbon development; Fourth, we will accelerate digital transformation.

Zhang Dawei said in his speech that the green development of the steel industry is of great significance to promoting high-quality development and building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The iron and steel industry through green transformation, in the case of steady increase of steel production, to achieve the "four obvious", that is, the iron and steel concentrated area air quality improvement, industrial structure adjustment made obvious breakthrough, industry governance level improved significantly, transport green transformation made obvious progress, to help the continuous improvement of air quality.

However, Zhang Dawei also pointed out that the continuous improvement of air quality and the green transformation of the steel industry is still an arduous task, facing the governance effect is not yet solid, prominent structural problems, ultra-low emissions progress in line with expectations, but some problems should not be ignored. He hoped that all relevant parties could make joint efforts to promote the high-quality development of the steel industry with high-level protection of the ecological environment, continue to build the world's largest clean steel production system, and contribute steel strength to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

In the enterprise exchange session in the afternoon, Liu Jianhui, assistant general manager of Shougang Group, Secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Shougang Group, Ruan Xiaojiang, vice president of Jianlong Group, Chen Lijie, vice general manager of Jingjing Group and general manager of Sales company, Wang Xuezhu, vice general manager of Xinxing Cast Pipe, focused on how enterprises carry out production and operation reform under the new market environment according to the current situation and their own business conditions. In particular, they shared valuable practical experience in product research and development, structural adjustment, management model innovation, scientific and technological innovation, transformation and upgrading, and high-quality development.

Liu Jianhui in the title of "adhere to" four manufacturing, one service "and strive to create" five competitive advantages "in the speech elaborated Shougang Stock in the face of a series of challenges brought by relocation and adjustment efforts to improve their own development ability. He said that Shougang adheres to the high-quality development road of "green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, high-quality manufacturing, lean manufacturing and precise service", adheres to good products and good services, and strives to create the "five major" competitive advantages of product, quality, cost, service and technology, and promotes technology leadership to become the core competitiveness of Shougang. Strive to build Shougang into a listed company with world competitiveness and influence.

In his speech entitled "Innovation is the core driving force of Jianlong's high-quality transformation", Ruan Xiaojiang focused on Jianlong Group's innovative ideas and achievements in scientific and technological innovation, financial innovation, smart logistics, low-carbon development and comprehensive services. He said that "scientific and technological innovation" is the core driving force for the transformation and upgrading of Jianlong Group's product structure; "Financial innovation" solves the pain points of core enterprises, suppliers and financial institutions; "Smart logistics" improves logistics efficiency, reduces logistics costs and improves logistics services; "Low-carbon Development" issued a green and low-carbon development roadmap, through six ways to further promote green and low-carbon development; "Comprehensive service" realizes the transformation from steel material supplier to comprehensive service provider.

Chen Lijie, in his speech entitled "The industrial upgrading and high-quality Development Practice of Jingli Group in the New market Environment", shared the high-quality development practice of Jingli Group in six aspects. First, actively participate in the merger and reorganization of the steel industry, and constantly integrate production capacity and expand scale. Second, firmly establish the "two mountains" concept and vigorously promote green and low-carbon development. Third, we will vigorously develop high-tech projects and foster new growth drivers for enterprises. Fourth, extend the industrial chain, optimize the supply chain and upgrade the value chain. Fifth, actively participate in the joint construction of "The Belt and Road" to accelerate the Group's international development strategy and global distribution of industrial chain. Sixth, adhere to the integration of multiple business forms and expand the development of the health industry.

In his speech entitled "Deepening the construction of" three centers ", accelerating the development of "three transformation", Comprehensively promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency ", Wang Xuezhu analyzed the production and management reform of the newly emerging cast pipe in the face of the changes of the industry situation and the task of high-quality development. He said that the new cast pipe with change to meet the "cycle" challenge, will implement the "three centers" (management as the center, market as the center, product as the center) to promote the "three transformation" (from decentralized management to intensive management transformation, from production to scientific and technological innovation transformation, from low value-added type to high value-added type transformation) throughout the production and management. We will work tirelessly to improve quality and efficiency.

The conference also invited Zhu Baoliang, chief economist of the State Information Center, to give a report titled "Current Economic Situation and 2023 Policy Outlook" to help steel enterprises accurately understand the current macroeconomic situation and grasp the orientation of economic policies.

About 500 representatives from national ministries and commissions, enterprises and institutions in the iron and steel industry, and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain attended the conference. The participants agreed that 2023 will be the first year to fully implement the Party's 20 guiding principles, as well as a year to accelerate China's economic and social recovery after the optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures. This conference analyzes the situation and opportunities faced by the development of the steel industry, and carries out forward-looking thinking, overall planning and strategic deployment for the future development of the steel industry, which is of great significance. It will surely gather a strong force to promote the high-quality development of the industry and complete various objectives and tasks.