Conscientious society! Xinda has won the list of China's Top 500 enterprises in philanthropy and other series!

Recently, Hebei Xinda Group was invited to attend the 6th China Enterprise Philanthropy Forum held in Fuling District of Chongqing. Jiang Lina, director of Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation, attended the forum. Fuling District Investment Promotion and Investment Project signing ceremony, Chinese Enterprise Philanthropy and Development Strategy Dialogue, 2022 Chinese Enterprise Philanthropy Top 500 Release Conference were held during this period.

The forum released a list of China's Top 500 corporate philanthropies in 2022, which compares the wealth and dedication of enterprises and directly demonstrates the achievements of corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. was listed in the list of China's Top 500 corporate philanthropies in 2022. China's Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises Charity List in 2022, China's Top 500 Private Enterprises Charity List in 2022, and China's Top 500 high-tech enterprises Charity list in 2022. The list of China's Top 500 Corporate philanthropy has been published for six consecutive years this year, showing the whole society the new achievements of Chinese enterprises in philanthropy in a comprehensive and objective way. It has led and encouraged more enterprises to increase their investment in philanthropy, and played an important role in China's rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and work resumption, flood relief and common prosperity. Xinda has been on the list for many years in a row.

Hebei Xinda Group has always been aware of its responsibilities and thinking about progress. While paying attention to its own development, it has taken the initiative to shoulder social responsibilities and constantly shared development achievements with the society. Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation has been set up to concentrate on giving back to the society, inherit the Chinese virtues of charity, helping the poor and the weak, and carry forward the Xinda spirit of solidarity, friendship and mutual help. It cares and cares for the vulnerable groups, helps people living in difficulties, and actively participates in public welfare and charity undertakings. Since its establishment, it has donated more than 100 million yuan to the society. In 2022 alone, it has donated 22.41 million yuan to the society. It has established a good image of being brave to take on the responsibility, fulfilling the mission and being trustworthy, and interprets the profound meaning of "serving the country by industry".

The charity of poverty relief knows no bounds

In 2022, Hebei Xinda Group donated 1.5 million yuan of poverty relief funds to Haiyan County, Qinghai Province in northwest China to help the area lift out of poverty and revitalize. Donated 60,000 yuan to the poverty alleviation project of Qian 'an City. To provide funds and other assistance to families suffering from serious diseases and poor people in Wangtufang community of Pingquan City.

▲ Donate medical and living assistance to Chen Yuxin and other families in distress.

The Times have shown their commitment

In 2022, Hebei Xinda Group actively assisted the government in epidemic prevention and control, donating 20.1 million yuan of special funds for Qian 'an City, Dongangezhuang Village of Luanzhou City, Dongfeng County of Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, and other places. Together with the whole society, Xinda Group did its best to serve the front line of the epidemic response, demonstrating its responsibility of putting people first.

▲ 10 million yuan to help Qian 'an's COVID-19 prevention and control work.

Help the old and students warm the neighborhood

Hebei Xinda Group has long carried out activities to help the elderly, visiting centenarians, living allowances, and dispersed the elderly in extreme poverty, and sending materials and care to the elderly in nursing homes to help them live a peaceful old age. For many years, we have carried out activities such as "Warm Bud of Love", "Inheritance Plan of Dream", "Warm Spring Bud of Love" and "Realizing Dream of learning". We have constantly pushed deeper and made real education projects of love, let more children go back to school, let students from poor families realize their study dreams, and give back to the public with actions to warm the neighborhood.

▲ Carry out the donation ceremony of "Warm Hearts for Students and Warm Love" for poverty-stricken students of Qian 'an No. 1 Middle School, and grant cash to 94 students such as Liu Shuo, Zhang Xinlu and Shao Chenyang.

▲ Cooperate with the Party Committee of Shaheyi Town to carry out voluntary services in the nursing home, visit and comfort the lonely elderly.

▲ The "Dream Inheritance and Aid Program" has been launched to provide grants to students. Over the past five years, more than 1 million yuan has been distributed to 137 students for dream building.

▲ The group visited 20 college students in need and gave grants of 100,000 yuan.

Help farmers and revitalize rural areas

Hebei Xinda Group joined hands with the region to carry out the support activities of "consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and promoting the cause of rural revitalization", and took the initiative to buy unsalable vegetables from farmers to solve their urgent needs. "I am the most Popular in Watertown" public welfare live delivery activities have been carried out for many times. Through the use of new media platforms, fast lanes have been laid for agricultural products from fields to thousands of households, helping local farmers to generate income and increase income, selling roads, revitalizing economy, warming people's hearts, and adding energy and capacity for rural revitalization.

▲ Group initiative to buy scallion farmers unsalable scallion more than 10,000 jin.

▲ "I am the Most Popular in Water City" public welfare live streaming activities were carried out for many times in conjunction with the Municipal Internet and Information Office, with an hourly turnover of 600 orders, helping farmers to increase income and rural revitalization.

In recent years, Hebei Xinda Charity Foundation has been awarded the title of "Outstanding Unit of Social Organizations Participating in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19" by Hebei Provincial Civil Affairs Department, and the title of "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Social Organizations Following the Party -- Helping Poverty Alleviation Action" jointly by Hebei Provincial Civil Affairs Department, Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Department and Tianjin Municipal Civil Affairs Department. It was awarded the title of "Excellent Unit to Help Rural Revitalization in 2021" by the Civil Affairs Department of Hebei Province, "the 10th Model of Morality in Qian 'an City", "Model of Helping Others" by the Qian 'an Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee, "Qian 'an City's Top Ten Students from Lei Feng in the fourth quarter of 2019" and so on.

In the face of difficulties and challenges that exceeded expectations, such as repeated outbreaks of COVID-19 and a complex and volatile external environment in 2022, Hebei Xinda Group stood up to the pressure and made great efforts to stabilize growth, promote employment and improve people's livelihood. Facing arduous and complex long-term goals such as rural revitalization and green development, Xinda gathers strength and wisdom, dares to act, and delivers a heartwarming answer to people's livelihood for the whole society. It is not only an honor to be listed in the "Top 500 Chinese Corporate Philanthropy in 2022" list, but also a new journey to be relaunched with full responsibility. The group will adhere to the core concept of "serving the country with industry to build a century-old strong enterprise", always pay attention to the development of the country, help consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, actively participate in rural revitalization, donate funds to help the poor, and on the road to common prosperity. In the process of higher quality development, we will further exert the charity power of Xinda and show our great love for responsibility!