Hebei Steel Valley was selected as one of the top 50 innovation leaders in the service industry! Company director, senior Vice President Liu Wenyuan joined the digital expert think tank!

Good news: Hebei Steel Valley

Recently, the Development and Reform Commission of Hebei Province and the provincial Enterprise Association jointly held a press conference and released the list of "Top 100 Service Enterprises and Top 50 Service innovation Leading Enterprises in Hebei 2022". Hebei Steel and Grain United Technology Co., Ltd. was listed in the "Top 50 Hebei Service Innovation Leading Enterprises in 2022", ranking 15th. In the "2022 Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute CIO Summit Forum (Lange Steel Station)" hosted by the Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute and undertook by Lange Steel Network, Liu Wenyuan, director and senior vice president of Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co., LTD., joined the Lange Steel Digital expert think tank.

[Innovation leads the smart manufacturing industry to new glory]

At present, under the background that intelligent manufacturing is increasingly becoming the leading paradigm of the future manufacturing industry, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing vigorously, the intelligent industry is developing rapidly, and green low-carbon, integrated innovation and network intelligence are becoming the new characteristics of the development of intelligent manufacturing. The selection of "Hebei Top 100 Service Industry Enterprises and Top 50 Service Industry Innovation Leaders" is jointly carried out by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Enterprise Association, with the purpose of giving full play to the leading role of leading service industry enterprises and leading the standardization, branding and high-quality development of Hebei's service industry.

After being named "Top 50 in Service Industry Innovation in 2020", Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co., Ltd. was once again awarded "Top 50 in service industry Innovation in 2022", which is an affirmation of the huge role played by enterprises in the innovation and development of the province's service industry. It is also a recognition of the excellent innovation capability of Hebei Steel Valley in intelligent manufacturing, industrial interconnection and product application. Taking this opportunity, Hebei Steel Valley will further increase the investment in technology research and development, improve the innovation ability, and comprehensively help the transformation and upgrading of the steel industry.

Hebei Steel Valley mainly uses digital means to provide iron and steel enterprises with the whole industrial chain, the whole value chain, the whole life cycle of services. In the construction and operation of Zhongxinlian cloud business platform, more than 310,000 kinds of raw materials and spare parts of metallurgical industry have been put on the shelves, and 2,900 registered users are distributed in nearly 200 cities and regions across the country. As of February 1, 2023, the total amount of transactions has reached 200.4 billion yuan. Focusing on the global integrated supply chain service management of iron and steel industry production, real-time data capture in the whole supply chain process to achieve timely transmission of information in the whole process of purchasing, supplying and marketing, combined with big data analysis and application, guide iron and steel enterprises to purchase on demand, supply on demand and distribution on demand. By means of lean management, such as improving the efficiency of transaction process, reducing inventory overstock and improving the accuracy of stocking, the platform achieves the goal of connecting the intelligent application of the supply chain system in the steel industry.

In the application of data intelligence, it has completed the research and development and put into operation of bar labeling robot, intelligent cylinder dismantling manipulator, intelligent steel surface inspection system, intelligent storage management and control platform, etc. The industrial interconnection visual remote service platform visualizes, visualizes and concretized data of the integration of production, supply and marketing of Hebei Xinda Group companies on the largest single area and highest clear display screen in North China, providing real-time data support for enterprise decision-making. The digital twin system has completed the virtual factory construction of the section steel plant of Hebei Xinda Steel Rolling General Plant. By connecting with the MES and DAS systems created by Hebei Steel Valley, the digital twin system can realize the global display of production data, real-time display of sensor data, historical query of maintenance work order and other functions to help managers grasp the factory situation online.

Hebei Steel Valley focuses on the innovation and development of high-end products, lean manufacturing in production process, green and low-carbon production process, and efficient collaboration of industrial chain. Through the integration and application of new generation information technology and steel process technology, Hebei Steel Valley enables the ecological circle of steel industry chain, promotes the transformation of steel industry, and becomes a leader in intelligent manufacturing and industrial interconnection. It is A "high-tech enterprise", "national technology-based small and medium enterprises", "specialized and special new small and medium enterprises", "Pilot Project of Industrial Internet Innovation and Development in Hebei Province", "A-level research and development Institution of Industrial enterprises in Hebei Province", "Vice President Unit of Hebei Information Industry and Informatization Association"; Won the "National Excellent Case of Commercial Technology Innovation Application", "Hebei Province Internet Enterprise Party Construction Demonstration Site", "2021 Industrial Internet Innovation Development Benchmarking case" and other honorary titles; Has passed 3A enterprise credit rating certification, ISO9001 three system certification, CMMI3 level certification, double software enterprise certification, DCMM2 level certification and many other certifications; It has more than 400 independent intellectual property rights (patents, computer software, etc.) in the fields of digital intelligent manufacturing and Internet e-commerce platform.

[Galvanize wisdom and be a pioneer in reform and innovation]

Recently, the "2022 Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute CIO Summit Forum of steel industry (Lange Steel Station)" hosted by the Metallurgical industry Planning and Research Institute and undertaken by Lange Steel Network was successfully held. At the meeting, Liu Wenyuan, director and senior vice president of Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co., LTD., joined Lange Steel digital expert think tank, and made a "Hebei Xinda Steel number intellectualization case sharing" theme report. It is pointed out in the report that Hebei Xinda Group builds digital intelligence technology and products in the construction and all-round application of the enterprise, realizes the digital intelligence enabling of all business areas of the group, helps the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise business, and fully realizes all employees online, the whole organization online and the core business online.

Liu Wenyuan serves as deputy general manager of Production Operation Management Center of Hebei Xinda Group, director and senior vice president of Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co., LTD., professor of Yanshan University, doctoral supervisor, academic leader, director of Hebei Network Sensing Big Data Engineering Research Center, President of Yanda Yanruan Information Technology Research Institute, President of Yanruan Group, Jin Bei · Chairman of the Alliance Innovation and Venture Fund of Beijing High-Tech University, giving full play to the supporting role of industry experts, and providing strong professional support for further improving the level of digital and intelligent construction of steel industry chain.

Since taking office in Hebei Steel Valley, Liu Wenyuan has been responsible for the company's technology and product management, promoted the establishment of Hebei Xinda Group's Quality and Efficiency Improvement and Innovation data intelligent management Center, introduced the Quality and efficiency improvement and innovation data intelligent management methods, and actively cooperated with each branch to carry out technological innovation work such as process optimization, lean management and data intelligent. And on behalf of Xinda many times in the national steel industry CIO forum as a keynote speech.

Manufacturing intelligence is the general trend of global industrialization and the key factor for the sustainable, rapid and healthy development of enterprises. Hebei Xinda Group actively explores the concrete practice of emerging technologies in the steel field, creates new advantages for Xinda's development in the era of intelligent manufacturing, relies on the construction of industrial Internet, industrial cloud platform and industrial big data center, promotes breakthroughs in the application of artificial intelligence, industrial robots, 5G, digital twin and other technologies in key scenarios, and builds a comprehensive, three-dimensional and intelligent management system. To realize data connectivity, business collaboration and dynamic optimization of the whole manufacturing process and the whole life cycle, help accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing in the steel industry, and move towards deeper, wider and higher level of intelligent manufacturing!