Stand at the head of the tide! Xinda ranks among the three new entrants in the global steel industry technology competition!

According to the Technological Competition Pattern of the Global Steel Industry in 2022 by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute, there are three new entrants in the world with patent applications, and Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. is among them. Under the background of technology innovation and internationalization, Xinda's high quality development has become a vivid epitome of technology innovation in China's steel industry!

▲ Qianzhan Industrial Research Institute was established in 1998 in Qinghuayuan, Beijing. It is mainly committed to providing industrial research, statistical survey and other solutions for enterprises, governments and research institutes.

From a global perspective, China is an emerging steel country and the largest steel technology source country in the world, with steel patent applications accounting for 70.84% of the world's total steel patent applications. The second is Japan, whose steel industry patent applications account for 14.20% of the global total. The United States and Germany ranked the third and fourth in the world respectively, and the number of patent applications in the steel industry accounted for 5.43% and 2.12% of the total number of patent applications in the global steel industry, with a larger gap than China. China's steel industry and independent steel enterprises have developed more and more advanced steel products that are the first of their kind in the world and fill international gaps, forming the iron and steel bones of the world's second largest economy.

Build an "innovation Highland"

Bring about endless change "from point to surface"

As "China's iron and steel A-level super competitive enterprise" and "China's top 20 iron and steel industry", Xinda has implemented the patent multiplication plan through scientific and technological innovation system and brand construction, and applied for patents around core products, new processes, innovation projects, industry-university-research cooperation projects and other work. With 1 national CNAS accredited quality testing center, 1 provincial enterprise technology center, 2 municipal technology research and development platforms, 3 Hebei Province specialized fine special new enterprises, 4 municipal enterprise technology centers, 6 industrial enterprise research and development institutions, 13 national high-tech enterprises as the carrier, We will build a first-class R&D management and control system, train first-class scientific and technological personnel, develop first-class industrial technologies and products, and roll out first-class scientific and technological achievements.

It has the only municipal-level research institute of iron and steel industry in Hebei Province, and carries out cooperation with many research institutes such as Northeastern University, North China University of Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Metallurgical Planning Institute, etc., with an annual R&D investment of over one billion yuan. We have developed hot rolled strip steel series for cold rolled shallow stamping products, niobium, vanadium, titanium microalloying + grain refining process of low alloy high strength steel hot rolled H-beam series products, high strength seismic hot rolled ribbed steel and other industry medium and high-end technology products, sold to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and other more than 10 countries and regions. It has obtained the authoritative certification from more than 10 countries such as KS, and has been approved as the "designated steel production enterprise" in Xiongan New Area.

Incubating "core patents"

Bring "from virtual to real" development breakthrough

In recent years, Xinda has always earnestly adhered to the implementation of national, provincial and industrial laws, regulations and working requirements of intellectual property construction, closely focused on Xinda brand strengthening enterprise strategy, combined with the company's production and operation center work, improve the intellectual property system, standardize the basic management. It strengthens the creation, application, protection, management and personnel training of intellectual property rights and continuously improves the intellectual property management system. It has won the "Intellectual Property Management System Certification" and has 1,444 independent intellectual property rights in the fields of environmental protection equipment manufacturing, digital intelligent manufacturing and Internet e-commerce platform. "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise", "Patent Innovation Potential Enterprise of China's Steel Industry", and "Top 500 Private Enterprises Invested in R&D".

In the fields of process technology, materials, equipment and intelligent manufacturing, more than 100 problems have been solved. Independent research and development based on the casting billet speed automatic water distribution technology, solved the long-term problems of liquid core straightening and brittle straightening in continuous casting production. Iron ore blending technology and hot rolled H beam ultra-fast cooling technology have broken the foreign technology monopoly, and the overall technology has reached the international advanced level. The unmanned continuous casting platform of intelligent factory applies two robots to replace long water spout at the same time, achieving the world's first case in the industry...... Major innovations have emerged, demonstrating the growing core strength of Chinese manufacturing.

Adhere to "independent innovation"

Bring "from quantity to quality" great leap

On the basis of the substantial increase in the number of patents, Xinda constantly improves the quality of patents, promotes the application of technologies, and gradually improves the "stuck in the thorax" of the company's weak core technology foundation.

BD mill +11 universal finishing mill is used for the first time in China to realize the technology of rolling 500H section steel with large billet. The production line adopts the fifth-generation CMA universal rolling mill technology of Tianjin Zhongzhong Technology Co., LTD., which is the most advanced rolling line system in China. It has reached the high stiffness, short stress line universal rolling mill and two-high convertible rolling mill. The whole technology of rectangular billet and tandem mill rolling 300*300 and 390*300 H-beam steel is applied to fill the gap in the industry.

The successful development of intelligent firing technology of steel rolling heating furnace, intelligent steel making technology of converter, MES system of steel production management and execution, industrial robot, etc., has driven the iterative upgrading of steel equipment, realized the promotion and application of intensive technology of production equipment, and explored a new way for the development of intelligent steel equipment.

In Hebei Province, it took the lead to produce high-strength HRB500E by microalloying + controlled rolling and cooling technology. Taking the lead in the production of high performance cold rolling Q195 steel with longevity hit package technology, the ductility and corrosion resistance of steel reach the industry-leading level. The control process of cooling after rolling is developed to ensure that the microstructure of high strength bar steel is ferritic and pearlite, without harmful microstructure and tempered martensite. To participate in the formulation of national standards for Steel Product Quality Capacity Classification; "Hot Rolled H-beam Quality Inspection Innovation Project" and "Xinda Group 66 66 Management Mode" won the national professional Quality Innovation Achievement Award; Eleven innovation projects won the Hebei Quality Management Innovation Achievement Award.

The greater the cause, the more full of difficulties and obstacles, the more need for innovation.

Facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, the main economic battlefield, and the major national needs, Hebei Xinda Group will further promote the construction of the "Special thought Zone" with the practice of innovation and development as the core, the "intelligent manufacturing Special Zone" with the product iteration as the core, and the "scientific research Special Zone" with the technology upgrade as the core, and strive to break through the "bottleneck" steel materials, intelligent manufacturing technology, green and low-carbon technology. It leads the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry by virtue of the "one move fresh" and "mace" which are pioneered by the industry and fill the blank. With the dynamic overall optimization of industrial chain, the extension of high-end value chain and the global integration of innovation chain, Xinda will create greater development space, cultivate greater competitive advantages, and promote China's transformation from a steel power to a steel power!