Comprehensively promote the construction of anti-corruption! Group Party cadres to Tangshan City Party cadres warning education exhibition hall visit study!

Recently, Jia Zhanjun, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Xinda Group and executive deputy general manager of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. led a group of Party cadres to Tangshan Party cadres warning education exhibition hall to visit and study.

Jia Zhanjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group and executive deputy general manager of Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., LTD., pointed out that leading cadres at all levels of the group should inherit and carry forward the official spirit of "people-oriented, diligent and honest, dare to take responsibility" and strive to be a model of honesty and clean work. The broad party members should earnestly implement the requirements of honesty and self-discipline, be a clear and honest person, work conscientiously, and create a strong atmosphere of clean air, harmony and upward for promoting the industrial upgrading of the group.

In recent years, the Supervision and Audit Committee of Hebei Xinda Group has been committed to the construction of clean and honest culture, creating a clean and positive enterprise development environment, and constantly establishing and improving the long-term mechanism of clean and honest construction of cadres and employees. Clean government supervision strictly abide by the bottom line, resolutely crack down on the abuse of power for personal gain, favoritism and fraud, eating and taking cards and other improper practices, at the same time, the key business, key links, key positions of management chaos, dereliction of duty, fraud and other issues seriously dealt with, creating a good business environment.

In 2023, the group's anti-corruption construction work will focus on strengthening the consciousness and initiative of anti-corruption, enhancing the pertinence and timeliness of supervision and control, highlighting the precision and timeliness of corruption punishment and corruption control, improving the professionalism and standardization of team construction, focusing on key positions, key links, special groups and important matters to strengthen the supervision of clean government. The construction of clean government should be made regular and integrated into daily life, and the work of clean government should be concretized and normalized.

Centering on the implementation of the Group's Five-Five-Year Strategy, the three-step plan for development and deployment
We will strengthen the establishment of a leadership system for combating corruption and upholding integrity

At present, the Group is making steady and solid progress in building a new development pattern, with continuous pooling of ideological consensus, strengthening of work foundation, and continuous improvement of policies and systems. However, there is still a long way to go before it fully completes the new development pattern. Anti-corruption construction is an important cornerstone to ensure the group's long-term and healthy development. In our practical work, we need to adopt a problem-oriented and systematic approach, work hard to resolve the major problems that hinder our efforts to speed up the building of a new pattern of development, make practical and institutional innovations, and build on our strengths, strengthen our weak links, and strengthen our weaknesses. The most important thing is to take the main steel industry of the Group as the core, closely around the main industry and supporting industrial chain to carry out anti-corruption construction, and incorporate it into the overall deployment of the group's diversified development, closely linked to the group's core task of "risk prevention, stable operation, and benefit protection", establish the Party committee to assume the overall responsibility, the supervision and audit committee to bear the responsibility, departments and enterprises to highlight the "one position and two responsibilities", And the leadership system of clean government construction with each performing his own duties and division of responsibilities, so as to realize synchronous planning, deployment, inspection and promotion of production and operation and anti-corruption, so as to realize "responsibility, responsibility and responsibility for safeguarding the soil". In short, to form in the whole group Party committee to take the lead of general, supervision and examination committee specific focus, departments and enterprises actively follow up, combination of lines and blocks, division of responsibility, through, coordination and linkage of anti-corruption leadership system.

Sound centralized, unified, comprehensive coverage, pragmatic and efficient
The "Grand Inspector" supervision system

The supervision and audit department of the Group will play a full-time role in coordinating all kinds of supervision forces to achieve organizational integration, procedure fit and work integration. First of all, we should start from the perspective of "big risk control", do a solid job of regular risk investigation, monitoring and early warning, optimize the means of "prevention in advance, control in the process", and realize accurate risk control. On this basis, the organic integration of "big risk control" and "big supervision" is promoted to capture "monitoring points" in the process of risk control and extract "risk control points" from the monitoring results. We will give full play to the functions and roles of supervision and auditing departments, build oversight platforms, and weave a tight oversight network to cover the whole process, all fields and links of production, operation, and form a supervision network that covers the whole process from side to side and vertically to the bottom. We will promote the efficient operation of the oversight system, highlight key oversight, strengthen oversight at the same level, pay close attention to functional oversight, do a good job in community-level oversight, and take solid steps to build a system of "grand supervision".

Precision strike
We will give full play to the sword role of supervision departments

The supervision department will make great efforts on the word "precision" and seek practical results. In particular, it will pay close attention to new situations and problems arising in the development of the group. It will formulate long-term plans for behaviors that damage corporate interests and tarnish corporate image, especially for key areas, key links and key groups prone to multiple corruption problems, and maintain a continuous early warning state with "zero tolerance" attitude. "Steady, accurate, ruthless" strength, the implementation of accurate strikes, really "hit pain", "kill", put an end to recidivism. There is no "special zone" for fighting corruption. We must be bold enough to meet tough demands and implement strict requirements throughout the whole process and in every link. It is necessary to implement the concept of systematic treatment and treating both symptoms and root causes, and to work together to punish and deter, system restraint and raise awareness. Through the key and precise attack on the corruption behaviors and corrupt elements that harm the interests of the company, it is necessary to form a shock and awe, play a voice and demonstrate the determination and strength of Xinda Group to fight against corruption and advocate integrity.

We will vigorously promote the construction of an internal clean government supervision system

Actively construct an honest and honest supervision system that conforms to the actual development of Xinda, which is objective, fair, mature and effective, improve the relevant regulations and supervision procedures, and effectively implement them. Focusing on reducing cost and increasing efficiency, improving comprehensive efficiency, checking leaks and filling gaps, and reinforcing weaknesses, establish and improve the clean government supervision system for each post, each link and each key node, clarify management responsibilities, responsibilities to people, specific matters, and implementation in place, form an effective supervision and management mechanism, and promote the construction of internal clean government supervision system. To build a healthy, orderly, clean and efficient management order to strengthen the regulatory norms. In 2023, it will focus on key links such as "scientific decision-making and efficient implementation process", "optimization and efficiency of production and operation process", "precise and intensive human resource management", "maximization of fund use and management benefits", improve the supervision system, strengthen efficiency inspection, and improve the quality and level of supervision and control.

We will strengthen publicity, education and public opinion guidance in combating corruption and advocating integrity

To promote anti-corruption work requires addressing both the symptoms and root causes, and doing virtual work in real terms. First, strengthen the construction of clean government culture; Second, give full play to the role of education planning in the positive publicity of public opinion, firmly grasp the initiative of anti-corruption and advocating honesty in the spirit level, so that "the factory prospers, I prosper", "I share the future with Xinda" become the consensus and firm belief of all staff; Third, in accordance with the "pragmatic, targeted; Up and down linkage, wide coverage; The idea of diversified forms and strong characteristics, with the help of various channels and modern scientific and technological means, "online and offline" equal emphasis, broaden the field of publicity, expand the radiation of education. "Online" will select a number of positive models in the whole group in such aspects as love and dedication, abide by rules and discipline, honesty and public service, punish corruption and control corruption, etc. Through a variety of media and carriers, vigorously publicize within the Group to lead the direction and promote positive energy; "Offline" will visit the clean government education and training base, organize to hold a family forum to help clean government with the theme of building a family defense line, and organize employees to watch clean government educational films on a regular basis, so as to give full play to the role of public opinion in the education and guidance of anti-corruption work, and make public opinion become the "discipline mirror" and "warning bell" of the anti-corruption work.

The year 2023 is the second "industrial upgrading year" in the three-step plan of the Five-Five-Year strategic development of Hebei Xinda Group. It is also a key year for the Group to cope with challenges, turn crises into opportunities and transform into rapid growth. The new situation, new goals and new tasks require all Xin dons to work hard and fulfill their duties with an indomitable attitude of struggle and a spirit of never slacking off. Together, they can create an enterprise development atmosphere with the same goal, one mind and one mind, one action, and a political ecology in which both diligence, diligence and efficiency are emphasized with integrity. We will continue to strengthen the synergy, innovation and control power of the operation and control system, strive to build a modern green enterprise with standardized, orderly, healthy, harmonious and high-quality development, and strive to build a comprehensive "steel flagship with industrial competitiveness" and realize the grand dream of "serving the country with industry and creating a century-old strong enterprise".