Tangshan to build a group of hundreds of billions of enterprises! The new industrialization base has taken shape!

Tangshan of Hebei Province is one of the first batch of old industrial cities and resource-based cities to demonstrate industrial transformation and upgrading. In 2022, while reducing steel production capacity and reducing emissions per ton of steel, high value-added steel products will account for 39%, new energy and other strategic emerging industry projects have been implemented, and industrial gold content, new content and green content will gradually increase. The new industrialization base in Bohai Rim region has taken shape.

During the Spring Festival, the Hegang Pohang Automobile Plate Project located in the Leting Economic Development Zone of Tangshan City is undergoing the construction of galvanized line installation and is expected to start production in the second half of this year. "The high-end automobile plate project jointly created by Hesteel Group and PoSCO Group of South Korea is a foreign joint venture project with large single investment in China's steel industry in recent years. It can provide high-strength and lightweight green material solutions for new energy vehicles and high-end brand cars, help improve the added value of steel products, and lead the low-carbon development of the automobile industry." He steel Pohang automotive plate project deputy Party secretary Zhao Xiulong said.

Tangshan is known as "the cradle of China's modern industry", has more than 140 years of industrial development history, is the domestic steel production capacity concentration area, the task of transformation and development is very urgent. Driven by key projects such as Hesteel PoSCO, the city develops fine steel industry, promotes high-end product structure and large-scale enterprises, proposes to build a number of hundred-billion-yuan enterprises, form a trillion-yuan steel industry cluster with global discourse power, and develop high-end equipment manufacturing industry, green chemical industry and green building materials industry. "Traditional industries are not the pronoun of backward industries, but the source of industrial cities. In order to implement the requirements of 'promoting new industrialization' put forward by the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tangshan is making every effort to plan the transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries with sunrise thinking." Tangshan Development and Reform Commission director Lang Wenchang said.

While promoting the upgrading of traditional industries, Tangshan gives full play to its geographical advantages, establishes the idea of "Beijing-Tianjin incubation, Tangshan industrialization", strengthens scientific and technological innovation and import substitution, cultivates strategic emerging industries, and opens up space and adds momentum for high-quality development.

During the Spring Festival travel rush, the CR400BF-Z intelligent bullet train decorated with the pattern of "Dragon and Phoenix auspicious" carries passengers and gallops on the land of the motherland. The car is full of technology: full WiFi coverage, mobile phone wireless charging, video and audio on-demand on the back of the seat screen... Smart services that integrate cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies are very intimate.

Lei Guanbiao, Party secretary of the National Railway Service Division of Tangshan Company of CRRC Group, who participated in the train design, said: "In Tangshan, the birthplace of China's first steam locomotive, from Dragon locomotive to Harmony locomotive, from Fuxing to Fuxing intelligent bullet trains, it reflects the process of rail transit technology from introduction, digestion, absorption, re-innovation to comprehensive independent innovation, and is also a vivid reflection of Tangshan's efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the modern industrial system."

The layout of strategic emerging industries needs to rely on the city's own resource endowment and industrial base. Tangshan city is rich in by-product hydrogen resources in coking, chlor-alkali, steel and other industries, because of coal and steel. The city has made great efforts to develop new energy-related and energy-saving and carbon reduction industries, drawing a green background for the construction of a new industrialization base in the Bohai Rim region. With the construction of Dongfang Electric's clean energy high-end equipment manufacturing base in the city's Caofeidian District on Dec 31, 2022, the wind power, hydrogen and pumped storage industries will provide the city with clean, efficient and multi-supported new energy sources.

According to statistics, in 2022, Tangshan's investment in industrial technological transformation will grow by 12.1%, investment in strategic emerging industries by 6.1%, and investment in high-tech industries by 5.6%. "Sticking to the road of new industrialization, Tangshan will build an industrial chain with stronger innovation and higher added value, realize the transformation of development momentum, and promote the transformation of a major industrial city into a major manufacturing city." Lang Wenchang said.