Zhang Ronghua representative: Strengthen the transformation of financial support for steel enterprises

During this year's two sessions, Zhang Ronghua, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Tianjin Rongcheng Xiangtai Investment Holding Group Co., LTD., put forward suggestions on high-quality development of manufacturing industry, new model of platform economy of steel industry and high-quality development of hydrogen industry.

We will promote the platform economy to boost the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry

At present, the country is deeply implementing the strategy of building a strong manufacturing country, upgrading the manufacturing industry base and modernizing the industrial chain, and accelerating the upgrading of the manufacturing industry to a smarter, greener and all-factor digital transformation.

At the same time, the platform economy is facing some bottlenecks in helping the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. First, the digital economy is still not large enough to enable the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in less developed regions. Second, the demand for industrial data circulation is strong but the obstacles are numerous and the value of data is limited. Third, there is a gap between the platform key technology and that of foreign countries; Fourth, it is difficult for inclusive finance to be implemented in small and medium-sized manufacturing industries, and green finance lacks impetus for innovation. Fifth, digital crossover talent shortage. To this end, Zhang Ronghua, a deputy to the National People's Congress, president of the Women Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of the Board of Directors of Tianjin Rongcheng Group, put forward the following suggestions:

First, "point with surface" coordinated development, sharing digital manufacturing. We encourage platform enterprises and intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprises that are in the forefront of the industry to build an intelligent manufacturing model featuring "platform orders, process decomposition, and multi-factory collaboration", and promote the innovation and service ability of manufacturing enterprises in less developed areas. By virtue of the project of "counting in the East and counting in the west", digital technology is transferred and penetrated from developed areas to less developed areas.

Second, build manufacturing data sharing mechanism. It is suggested to start from the top-level design, establish the management system of "scientific classification and risk classification" of manufacturing data, and formulate different management norms and flow standards. Establish a data industrialization governance system to promote the efficient and orderly flow of data; Enterprises should do a good job in managing their own data assets, and encourage them to establish a governance mechanism for self-assessment of manufacturing data quality and self-regulation of flow.

Third, we need to strengthen technological innovation and strengthen the weak links in the development of the platform. It is suggested to make full use of special funds to support enterprises, universities and research institutes to continuously settle core industrial mechanism models and algorithms, actively develop and integrate artificial intelligence, blockchain, AR/VR and other emerging technologies and platforms, innovate solutions, and accelerate the iterative application of independent innovative products.

Fourth, the digital credit system helps promote inclusive finance in the manufacturing industry and explore green finance. It is suggested that financial institutions collaborate with platform economic entities to build a digital credit system, help inclusive finance accurately implement small and medium-sized manufacturing industries, and help implement diversified businesses such as green credit, green equity, green bonds, green insurance, and green trust.

Fifth, we should encourage and support universities and research institutions to strengthen the training of digital talents. Strengthen the construction of new disciplines in the field of digital economy, establish a joint training mechanism for industry-university-research to jointly cultivate interdisciplinary digital talents, and accelerate digital skills vocational training and the introduction of high-quality digital talents from overseas.

We will strengthen transformation finance to support steel enterprises

With the rapid development and continuous improvement of China's green finance system in recent years, it has played an important role in supporting the development of green and low-carbon industries. However, most transformation projects of high-carbon industries have not been included in the scope of green finance support identified by the government. In particular, private enterprises find it difficult to effectively use financial instruments to reduce financing costs in the process of low-carbon transformation, and even face financing obstacles. According to the prediction of relevant institutions, before 2060, the steel industry will need about 5-6 trillion yuan of funds for low-carbon transformation. It is urgent to transform the financial mechanism to play a supporting and guiding role in this process.

Zhang Ronghua, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Tianjin Rongcheng Xiangtai Investment Holding Group Co., LTD., believes that the steel industry, as a major carbon polluter, needs the support of specific transformation tools such as transformation bonds and transformation loans, and should help private steel enterprises solve the problems of unsold inventory during the economic downturn through innovative financial technology.

To this end, she suggested strengthening transformation finance support for steel enterprises. First, we will promptly release financial standards for the transformation of the steel industry to provide a basis for reasonable financing needs.

Second, we will further enrich and improve financial instruments for transformation. It is necessary to further innovate equity financing instruments, securitized products, insurance, guarantee and other risk mitigation instruments, and build a multi-level transformation financial service system of "loan + debt + stock + base". We will actively provide comprehensive financial services to iron and steel enterprises that are undergoing merger and reorganization, layout adjustment, transformation and upgrading, focusing on increasing the proportion of medium - and long-term loans and direct financing.

Third, increase the supply of financial products and services for the transformation of private iron and steel enterprises. It provides customized sustainable development-linked bonds, transformation bonds, transformation loans, supply chain financing and trade financing and other products and services for private steel enterprises, and supports private steel enterprises with clear low-carbon transformation strategic planning and sound internal governance to obtain various forms of financing.

Fourth, strengthen the financial incentive and restraint mechanism of transformation. A financial transformation support catalog for the transformation of the steel industry should be established, the selection methods of transformation support projects within the catalog should be clarified, social funds should be encouraged to invest in projects with significant carbon emission reduction benefits, and the completion of transformation KPI should be closely tracked.

Fifth, moderately increase bank credit lines for private steel enterprises that actively participate in ESG rating and disclose ESG reports.

The sixth is to encourage steel enterprises to use supply chain finance platform technology to relieve the financial pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Seventh, establish a supply chain finance platform based on digital credit vouchers based on blockchain, so as to share high-quality credit resources of iron and steel enterprises with small and medium-sized enterprises, and help the main chain steel enterprises to solve the problem of unmarketable inventory.

Policies and standards will be improved to promote high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry

The 21st CPC Report states: "We will accelerate the green transformation of the development model. Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is a key link to achieve high-quality development." Hydrogen energy is one of the important carriers to realize the green and low-carbon transition.

The development of hydrogen energy industry has been accelerated gradually. By January 2023, China had 302 hydrogen refueling stations in operation, ranking first in the world. However, there are still some restrictive factors in the process of industrialization, such as high attention to the safety of hydrogen energy, urgent improvement of the hydrogen energy industry standard system, high cost of hydrogen energy investment and operation, and slow construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure.

To this end, Zhang Ronghua, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the board of Tianjin Rongcheng Xiangtai Investment Holding Group Co., LTD., suggested promoting high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry.

First, improve the hydrogen energy industry standard system. Combined with the actual conditions of the hydrogen energy industry, the suggestions and experiences of domestic and foreign enterprises will be extensively drawn, and the operational data of mature enterprises will be referred to to speed up the updating and perfecting of the industry standard system. Meanwhile, access standards for materials and equipment related to the hydrogen energy industry will be established.

The second is to build the safety system of hydrogen energy application. At the national and local levels, safety management standards for hydrogen energy should be issued, safety supervision departments should be defined, and a whole-process supervision system should be established before, during and after the production and application of hydrogen energy. Enterprises and scientific research institutions should focus on the safety technology of the upstream and downstream links of hydrogen energy.

Third, accelerate infrastructure construction and promote the implementation of application scenarios. It is suggested that at the national level, we should speed up the guidance and supervision of local governments to establish sound approval and construction procedures and norms for industrial by-product hydrogen and green electricity hydrogen production projects, so as to improve the approval efficiency on the premise of ensuring that the projects meet the norms.

Fourth, we will increase subsidies for the purchase of hydrogen vehicles. It is suggested to increase the intensity and scope of subsidies for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and reduce the cost of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We will accelerate the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in public services, optimize the subsidy approval process, shorten the approval period, and explore ways to advance subsidies.

Fifth, formulate and introduce highway toll reduction and exemption policies for hydrogen-powered vehicles. It is suggested to support the construction of hydrogenation stations along the highway and explore and coordinate the policies of highway network toll reduction and exemption among provinces and cities along the highway.

Sixth, strengthen the training of professional personnel in hydrogen energy industry.