Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation, Qian 'an Information Port volunteer service team won the city commendation!

Recently, at the launch ceremony of the Fund award for Citizen Moral Construction of Qian 'an City and the 2023 annual volunteer service activity of "Love Me Civilized City · Be a civilized Person", the volunteer service project of Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation "Warm education" was awarded "Excellent Volunteer Service Innovation Project 2022". Qian 'an Information Port Volunteer Service Team was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Volunteer Service Organization 2022"!

The foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the home is in the body. For a long time, Hebei Xinda Group has adhered to the core concept of "serving the country with industry and building a century-old strong enterprise", and has been deeply involved in the construction of education development, social services, rural revitalization, emergency response, risk prevention and control and other undertakings, so as to contribute to basic public services and improve people's livelihood.

Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation was specially established in 2017. Under the leadership of the chairman Zhao Lingyu, Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation has always been adhering to the purpose of "receiving love, benefiting people and themselves, mutual fund, helping the poor and solving difficulties", earnestly implementing the Party's and national policies, gradually improving more than 20 relief projects such as "helping the poor, helping the elderly, helping students, helping the disabled, and disaster relief", and has donated more than 100 million yuan to the society. We will continue to contribute to regional economic revitalization and better urban life.

Donate money to help students build dreams and send hopes

In order to prevent students from dropping out of school due to poverty, Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation has carried out the "Inherit and Help Dreams" program for five consecutive years, supporting 137 outstanding students with a total investment of more than 1 million yuan. The "Warm Spring Bud" activity helped 225 poor girls from 19 towns go back to school. The "Warm Bud" activity donated 250,000 yuan to help girls complete their studies better; The "Realizing Dreams and Learning" activity provided rescue funds for 28 poor mothers and 29 poor students in Shaheyi Town; A one-time subsidy of more than 60,000 yuan was given to 94 students from poor families in Qian 'an No. 1 Middle School. For many years, during the college entrance examination, we have carried out the activities of helping students with love, provided materials and services, and continuously deepened the work of helping students with love, and explained the responsibility of Xinda with actions.

People come first, work together in times of trouble, and show true love

During the epidemic period, Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation actively assisted the government in epidemic prevention and control. It donated 37.42 million yuan of special funds for epidemic prevention and control to Qian 'an City and Dongfeng County of Liao Yuan City, Jilin Province, donated over 5,300 pieces (sets) of epidemic prevention supplies such as protective suits, goggles and masks, and over 810 boxes of food such as instant noodles, mineral water and ham bread. Various fruits 120 kg; More than 400 free lunches and dinners were provided to medical workers. Working with the whole society to overcome difficulties, Xinda did its best to serve the front line of the epidemic response, showing its responsibility of putting people first.

Caring for the society to help the old and the young

Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation always cares for the old, the weak, the lonely and the young, cares for the vulnerable groups, and insists on passing on the positive energy of society with the power of charity. Donated clothes, cotton shoes and other materials to special education schools in Qian 'an for many times, calling for more people to care for disabled children. March 8, once again to Qian 'an special Education School to lend a helping hand, donated 50,000 yuan worth of rehabilitation equipment; Every year, the organization visited centenarians, lonely elderly and disabled children in Qian 'an City. We will provide funds and other assistance to families and people suffering from serious diseases, and solve the problem of not being able to find out if they are ill.

Warm rural catalpa help farmers to send revitalization

Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation has joined hands with the local government to carry out support activities of "consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and promoting the cause of rural revitalization", and proactively purchased unsalable vegetables from farmers to solve their urgent needs. Relying on platforms such as "Qian 'an Information Port", "Qian 'an Talent Network" and "Qian 'an Yan Xuan", the volunteer service team of Qian 'an Information Port has carried out public welfare live delivery activities for many times, laying fast lanes for agricultural products from fields to thousands of households. 25 online live delivery activities have been carried out, involving more than 200 merchants and farmers. The maximum single live delivery order is 1,000, and the total income reaches hundreds of thousands of yuan. It effectively alleviates the pressure of unsalable products for merchants, helps farmers in the region to generate income and increase income, sells roads, energizes the economy and warms people's heart, embodies the social responsibility of non-public enterprises, and accumulates capacity for rural revitalization.

Rescue the difficulties of charity to send warmth

Taking full advantage of the new media platform, the group has set up a column of "Help people in Need of help in Qian 'an" on the wechat public platform, and released the missing notices, found notices, lost and found information for free, helping more than 1,000 people in total; The organization called for donations of more than 4 million yuan; During the epidemic period, relying on the advantages of the platform, more than 200 pieces of relevant information were released, with a total of more than 4 million clicks, truly serving the citizens of Qian 'an.

"Industry prosperity is better than individual brilliance, and social value is greater than commercial wealth." Xinda has always placed public welfare in an important position on the road of forging ahead as a century-old strong enterprise. Every ton of steel output has the temperature of giving back to the society. Today's rain moistens a better future, tomorrow's sun will shine more dreams. In the future, Hebei Xinda Group will always pay attention to the development of the country, actively give back to the people's livelihood, gather the wisdom of diverse industries to fight for education, help patients with severe disasters, help rural revitalization, and contribute Xinda to the realization of common prosperity and people's yearning for a better life!