Accelerating New Industrialization -- The new trend of industrial economy development from the annual report

In 2022, the contribution of industry to economic growth reached 36%, a relatively high level in recent years. The value added of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.4% year on year; The industrial Internet industry is expected to reach 1.2 trillion yuan... The report card on industrial and information technology development for 2022 was released on January 18, showing that the industrial economy was stable on the whole in the past year, further demonstrating its role as a ballast stone and increasing the resilience of industrial development.

Reporters learned from the press conference held by the State Information Office on the same day that in 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to put stable growth in a more prominent position, focusing on expanding demand, promoting circulation, helping enterprises, strengthening driving force, stabilizing expectations, promoting new achievements in the development of industry and information technology, and accelerating the development of new industrialization.

In 2022, industry will contribute 36% to economic growth

The industrial economy is stabilizing, the information and communications industry is growing steadily, and the industrial chain and supply chain are stable and unimpeded. The support and contribution of industry to the national economy will be further enhanced, the resilience of industrial development will be further enhanced, and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises will be further accelerated. Tian Yulong, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, used three "stable" and three "further" to describe the overall trend of industrial and information technology development in 2022 at the press conference.

Statistics show that in 2022, the added value of industries above designated size grew by 3.6% year on year, with that of the manufacturing sector growing by 3%. Investment in the manufacturing sector increased by 9.1% year on year, and the export delivery value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.5% year on year.

"Industry contributed 36 percent to economic growth, a relatively high level in recent years. Industry contributed 1.1 percentage points to growth, with manufacturing adding 0.8 percentage points." The industrial economy will provide strong support for stabilizing the macro economy in 2022, Tian said.

With the deepening of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading, industrial development has become more resilient. We accelerated the development of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing, and set up 45 state-level advanced manufacturing clusters and 100 clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises with distinctive features. In 2022, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.4 percent year on year. New energy and new growth drivers saw rapid growth. In particular, new-energy vehicles have remained the world's No. 1 vehicle for eight consecutive years.

At the same time, policy planning continued to intensify, and business confidence further improved. According to data released at the press conference, more than 4 trillion yuan of new tax and fee cuts and tax rebate exemptions will be added to various market entities in 2022, about 40 percent of which will go to small and micro businesses. The National Fund for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises has generated 35 billion yuan of private capital investment, which has played a positive role in easing credit difficulties. Through the establishment of a gradient cultivation system for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, a total of 8,997 national-level specialized, specialized and new "little giant" enterprises have been cultivated, and over 70,000 provincial specialized, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises have been cultivated.

"We believe that with the effective release of the vitality of market entities, the potential of consumer consumption and the impetus of industrial upgrading, the steady recovery of the industrial economy will remain unchanged, providing more powerful support for the macro-economic market." Tian Yulong said.

We will upgrade the industrial base and modernize the industrial chain

Industrial chain supply chain is the lifeblood of industrial economy. According to the Central Economic Work Conference, focusing on key industrial chains of the manufacturing industry, weak links in key core technologies and components should be identified, and high-quality resources should be combined to tackle problems, so as to ensure that the industrial system is independent, controllable, safe and reliable, and smooth circulation of the national economy.

"Since 2022, we have made maintaining the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain our top priority, effectively dealt with the disturbance and impact of unexpected factors, and the overall operation of China's manufacturing industry has been safe and stable." Tao Qing, director of the operation monitoring and coordination bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to both development and safety, focus on strengthening the weak board, forging the long board, strengthening the foundation, cluster education and other key tasks, accelerate the upgrading of the industrial foundation and the modernization of the industrial chain.

In order to consolidate the foundation and speed up the repair of weak areas, Tao Qing said that industrial foundation reconstruction projects and key core technology projects will be implemented to improve the industrial system of autonomy, control and safety and reliability. We will encourage leading enterprises in the industrial chain to strengthen cooperation with upstream and downstream smes in technological breakthroughs, production verification and standard setting, and improve the level of collaborative innovation and integrated development of the industrial chain.

To consolidate our strengths and build new growth engines, we will actively forge a long board in key areas of strength, enhance the competitiveness of traditional industries, and accelerate the deep integration of next-generation information technology and manufacturing. We will vigorously develop the digital economy, seize new strategic opportunities, accelerate the development of new technologies, new forms and models of business, and promote the cluster development of advanced manufacturing.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will further guard against risks to ensure a stable and smooth industrial and supply chain. "We will focus on improving our ability to identify, respond to and handle risks, strengthen operational monitoring of key regions and industries, strengthen cross-departmental and cross-regional linkages, and effectively enhance our ability to coordinate risk management. We will speed up the implementation of policies to stabilize the economy, ensure the production factors of the industry, and ensure the production and operation of enterprises to the maximum extent possible." Tao Qing said.

We will further integrate the digital economy with the real economy

The industrial Internet has been fully integrated into 45 categories of the national economy, with more than 240 influential industrial Internet platforms. "5G+ Industrial Internet" has built more than 4,000 projects in more than 10 key industries such as automobiles and mining... The latest data released at the conference showed that the industrial Internet has continued to unleash positive effects in promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

"The scale of the industrial Internet industry is expected to reach 1.2 trillion yuan in 2022, providing strong support for high-quality economic and social development." Zhao Zhiguo, director of the Information and Communications Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the next step will be to accelerate the large-scale development of industrial Internet, promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy, constantly release the impetus of industrial upgrading, and help the industrial economy to recover steadily.

Specifically, it will strengthen policy guidance, formulate policies and measures to promote the large-scale development of the industrial Internet, further improve the top-level design, make full use of fiscal, tax and financial policies, strengthen industry-finance cooperation and the combination of industry and education, and further create a favorable development environment. We will deepen industrial innovation, support various market players to give full play to their respective advantages and strengthen interconnection and collaboration, vigorously foster leading industrial Internet enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises that are "specialized and innovative", strengthen industrial Internet industry alliances, and foster a healthy and sustainable industrial ecology.

At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will further strengthen the application, accelerate the popularization. "We will speed up the cultivation of advanced factories, encourage enterprises to actively use 5G and other technologies to carry out digital transformation of factories, and promote the wide application of new technologies, new scenarios and new models. Accelerate the upgrading of industrial clusters and promote the digital and green development of industrial parks. We will deepen the expansion of key industries, extensively connect supply and demand, strengthen the popularization of the industrial Internet in key industrial chains, and promote high-quality development of the real economy with its large-scale application." Zhao Zhiguo said.