"Rabbit" endless New Year wishes! Xinda "big coffee" to say something!

The golden tiger jumped into the wind

The Jade rabbit is light and sends blessings

With the happy atmosphere of the New Year

Xinda "big names" from all units

The word is the medium, and the word is the mirror

Greet the new me

Let us follow in the footsteps of the outstanding middle-level cadres

Look back at them in Xinda

An exciting 2022

Looking forward to the hopeful 2023

Receive their New Year wishes ~

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Group supply and marketing Company

Product Marketing Department Chen Ming

2022 will be a difficult and challenging year for steel companies. As the person in charge of the sales business of the company, I carefully analyzed the market situation, identified the context of the market, found the reality and potential demand of the market through in-depth understanding and analysis of the market, seized the market opportunity, and successfully completed various tasks of the company in the sales of bar steel and section steel. 2022 is the most depressed year in the iron and steel industry in recent years. Under the guidance of the group leaders, I timely adjusted the production ideas, analyzed the market demand situation, narrowed the profit gap between thread and other products, and ensured the maximum benefit of the group's products. The year 2022 is also a year of suffering for market traders. Due to successive epidemics, strong expectations and weak reality of the market, some traders disappeared in the waves of the market, and customers' psychology is extremely unstable. In the face of this situation, I visited customers and communicated with them in a timely and effective manner to stabilize their emotions and ensure a good cooperative relationship between them and the group.

In 2023, I firmly believe that under the leadership of the board of directors of the group, all cadres and staff of the supply and marketing company united as one, starting from "Xin", to the distance, will usher in a better tomorrow! On this holiday season, I wish the Xinda family good luck, good luck in the Year of the Rabbit! Wish Hebei Xinda Group evergreen, career Changhong!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Group supply and marketing Company

Song Yanzhao, Vice Minister of Material Business Department

In 2022, according to the production arrangement of the group, I will discuss the cooperative supply with various suppliers. Purchasing coke, coal and other fuels according to time, demand and place ensures the production needs of the first line. I pay close attention to the trend of the market, timely report, make adjustments to the direction of supply and procurement, so as to spend less and do more. Deeply implemented the group's concept of lean and efficiency, communicated closely with the production and technical departments, strictly implemented the use of raw fuel and the procurement ratio, balanced the funds and procurement structure of suppliers and pallets, timely adjusted the fuel procurement ratio, and contributed to the company's cost reduction and efficiency increase. The quality of the purchased coking coal is strictly required. After the arrival of the purchased materials, the sampling work is carried out in combination with the quality inspection department in the first time to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the test. If the grain size requirements are not up to standard and the water is large, we shall withhold tons in strict accordance with the contract, and timely communicate with the supplier to order rectification. At the same time, based on the actual use of first-line production units, the cost performance of coke and coal materials is ranked, and the supplier with high cost performance is preferred for cooperation, so as to ensure the maximization of the company's interests.

Xinda's starting point, opportunity and challenge, loyal to Xinda, develop Xinda, service Xinda, return to Xinda. In 2023, I will make a contribution to the development and growth of the company with a new mental outlook and high attitude of struggle, and make unremitting efforts to realize the great vision of the group of "serving the country with industry to create a century-old strong enterprise"! In the New Year, I wish the Xinda family good health and good luck in everything. I wish Hebei Xinda Group great ambitions and new brilliance!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co. LTD

Zhang Jimeng, director of Steel Mill

The year 2022 is a challenging period for the General Steel Rolling plant. As the person in charge of production of the general Steel Rolling plant, I always take the safety work as the cornerstone and make sure that there are no major safety accidents in the whole year. Strong promotion of environmental protection work, to achieve stable production and quality improvement, in July 2022 test rolling Q195L, Q195L cold rolling successfully rolled 0.19mm thickness and quality has been recognized by customers and praised by company leaders, SPHC products have been developed successfully in trial production. Strip production line Q355B steel successfully tested in August 2022, and all technical indexes and properties are qualified. Section steel production 400, 396 series of high value-added products. In 2022, all kinds of indicators of stable and smooth production of the rolling mill have made breakthroughs. In terms of indicators, the qualified rate should preferably reach 99.90% and the finished material rate should preferably reach 98.73%, reaching a new height of the industry benchmark. Finally achieve the annual quality objection compensation is "zero", production quality accident is "zero" good results. We have steadily promoted cost reduction and efficiency improvement and actively explored the road to change. Since 2022, the board and strip factory has repaired 188 items of old benefits and waste, with a total of 1.19 million yuan in efficiency.

Last year thousands of all the best, the next year flowers win this year red. In 2023, I will continue to lead the Steel mill Hengdao immediately, solid itself. Let us to maintain the green don't relax yong yi, energetic, Benedict is not idle. I will lead all the cadres and staff of the Steel Rolling plant to overcome all obstacles on the way forward. I firmly believe that "the brave will win when facing the road" and create a new era for the development of Hebei Xinda Group. On the occasion of this festival, I wish the broad staff of Xinda the Year of the Rabbit "rabbit" progress, great "rabbit", wish Hebei Xinda Group career thriving, in the future journey to ride the wind and waves, sail away, in the new journey of high quality development again new chapter, create brilliant!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co. LTD

Yan Xuejun, director of Energy Power Plant

In 2022, with the responsibility of serving the company's production, adhering to the truth-seeking and pragmatic work attitude, I have led all the cadres and staff of Energy Power Complex to forge ahead with one heart and record extraordinary achievements. There are no accidents in power generation and power transformation in the whole year, no safety and environmental protection accidents; Generating 28.5 million yuan of power in 2022; Led the energy power plant to complete the overhaul of 12MW waste heat generator set independently, independently hung and researched tiles, saving outsourcing costs of more than 400,000 yuan; Independently completed 100MW phase II power generation and 110MW sub-critical power generation condenser cleaning, saving 320,000 yuan of outsourcing costs. In 2022, I guided all units of the company to implement peak-avoidance and valley saving 7.244 million yuan in electricity bills; The recovery of converter gas is 6.79m³/t higher than that of 2021, reaching the best level in history. Steam recovery of waste heat tonnage steel increased by 3.52Kg/t compared with 2021, creating an additional value of about 1.56 million yuan; In 2022, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel and Hebei Rongxin Iron and Steel were rated as advanced energy-saving units by Hebei Energy Conservation Association; I was awarded as the advanced individual in energy conservation by Hebei Energy Conservation Association.

Huyu dragon chanting exhibition grand, pan horse curved bow innovation. In 2023, I will continue to lead all the staff of the energy power plant to gather their strength and move forward without fear of wind and rain. Full of energy, create new brilliant, successful completion of the year 2023 goals and tasks! Finally, I sincerely wish all the cadres, staff and family members of the company a happy family and all the best in the New Year! I wish Hebei Xinda Group development day by day, great ambitions, in the New Year, a new journey, create "Xin" brilliant!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co. LTD

Production Minister Li Qinghua

In 2022, I carefully organized and planned the internal production of the company and the coordination and connection of the overall production of the group, and successfully completed the material balance of molten iron, raw material balance, sinter, pellet, limestone and mineral powder. Especially when the stock of bulk materials in the factory is low, reasonable organization of material supply and transfer, arrange dispatchers to organize the transfer of each yard, to ensure that the group and company benefit maximization.

According to the annual production and operation plan, the work of production organization balance was well completed, especially during off-peak production and maintenance, and the epidemic impact, scientific planning and scientific and reasonable organization of production, focusing on iron and steel production balance, organization and coordination of hot metal transfer, coordination of oxygen and nitrogen balance, so as to create conditions for stable production of steel. Led the organization of the whole plant scrap recycling, white ash grinding desulfurization ash, pipe network end insulation renovation and other measures, helped to reduce cost and increase efficiency of the implementation of the activity plan to generate 3.84 million yuan.

In 2023, I will continue to earnestly implement the company's overall strategic deployment and the spirit of the meeting, focus on the overall business objectives of the group in 2023, further change the mind, continuous innovation and improvement, give full play to the advantages, try my best to reverse the influence of the market and various factors, and lead all the staff of the production department to work together, learn together, create brilliant! On the occasion of this festival, I wish Hebei Xinda Group a new starting point in 2023, embark on a new journey and create new brilliance! Wish Xin Da family people in the New Year "rabbit" by leaps and bounds wide source of money, before "rabbit" bright everything!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co. LTD

Liu Xiaoying, Vice Minister of Quality Measurement Department

In 2022, when I served in the Supervision and Audit Committee of the Group, I led the staff of the department to supervise the quality inspection of a total of 6969 cars of scrap steel. Supervise the purchase of silico-manganese alloy, ferrosilicon, ferrosilico-aluminum, and medium-carbon ferromangmanganese; supervise the raw materials imported by Xinda, Rongxin and Jingdong, with a supervision ratio of 100%. During the supervision of incoming materials, the accumulated economic loss of the company was saved about 847,500 yuan. As a key development strategy of the company, we actively participated in brand building and won the third prize in the 5th Hebei Province Quality Innovation Achievement Competition.

Face the new journey, based on the new starting point. In 2023, I will be firm in faith, ride the momentum, and work hard together with the Quality measurement Department. With the goal of serving production, I will strictly control product quality, ensure the fairness and justice of quality inspection links, and minimize quality risks. Continue to create a new situation of product quality, strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development of the company, to create Xinda brand "star" products to make greater contributions!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Rongxin Iron & Steel Co. LTD

Ren Haibing, director of the steel mill

Spring breeze spread laughter, a total of good years. In 2022, under the general trend of continuous deterioration of the iron and steel industry, through dealing with existing problems and relying on innovation to explore solutions, we will push forward the process control and management concepts such as man-machine intelligence combined with steelmaking, smelting with less slag, improving efficiency and reducing consumption in steel mills. The consumption of iron and steel material and slag material decreased significantly, and the monthly effect of the two items was about 8.8 million yuan. According to the unified raw material price accounting, iron to steel processing cost decreased by 36.49 yuan per ton on average. Seize the key links to tackle the problem. In terms of operation, the combination of man-machine intelligence makes the converter operation more refined and reduces the slag consumption. Iron and steel material consumption, alloy consumption, oxygen consumption, gas consumption are reduced; The qualified rate of casting billet is 99.91%.

Take care of the technical details. Through the data statistics and requirements of the carbon temperature at the end of the converter, the carbon content of the output steel was increased, the temperature at the end of the converter was stabilized, the number of post-blowing furnace was reduced, and the utilization rate of manganese in molten iron was improved. The alloy consumption in April was 6.69Kg/t. The sedation time of molten steel can be guaranteed by reasonably controlling the centering and insertion depth of large and medium ladle water outlet. By strictly grasping the process discipline, improving the standardization of operation, strengthening the production organization, and stabilizing the production rhythm, the casting billet quality qualified rate of 99.98% in February, the above indicators respectively hit the best level in history.

One yuan after the beginning, the curtain new. In 2023, I will continue to lead the steel mill to create miracles, carry forward the achievements, overcome the shortcomings, strive to explore, continue to innovate, constantly change the working method, and contribute my meager power to the development of the steel industry. On the occasion of this holiday season, I wish my colleagues a "rabbit" in their work and wish Hebei Xinda Group a better future in the New Year!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Jilin Xinda Iron & Steel Co. LTD

Bai Dawei, director of Steel Mill

In 2022, through the joint efforts and tenacious efforts of all cadres and employees, the Rolling Mill has achieved A good performance, achieving the goal of zero accidents of minor injuries or above in the whole year, and no major Class A equipment accidents in the whole year. After the merger of the self-section steel factory and wire factory, the wire branch continuously broke the historical record in the rate of finished materials and qualified materials, all of which are the best level in history, refreshing the new index record of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel Rolling General Plant, and achieving the goal of no quality objection for the whole year. The implementation of manganese reduction, since September, through rolling temperature adjustment, water through cooling adjustment, air cooling adjustment and other means, the cost of tons of steel reduced by 12.4 yuan, only the annual effect of more than 10 million yuan. Process cost is reduced. After detailed exploration of each part of the cost composition, item-by-item decomposition and person responsible system, the cost in 2022 is reduced by 5.03 yuan/ton compared with that in 2021.

In 2023, I will continue to lead the General Mill to maintain passion and improve continuously, continue to organize the safety training of the general mill, and firmly carry out the hidden danger investigation. Work out 2023 production, operation, equipment management targets. In order to better complete the New Year's production target, work together, strive to make greater contribution to Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel. I wish all the staff a happy New Year, all the best! I wish Hebei Xinda Group a prosperous business throughout the world, financial resources lush up to Sanjiang!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Jilin Xinda Iron & Steel Co. LTD

Midongbo, minister of Equipment Department

The busy and fulfilling year of 2022 has passed. As the manager of equipment Department of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel, I insist on taking equipment as the foundation. In 2022, the operation rate of the company's main production process equipment is 99.02%. I was responsible for the organization and implementation of five large-scale comprehensive overhaul work. Under the premise of ensuring safety, quality and progress, a total of 1023 overhaul projects were completed, which eliminated the deterioration tendency of the main equipment of each process and effectively improved the comprehensive performance of the equipment. We implemented hierarchical control of equipment and realized unconditional control of Class A equipment, sorted out 160 sets of mechanical class A controlled equipment, and the rectification completion rate was 100%. We also organized engineers from the equipment department to supervise the branch factory to actively carry out the work of repairing old and profitable waste, and completed 300 items of repairing old and profitable waste, with the generated efficiency exceeding 2.0665 million yuan.

Xiongguan road is really like iron, and now step from the beginning. In 2023, I will follow the pace of the group, learn from experience, abstain from deficiencies, seek truth from facts, and forge ahead, vigorously promote TPM and lean management, comprehensively improve the comprehensive management level of equipment, and draw a strong brush for the beautiful blueprint of Xinda's development! I wish the family of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel smooth work, all the best, family health, golden rabbit New Year, happy to enjoy the Spring Festival. I wish Hebei Xinda Group a new starting point, embark on a new journey, create new brilliance!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Jilin Xinda Iron & Steel Co. LTD

Technology Minister, coking plant director Liu Minxu

In 2022, I led the technology department to organize and complete the new product development of HRB500E with diameter 8. Through strict control of each process and strict control of product quality, no external quality objection and no quality compensation can be achieved throughout the year. The organization completed the breakthrough of pellet compressive strength, and the pellet compressive strength increased to more than 2200N. In the company's structural adjustment, production of high sulfur coke cost reduction, economic ore blending, economic blast furnace smelting operation reform acted as the main force, for the rapid turnaround of the company made contributions. In October, the historic breakthrough of fuel ratio less than 550Kg/t was achieved. The reduction of manganese in HRB400E was completed, and the manganese content was reduced to 1.29%. Complete the key to reduce the consumption of steel material in steelmaking, and achieve less than 1060Kg/t. In December, the organization of anthracite coking technology to achieve success, anthracite ratio reached 5%, and is expected to further increase the proportion of use. Organize to solve the problems of desulphurization system, and adopt the method of continuously replacing the cloth bag and fan switching to maintain, so as to avoid the loss of desulphurization system overhaul. Organized the construction of "Innovation Platform for Green and High-quality Development Department of Jilin Province" and obtained 300,000 yuan of government support.

Day instrument begins again, year law updates. In 2023, I will continue to lead the department energetic work, hard work, innovation, again. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, on behalf of the technology Department, I would like to send New Year's greetings to the cadres and staff who stick to the front line! I wish you all the best, happiness and happiness in the New Year! I wish Hebei Xinda group a wide range of financial resources, daily ascension!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Jilin Xinda Iron & Steel Co. LTD

Production Minister Liu Qingbin

The international situation in 2022 will be complex and grim, with fluctuations in market trends. Steel environment step pressure, environmental protection and low-carbon imperative; In the face of many difficulties and challenges, such as "epidemic prevention, stable operation and production promotion", I did not shrink back or shrink back. I strictly followed the general work guidelines and production targets for 2022, quickly adjusted the production structure, and adjusted the production system of each process in line with the economic smelting mode with the lowest cost to ensure stable production. Break the traditional concept, boldly try to reduce the concept of inventory, cost, production to change the previous safety inventory, compressed to the limit inventory, break the winter storage material winter mode, develop the acid and alkali material inventory balance, rotation production. To market product demand as the main line, to the maximum profit of the product as the guidance, adjust the variety structure of production, rapid maintenance, with any time to start, flexible conversion of production units, high-speed aging. Rolling line optimization production line, ensure Q195L and with diameter of 10 and 8, reduce manganese content by 1.28%. Energy saving and consumption reduction is an eternal topic, and ensuring the self-generating rate of 90% is the annual goal. Through budget, structural adjustment, process coordination, process optimization, equipment control and so on, the balance and stability of electricity generation and consumption can be ensured. The amount of gas generation and electricity generation can be tracked hourly, the amount of working procedure can be adjusted timely, the heat transfer ratio can be improved, and the gas pressure of external network of hot blast furnace, such as cross-peak furnace change, can be established. Ensure that the shutdown rate is not reduced.

Short step, not even a thousand miles; Do not accumulate small flow, nothing into the sea, 2023 I will as always, well organized, good command, good management of production and operation, live up to the expectations of the company, live up to the leadership love. Finally, I wish all Xinda colleagues a happy New Year and a happy family. I wish Hebei Xinda Group vigorous development, victory day!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Jingdong Pipe Industry Co. LTD

CAI Zhidong, assistant to General manager and director of Pipe Casting Factory

In 2022, in the face of the changeable epidemic situation and the severe market situation, I led the cadres and staff of the foundry to take the initiative to carry out reform, and 100 percent of the output has been completed after the reduction assigned by the company. We set up a variety of technical improvement groups, and have put forward a number of improvement topics such as "Improving the efficiency of hot mold finishing high-pressure cleaning", "Improving the crossing ability of water-cooled packaging small line", "improving the crossing ability of hot mold hydraulic press mixing pipe", which solved a series of problems restricting the production bottleneck, with a cumulative effect of 21,518,700 yuan. In terms of safety, there will be no major safety accidents and zero minor injury accidents in 2022, and the safety task targets set by the company will be fulfilled successfully. In 2022, a total of 12 new dust removal covers were repaired, 5 soft connection breaks of dust removal pipes were repaired, 6 hot metal bag covers were repaired, 2 places were blocked at the site of loading and discharging ash, and 2 sets of VOCs equipment program rewrite were repaired, which greatly improved the environmental protection and emission reduction ability of the foundry and contributed to the green and high-quality development of the company.

The new blueprint is inspiring, the new mission is inspiring, and the new journey is a long and arduous one. In 2023, I will lead the pipe factory to take out the heroic sentiment of "now step from the beginning" and urge "strive for the first place in everything", and have the spirit of "do not wait for the whip to strive for life". Together, we can write a new chapter of high-quality development of the company! On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all Jingdong people good health, happiness and beauty! I wish Hebei Xinda Group good luck in the New Year and a brilliant comeback!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Qian 'an Xinda Logistics Co. LTD

General Office deputy Director Zhang Cuihua

2023 is the ninth year that I joined Qian 'an Xinda Logistics Co., LTD., as one of the few female managers in the company, I always uphold the belief that women are better than men, do everything by myself, and strive to complete every job. In 2022, I received 33 on-site inspections by relevant departments of various government bureaus. I promptly answered and solved all the questions raised by relevant departments, thus establishing a good corporate image for the company. In order to let more people learn and understand the knowledge related to lean management, I organized all supervisors to make learning and training plans on a monthly basis, and organized seven offline training sessions on special knowledge throughout the year. During the epidemic period, in order to ensure the normal operation of the company's vehicles, I worked day and night in the government unit to coordinate the application of permits, and personally picked up employees at the gate of each community to return to their posts, effectively guaranteeing the arrival rate of staff. When the epidemic was severe, he volunteered to stay in the factory for nearly two months. Organize and coordinate the distribution of all kinds of epidemic prevention materials, and provide adequate living supplies for the resident staff. Organized department staff to assist medical staff to collect nucleic acid for 270 times, which provided guarantee for external transport drivers to enter and leave the port. Through hard work, the group was rated as the vanguard model of epidemic prevention in the middle of the year.

In the future, I will continue to do my duty conscientiously and set an example for my subordinates. Spring Festival, I wish the logistics family good health, the year of the rabbit. I wish Hebei Xinda Group a great future and a rich career!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Xinda Mining Group Co. LTD

Zhang Yonggang, deputy director of the Department of Environmental Protection

In 2022, I led the Anhuan Department to carry out production safety work in an all-round way, focusing on the group's theme of "preventing risks, removing hidden dangers and preventing accidents". While in Anhuan Department, I was always cautious and treading on thin ice, and did not dare to relax a bit. With the support and help of all mines, we achieved the goal of zero accidents above minor injuries in Xinda Mining. Strengthen safety education and training, improve safety awareness of workers. In 2022, 10 special safety training sessions and 47 exercises were organized. Inspect the safety management of underground mines and tailings ponds on a regular basis. In October 2022, when the provincial department inspected the Xinfeng tailings pond, it was highly recognized by the municipal leaders. In 2022, the renewal of safety production license for Pingquan Xinda Tailings Pond, Chengde Xintai No.2 Mining Area and tailings pond was completed; Pingquan Anli Ganqiaozigou tailing pond and Pingquan Xindachejiaogou tailing pond for the record of major hazard sources; The continuation and filing of 15 projects, such as the application of major design changes in South Beitun Mining Area of Rongmao Mining. Organized and carried out the 21st National "Safety Production Month" activities, organized and held the fourth Safety Knowledge Contest of Hebei Xinda Mining Group, and formed a safety culture atmosphere of "understanding regulations, adhering to norms and being able to respond to emergencies".

New Year new atmosphere, 2023, I will continue to firmly establish the "production safety is more important than Mount Tai" thought, do safety production alarm bell ringing, unremitting. With a solid work style, realistic and pragmatic work attitude, full of work enthusiasm, to overcome difficulties in work, seek truth from facts, for the company's safe and stable development of the foundation! On the occasion of the New Year, I wish all the employees of Xinda Mining a happy New Year, all the best, safe and healthy, and a happy family. I wish Hebei Xinda Group a prosperous and prosperous career in 2023 and a "rabbit" like brocade!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Tangshan Longxin Real Estate Development Co. LTD

General Office deputy director Tian Limin

In 2022, with the care of all leaders and the support and cooperation of colleagues, I will actively do a good job of communication hub and logistics support, complete various key tasks and daily work faithfully, and always play a pioneering and exemplary role as a leader. We have done a solid job in epidemic prevention and control, introduced systems and plans, timely completed various epidemic prevention and control work, always stuck to our posts, strengthened publicity and reporting, and established a good image of the company. Do a good job in the preliminary procedures and approval steadily, successfully complete the pre-sale license of the 6th building of Wang Mansion and related approval work before the opening, to provide guarantee for the opening of the 6th building on schedule; Actively handle the approval of project approval, planning and construction procedures for the 3#, 4# building and supporting commercial projects of Wang Mansion in the Imperial Capital, laying the foundation for the smooth construction of the project; Efficient logistics work, write project research report, introduce and issue the company system.

In 2023, I will continue to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, make full of vigour, coagulation hearts meet force, adjust working ideas, innovative work mode, strengthen the internal management, adhere to the principle, the fair and just, go all out to do the tasks better. Time flies, the years contend for brilliance! On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish the whole family of Xinda good health and happiness in the New Year, and wish Hebei Xinda Group to sail the waves and forge ahead on the road of future development to create new "Xin" glory!

Excellent middle-level cadre

Tianjin Tiandao Metal Group Co. LTD

Li Aijun, Deputy general manager of Environmental Protection Equipment Division of Construction Engineering

In 2022, I led the Construction and Environmental Protection Division to undertake a total of 80 projects, and completed 201 first-level settlement and 177 second-level settlement. Optimize the management of self-construction team, increase the share of self-construction projects in annual contracted projects, and improve project profits; Strengthen schedule management and solve remaining engineering problems. Up to now, 69 engineering projects have been completed in the construction section of the business division, and 84 engineering projects have been completed. In 2022, I will keep up with the group's theme of "industrial integration, lean intelligence, quality and efficiency improvement, brand and enterprise strength" and implement the group's concept of cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Through the careful planning of the business department, the cost has been saved more than 2.29 million yuan by optimizing the organizational structure, reducing the procurement cost, increasing the independent construction of the project and other measures.

Looking forward to 2023, I will further improve the management level, strengthen the professional ability of employees, improve the executive force, enhance the core competitiveness of the team, do a good job in everything around and stick to it, achieve the sublimation of qualitative change through the accumulation of quantitative change, and continue to strive for the high-quality development of Tiandao Group! On this holiday season, I wish Hebei Xinda Group more than innovation, sail sail, evergreen! I wish Xinda family the Year of the Rabbit, good health and good luck in everything.

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co. LTD

Zhang Shaoying, deputy director of Cloud Network Technology Center

2022 is a year full of goods. In terms of environmental protection projects, I led all the staff of the center to successfully complete the installation and commissioning of equipment of Shuanggang and upload environmental protection data, so that the company met the requirements of environmental protection rating and ultra-low publicity. According to the "No. 37" document issued by the provincial Emergency Department, it adopted the existing video surveillance scheme to benefit the old and some new video surveillance schemes, completed the docking task with the municipal bureau platform in advance according to the government time node, and won the praise of the senior leaders. During the epidemic period, in order to ensure the safety of the company's employees and the stable operation of the company's production, complete the installation of Gate 1 and Gate 2 gate gate base and sidewalk gate equipment; Complete the installation of 27 personal face recognition attendance machines and the configuration of the attendance system server environment.

Operation and maintenance services, to undertake Hebei Jingdong Pipe Co., LTD. Computer room, network, card and other information operation and maintenance work. No accidents are caused by the equipment room, network, or server. The exhibition hall on the first and second floor of Rongmao Building is an important reception place of the company as the gateway for external display. I led the staff of the cloud network Technology Center to complete the inspection work, and there was no equipment failure throughout the year to ensure the normal progress of reception matters.

2023 is a year of change for Hebei Steel Valley, but also a year full of challenges. According to the group and the company's annual task deployment arrangement, task decomposition month by month, we always adhere to the policy of "safety first, customer satisfaction" and the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible", to complete each project with quality and quantity. I am confident to lead the cloud network technology Center staff to make persistent efforts to create success together! On the occasion of this festival, I wish Xinda family good luck in the Year of the Rabbit, "rabbit" progress! Sincerely wish Hebei Xinda Group Hua Wu Sheng Lou ©, Hongji Yonggu, set foot on a new journey in 2023, to welcome the new

Excellent middle-level cadre

Hebei Lijun Cultural Development Group Co. LTD

Liquor operation center advertising Department Minister Ma Yang

In the past year, I led the advertising Department of the wine Industry Operation Center to complete more than 2,210 annual business orders, with a year-on-year growth of 11.93% compared with 2021. At the same time, it has steadily promoted the high-quality development of advertising business, focusing on the overall beautification project of Jilin Xinda Iron and Steel "AAA Scenic Spot" factory, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel "Environmental Assessment Create A" project, Tangshan Xinfeng Industry "green mine" beautification, Hebei Xinda Tourism Development Co., Ltd. red tourism theme park and beautification projects of various branches. In combination with the group's corporate culture manual, 6S management manual, advertising production process, material cost performance ratio and design and production experience, department staff and I formulated the Advertising Production Business Specification, organized the construction of standardized advertising products, making them suitable for mass production, low material loss, convenient maintenance and other features. With the optimal consumables purchase price and production cost, to achieve cost reduction and efficiency. In terms of safety, through the safety training organized by the group, we further improved the safety management system with the human resources department, carried out the main responsibilities, and achieved the goal of "zero accidents" in the annual production safety.

Operations center in 2023, I will lead the alcohol advertising department continue to work closely around the group's general requirements, the development of the firm - ting coagulation hearts meet were determined not to shake, energetic energy and will continue, jointly compose the new chapter of the group of high quality development. In the New Year, I wish Xinda family good health, smooth work and happiness.

The year is often easy, Hua Zhang new. In the New Year, in the face of new goals and tasks, Xinda people will raise their spirits, boost morale, advance in spite of difficulties, be full of pride, gather strength, overcome difficulties, and do a good job in 2023. Under the strong leadership of the board of directors of Hebei Xinda Group, all cadres and staff will stand together through thick and thin, work together, seize new market opportunities, make new achievements, create new benefits, and continue to write wonderful answers!