The magnificent prospect of Chinese modernization from ten dimensions

In the long journey of modernization led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and hundreds of millions of Chinese people, the decade of the new era has been a chapter of profound significance, "providing a more perfect institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and a more active spiritual force for Chinese modernization".

In 2022, the 21st CPC drew up a blueprint for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.

The year 2023 will be the first year for fully implementing the Party's 20 Guiding Principles. 

On the eve of the two sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed new NPC deputies and CPPCC members. They looked at the magnificent prospect of Chinese-style modernization from ten dimensions.

Quality China

"High-quality development is the primary task for comprehensively building a modern socialist country," said the report to the Party's 20th National Congress.

"We should closely integrate high-quality development with meeting the people's needs for a better life, give priority to ecology, promote high-quality development and create high-quality life, and complement each other." 

"A modern China is bound to be a country of high-quality development and a country of high quality. Only by putting equal emphasis on stable growth and improving quality, and forming a strong synergy for high-quality development, can we continuously build the economic foundation for realizing Chinese-style modernization and consolidate the material and technological foundation for national rejuvenation." The Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) Director of the economics teaching and research Department Han Baojiang member said.

Recently, a blogger living in the US lamented on social media that "made in China" at home a decade ago was mostly clothes, shoes and hats, but now it's drones and smart TVS.

From "Made in China" to "created in China", behind the changes that individuals feel is the evolution of China's development from "quantity" to "quality".

"Promote effective qualitative and quantitative growth of the economy"... From the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline of long-range Goals for 2035 to the Report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and last year's Central Economic Work Conference, high-quality development has always been anchored in China's modernization drive.

"High-quality development means that we should base ourselves on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and promote quality, efficiency and power reform. At the same time, we will accelerate the building of a new development pattern in which the domestic cycle plays a major role and both domestic and international cycles reinforce each other." Yu Miaojie, president of Liaoning University said.

On the new journey, China is writing a new chapter in its modernization drive through high-quality development

China ranks 12th among major countries in terms of the intensity of its investment in research, experimentation and development. The production scale of wind power, photovoltaic power generation and other clean energy equipment ranks first in the world. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Yangtze River Delta are witnessing rapid growth.

We should fully implement the new vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, build a high-level socialist market economy, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern featuring the great domestic cycle as the main body and the double domestic and international cycles as mutually reinforcing...

Each key point is connected with the other, so as to foster an economic layout featuring high-quality development that draws on each other's strengths and opens up broad space for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Zhou Hanmin, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Civil Construction, said that the Chinese modernization road of high-quality development is the aspiration of the people, the need of The Times and the trend of The Times.

Innovation China

The report to the Party's 20 National Congress pointed out that "innovation is the primary driving force" and "adhered to the core role of innovation in our country's overall modernization drive."


The movie The Wandering Earth 2, which has been a hit recently, is both imaginative and realistic. Many scientific and technological products in the film, such as quantum computers and exoskeleton robots, are products of reasonable imagination based on existing technologies.

Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin sighed that it is China's modernization process that makes "science fiction" closer to us.

Heavenly Palace, Jiaolong, Beidou, Heavenly Eye, Mozi, Big Plane... Since the beginning of the new era, China's scientific and technological strength has reached a new level, entering the ranks of innovative countries and embarking on a new journey to become a world power in science and technology.

In the vast space, China's space station has officially started long-term manned residence mode. China's manned space station project has officially entered the application and development stage, and will launch two manned spacecraft and one to two cargo spacecraft every year.

A new generation of manned carrier rocket is expected to make its maiden flight around 2027. By 2030, we will launch the "Sound Finding Program" to detect whether there are habitable planets outside the solar system. The year 2045 is expected to see a disruptive change in the way space is accessed and transported...

"The achievement of pursuing our dreams in space has witnessed the progress of China from being a major space power, and also reflected the surging momentum of innovation in China." Wang Xiaojun, president of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, said that enabling science and technology has become a significant symbol of China's high-quality development, and scientific and technological innovation has become an important driving force leading the Chinese-style modernization drive.

"To achieve self-reliance in high-level science and technology and become a leading innovation-oriented country" is one of the overall goals of China's development by 2035, which is only a decade away from now.

On the new journey, we will strengthen the first driving force of innovation and grasp the first resources of talents. A series of measures have been or will be rolled out

Implementing the ten-year Plan for basic research; We will intensify efforts to tackle key products and core technologies. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China's R&D spending increased by an average of more than 7% annually. Liberating all aspects of scientific research personnel and expanding the "green channel" of scientific research management; The Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China has been released...

"Only by accelerating the realization of high-level science and technology, can we keep the initiative of development firmly in our own hands." Zou Ming, a senior engineer at the Research Institute of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group who has been focusing on rail research and development for 30 years, said that it is necessary to give full play to the main role of enterprise innovation and transform the "biggest variable" of scientific and technological innovation into the "biggest increment" of promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Dynamic China

"Persisting in deepening reform and opening up" is one of the major principles that must be firmly grasped when the report to the 20th CPC National Congress looks ahead to the new journey. The report stresses that "efforts should be made to remove deep-seated institutional obstacles, constantly highlight the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and constantly enhance the driving force and vitality of socialist modernization".

Benefit from the implementation of the river chief system, the village mouth of the clear water and green mountains for a new look; The China Import and Consumer Expo was held, and there were more imported food on the tables. More medical institutions will be incorporated into the medical consortium to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources...

The "Article 20 of Data" was released, taking an important step in building a basic system of data. Full implementation of the stock issue registration system officially implemented... The deepening of reform and the activation of capital, data and other factors are opening the "new valve" of economic vitality.

The construction plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan for new urbanization has been finalized. It proposes to relax restrictions on household registration except in certain megacurcities, and trial the hukou system based on regular residence. We will deepen coordinated reform of medical, medical and pharmaceutical services, and realize national pooling of basic old-age insurance during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Reform has "temperature", social vitality.

We will deepen the reform of "deregulation, regulation and service" to ease the burdens on market entities. A new round of state-owned enterprise reform is in the offing after three years of action. Create a market environment of fair competition, so that state-owned enterprises dare to do business, private enterprises dare to venture, foreign companies dare to invest...... Reform continued to expand in scope, helping market players to "always have green hills and full of vitality".

At present, the total number of market entities in China has reached 170 million.

"The expectations and confidence of market entities, especially private enterprises, are not only related to the current economy, but also to the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization. We need to break down institutional barriers through deepening reform and fully implement the two unwavering principles." Said Zhang Lianqi, a member of the CPPCC National Committee.

Gong Liutang, a professor at Peking University's Guanghua School of Management, said China has significant and unique advantages in both supply-side and demand-side terms. As long as we continue to deepen reform and get rid of the key bottlenecks in economic circulation, we will surely inject inexhaustible vitality and impetus into the Chinese-style modernization.

Unimpeded China

The 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Outline call for coordinated development of traditional infrastructure and new infrastructure, and a modern infrastructure system that is complete, efficient, practical, smart, green, safe and reliable.


The goal of Chinese modernization is to build a smooth China.

Overlooking the land of China, China has built the world's largest high-speed railway network, expressway network, world-class port cluster, aviation and navigation links to the world, with a comprehensive transportation network of over 6 million kilometers.

In January 2023, Lingdingyang, a world-class sea crossing project connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River, has completed the pouring of the last submerged tube section of an undersea tunnel. The undersea tunnel, which consists of 32 submerged tubes, is about 6.8 kilometers long.

The 24-kilometer-long Shenzhen-Zhong Corridor, which integrates Bridges, islands, tunnels and underwater communication, will be completed and opened to traffic next year. The drive between Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be reduced from the current two hours to about 20 minutes.

And it's not just the South China Sea that's busy. Since the beginning of this year, the construction of major transportation projects across the country has been non-stop -- the North China Plain, highways have been accelerated into a network; Snow Plateau, Sichuan-Tibet railway constantly extended...

By 2025, the utilization rate of the backbone capacity of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network will be significantly increased, and the length of the physical transportation network will reach about 260,000 kilometers. By 2030, the main framework will be completed and the length of the physical network will reach 280,000 kilometers. By 2035, the main framework will be completed, laying the foundation for building China into a transportation powerhouse.

At that time, we can have a "trip on demand". The "123 national transportation circles" -- one-hour commute in metro areas, two-hour commute in urban clusters, and three-hour coverage in major cities across the country -- will be basically realized.

Our vehicles will be smarter. Zhong Zhangdi, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who has been committed to transportation research for a long time, said that China's railways are leading the way in intelligent construction and are also speeding up exploration in the field of serving smart travel and smart platform construction. By 2035, China's smart trains, smart connected cars and other technologies will reach the world's advanced level.

Our express packages will run faster. "Global 123 express logistics Circle" -- 1 day delivery in China, 2 days delivery in neighboring countries and 3 days delivery in major cities around the world will be basically realized.

In China today, an unprecedented "four horizontal and three vertical" national water network is being outlined. To build a super-large power grid with the highest voltage rating, the largest installed capacity and the strongest resource allocation capacity in the world; Large-scale deployment of 5G networks will be accelerated, and 6G network technology reserves will be laid out in a forward-looking manner...

Smooth China, all directions, people enjoy its line, the flow of things!

Beautiful China

Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. According to the report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, respecting, adapting to and protecting nature are inherent requirements for comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

The 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) has set up a new sector of the "environment and resources sector", which is a major adjustment in the past 30 years. Zhang Xingying from the China Meteorological Administration is one of them.

"This sector adjustment is timely and deserved." Zhang Xingying said that to deal with the relationship between good people and resources and environment is a necessary answer to the path of Chinese modernization.

Over the past 10 years, "clean waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" has become the consensus and action of the whole society, and China has explored a path of green development.

By the end of 2022, all units of Baihetan Hydropower Station, the world's second largest in total installed capacity, will be put into operation on the lower reaches of the Jinsha River. Six huge cascaded hydropower stations along the main stream of the Yangtze River form the world's largest "clean energy corridor".

China's traditional "coal-dominated" energy structure is changing. In the northwest of China, thousands of photovoltaic panels follow the light day by day; On the vast sea, big windmills stand in the blue sea and blue sky, turning wind into electricity...

It's not just energy that's changing.

In 2022, 86.5 percent of the days in cities at prefecture level or above will be good, and the number of days with heavy pollution will drop to less than 1 percent for the first time, making China the fastest country in improving its air quality. The proportion of surface water quality sections is close to the level of developed countries.

Looking forward to the future, standing in the height of harmonious coexistence between man and nature planning development, our home will be more beautiful and lovely.

People enjoy more blue sky and white clouds, clear water and green banks, and pastoral scenery. By 2025, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) should be reduced by 10 percent in cities at the prefecture level and above; 85 percent of surface water bodies in category I-III should be classified; heavy pollution days and black and smelly urban water bodies should be basically eliminated; and soil pollution risks should be effectively controlled.

People's production and life will be greener and more sustainable. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, China will reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 18 percent from the 2020 level, and raise the share of non-fossil energy consumption to about 20 percent.

The relationship between man and nature will be more harmonious. By 2025, forest coverage will reach 24.1 percent and wetlands will be protected 55 percent of the time. By 2035, China will have basically completed a system of national parks with the largest scale of protection, the richest ecological types and biodiversity, and the largest number of benefits.

The beautiful picture of China is being painted in our hands.

Enrich China together

The Chinese style of modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all the people. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we continue to take the realization of the people's aspirations for a better life as the starting point and goal of our modernization drive."

In early 2023, a set of data from Zhejiang, a demonstration zone of high-quality development and common prosperity, attracted attention:

In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Zhejiang was 37,565 yuan, and the urban-rural income ratio decreased from 2.37 in 2012 to 1.9 in 2022. In a decade, the national figure dropped from 2.88 to 2.45.

"The smaller the income ratio difference between urban and rural residents, the smaller the urban-rural wealth gap. The difference of a few tenths of a percentage point is a big change in the income of urban and rural residents." Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Industrial Economics Party Secretary Qu Yongyi member said.

The goal of Chinese modernization is not only "prosperity", but "common prosperity for all the people".

By 2035, one of China's overall development goals, namely, all-round development of the people and common prosperity for all, will have made more tangible progress.

Today, China has reached a new starting point: 770 million rural people have been lifted out of poverty, the middle-income population has exceeded 400 million, and the per capita disposable income of its residents has exceeded 35,000 yuan, doubling in 10 years.

Towards a prosperous China, a better picture is unfolding

Revenue is on a new level. By 2035, per capita GDP should reach the level of moderately developed countries. More college and vocational college graduates, skilled workers and rural migrant workers saw their incomes rise. The middle-income group will exceed 800 million in the next 15 years.

Human development is more comprehensive. By 2025, the average length of schooling for the working-age population will rise to 11.3 years. The participation rate of basic endowment insurance will be raised to 95%. By 2035, the elderly care and health services industries will further expand, and more digital and intelligent libraries and museums will enrich people's lives.

"The most arduous and onerous task in comprehensively building a modern socialist country still lies in the countryside."  This year, the No. 1 Central Government Document has made extensive arrangements to promote the high-quality development of rural industries, and more rural development is expected to usher in a new look.

The realization of the dream and common prosperity, need everyone's hard work. The journey is long, but struggle. You and I, we should work together to enrich China at an early date.

Civilized China

Chinese modernization is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization in harmony. 

Recently, two projects to carry forward the Chinese civilization have reached a "critical moment" :

-- Outside the northwest Fifth Ring Road in Beijing, ground has been broken for the North section of the Palace Museum, which is expected to be fully completed in 2025 when the museum celebrates its 100th anniversary, and become a modern museum integrating cultural relic display, restoration, preservation and cultural dissemination.

-- The implementation of the Beijing Central Axis Protection and Management Plan (2022-2035) defines for the first time the boundaries of the heritage areas and buffer zones of the Beijing Central Axis, marking a new stage in the protection of the Beijing Central Axis as a World Heritage site.

Many deputies and members of the committee said that major cultural projects will not only protect the Chinese culture and carry forward the splendid Chinese civilization, but also engrave the glory of Chinese-style modernization.

In today's China, cultural confidence is providing an endless source of spiritual power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Important progress was made in the archaeology of Liangzhu and Yin Ruins, and fruitful achievements were made in the project of exploring the source of Chinese civilization and in the "archaeology of China".

Major cultural projects such as the opening of the China National Library of Editions protect the flame of civilization and pass on the sustainable context;

From the first National reading Conference to the emergence of "role models of The Times", the point of civilization brightens people's life and leads the trend of The Times.

To build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, we need, more than ever before, the guidance of our thoughts, the nourishment of our culture and the support of our spirit.

"We will continue to combine the basic tenets of Marxism with China's realities and fine traditional Chinese culture." When the fine traditional Chinese culture is combined with scientific theories, it will certainly promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promote the development of Chinese culture to achieve greater prosperity.

Cultural construction on the new journey is solid. "By 2025, there will be more than 100,000 screens in total", "active creations in various art categories, and one after another, gradually realizing the leap from the plateau to the peak"... The Chinese people will enjoy a richer and more enriching spiritual and cultural life.

China's cultural and cultural protection institutions cooperate with other countries in the protection and restoration of historic sites. Chinese original films are increasingly popular with foreign audiences... The Chinese civilization continues to reach out to the world, and its exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations show new vitality.

Chinese modernization, which is different from the western modernization pattern, is a brand new form of human civilization.

Safe China


The report to the Party's 20th National Congress will have a special chapter on the modernization of the national security system and capacity, and resolutely safeguard national security and social stability.

China's modernization drive will lead to a secure China.

Grain stabilizes the world. In 2022, in the face of multiple challenges such as epidemics and disasters, China achieved another bumper crop of over 50 million metric tons for eight consecutive years.

2023 Central No. 1 document deployment of a series of "hard indicators", requires the implementation of a new round of 100 billion jin of grain capacity to improve action.

Qian Qian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said it is difficult for China to increase grain production because it has a large population and little land.

Energy has been likened to the food of industry. Yang Changli, Chairman of the China General Nuclear Power Corporation, said that energy security is an important part of the modernization of the national security system and capacity, which should be paid more attention in the future.

Climbing high -- at an altitude of 4,600 meters, Kola photovoltaic power station, the world's largest water-light complementary power station, is under construction;

To the Deep sea -- The second phase of "Deep Sea No. 1", China's first self-operated ultra-deep water gas field, is advancing to the seabed of 5,000 meters;

Stepping forward to self-reliance -- Huizhou, Guangdong, uses China's self-developed third-generation nuclear power technology "Hualong One" nuclear power unit enters the peak of equipment installation...

Major engineering projects have steadily consolidated the foundation for energy security, adding fuel, gas and electricity to the modernization drive.

To improve the resilience and safety of the industrial chain and supply chain, China has continued to push forward the forging of long boards to strengthen weak boards, stabilize industrial production and optimize industrial distribution.

Security, but also everyone's real feelings.

China has kept its mortality rate at the lowest level in the world, making it a miracle for a populous country to emerge from the pandemic in the history of human civilization. The people's sense of security increased to 98.62%; Has long been among the countries with the lowest homicide rate in the world...

Having a long-term environment for secure and stable development, China has the confidence, conditions and ability to better balance development and security, and achieve a sound interaction between high-quality development and a high level of security in its modernization drive.

Open China

Chinese modernization is a modernization that follows the path of peaceful development. 

In the first month of 2023, the China-Europe freight train, known as the "Steel camel train", accelerated its operation, running more than 1,000 trains per month for 33 consecutive months, injecting new momentum into the Belt and Road Initiative.

The first highway in East Africa, the first sea bridge in Maldives... The Belt and Road Initiative, which will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary, has become a clear symbol of China's efforts to open up at a higher level and promote modernization.

In the view of Jiang Ying, president of Deloitte China, the Belt and Road Initiative has brought connectivity to a wider region of the world and benefited more people in more countries. China's comprehensive modernization will benefit the world a lot.

Today's China is deeply integrated with the world

In one minute, about 80 million yuan worth of goods are transiting between China and the world.

In one hour, China's outbound direct investment reached 112 million yuan.

1 day, about 3.377 billion yuan worth of foreign investment into China...

Today, China is embracing the world with greater openness

The new version of the catalogue of industries encouraging foreign investment was officially implemented, the threshold for foreign investment was further lowered, institutional opening-up was steadily expanded, and China showed its sincerity in opening up to the world.

Build a national "exhibition matrix" such as the Consumer Expo, the China Import Expo, the Canton Fair and the Service Trade Fair to share win-win opportunities with the world;

We have signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions, with free trade partners covering multiple continents, and deeply integrated into the international market.

The China of the future is also the China of the world.

We will import more quality products. More mid - and high-end manufacturing and modern service industries will be opened to foreign investment. Expand and deepen Sino-foreign joint scientific research; We will hear more of China's voice and wisdom in solving the world's problems...

"Opening-up at a high level is the only way to achieve Chinese-style modernization." The spillover effect of Shanghai's hosting of the Expo proves that a more open China not only injects strong impetus into its own development, but also brings more opportunities for win-win cooperation to the world, said Wang Yi, secretary of the Party Committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Strive for China


Since the beginning of the New Year, from south to north, spring plowing is busy, major projects are under construction, factories are producing at full capacity, express logistics are accelerating "running"... The spirit of "striving" in all walks of life, the vigor of "rushing" and the style of "being realistic" are exactly what the work of promoting Chinese modernization should look like.

Chinese modernization is a modernization with a huge population scale. China's 1.4 billion people are moving toward modernization, larger than the combined population of the developed countries. This is an unprecedented challenge and complexity.

Many deputies and members said that we need to both maintain steady growth and promote green transformation. We have taken the lead in some competitive industries, but we still have weaknesses in the safe development of our relations. These challenges must be met through continuous struggle.

Promoting Chinese modernization is an exploratory undertaking, and many unknown areas need to be caught up in the exploration and struggle.

From the appearance of young people, we can see the appearance of Chinese modernization.

"Chang 'e" probe the moon, "Tianwen" probe the fire... Behind the nine-day dream pursuit, there are a group of young people with an average age of less than 35 years old to lift the "Shenzhou", pull the "Jade rabbit", driving the "Zhurong", the heart of the sky, the eyes of the stars;

Millions of young students participated in the "three rural areas" social practice, which injected new strength to consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

Yang Qian, Su Yiming, Wu Yibing... More and more "post-1995" and "post-00s" are stepping onto the world stage, showing the struggle of Chinese young people...

The National Two sessions in 2023 will begin soon. Through legal procedures, this grand event will translate the Party's propositions into the will of the state and the grand blueprint for Chinese-style modernization into specific goals for the first year.

Socialist modernization should be basically realized by 2035; From 2035 to the middle of this century, we will strive for another 15 years to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful.