Good policy! A number of steel enterprises welcome "off to a good start"!

Through the harvest of 2022

The year 2023 is full of hope

A new atmosphere for the New Year

On the way to a new journey,

A number of steel enterprises to high quality development as the main line

Achieved a "good start" in January production

Jisco Group achieved a "good start" in January production and operation

In January, the overall production and operation of Jisco Group Company is safe and stable, and it is expected to achieve a profit of 250 million yuan, and all the major operating indicators have completed the planned targets, achieving a "good start" in production and operation.

In January, JISCO Hongxing Co., LTD. 's iron-front and steel-back systems ran smoothly and efficiently, and the output of iron and steel exceeded the plan. In the continuous implementation of energy and logistics guarantee responsibility, Jisco Hongsheng Electric Company Aluminum power Unit 2 overhaul work orderly progress, further improve the power supply guarantee ability. The relevant units of the logistics system take multiple measures at the same time, constantly improve the utilization rate of the existing vehicles, actively coordinate and strive for the empty vehicles of the railway bureau to enter the plant, and ensure that the export of steel and aluminum products is not affected.

Off to a flying start! Tian Steel Company 25 production index innovation record

At the beginning of the New Year, the day steel company came good news. The company's production plants to the premise of safe, stable and smooth behavior, to reduce cost and increase efficiency as the main line, to promote the "three grabber" management mode to promote, seize high yield, hit the index, made a new breakthrough in the production and management indicators, to achieve a good start.

In the past year, a total of 25 production indicators of Tiansteel Company broke records. The coking plant achieved a year-on-year reduction of new water consumption per ton in 2022 and set a new record. The sinter output and comprehensive power consumption of the sinter plant in 2022 both reached the best record in history. In 2022, the iron billet of the steel plant achieved the highest annual output record, the total iron material consumption and refining power consumption reached the best level, and the straight hair amount of the bar plant in the whole year and the straight hair amount in December set the best annual and monthly index record, respectively. In 2022, the double line output, finished material rate and power consumption all set the best record! The output and sales volume of ultrafine powder in the integrated processing plant set new records in 2022, and the annual output of self-generated electricity and oxygen in the power plant set new records in 2022.

Ma Gang: The start of the sprint to the start of the race

During the New Year's Day holiday, the majority of cadres and workers of Maanshan Iron and Steel stick to their posts, to start the sprint, the start of the new state of the new journey. Company leadership planning, careful deployment. The manufacturing department supports the production and operation of the company. Procurement center to coordinate the implementation of resources and delivery arrangements. The Ministry of Transport ensures that logistics security and supply will not be affected. Equipment department to do a good job before the holiday hidden trouble screening and management. The energy ring Department successfully completed the task of power generation and heating.

In the beginning of January, all units focus on the annual focus, quick action to implement. During the holiday, all units completed the monthly and annual tasks, steel, rolling output and 2250 hot rolling key indicators all achieved the expected goals; Among the 11 key operating indicators, 9 completed the annual target. At present, all units have firm confidence, all systems work together to achieve efficient and stable system operation, and "strive to stand firm the first phalanx of Baowu".

Panzhiang welcomes "good start"

At the beginning of the New Year, Xichang steel vanadium plate factory a fiery busy production scene, welcome 2023 "off to a good start". In 2022, the sheet mill will make great efforts to create conditions for the acid mill to break the "bottleneck" of production capacity, optimize the rhythm, reduce manual intervention, and promote the speed of hard-rolling varieties. The hourly output will be increased to 323.41 tons, surpassing the optimal domestic production line. The acid mill produced 6,600 tons of auto panels, and the finished product rate increased 0.5% year on year, setting a new record.

According to statistics, on the New Year's Day, the operators of the acid rolling mill overcame 21 production problems such as breaking down the baling machine, rewelding the laser welder and stopping the process. They produced 1300 tons of automotive panel steel urgently needed by customers, and the product qualified rate reached 96.6%. The New Year production had a good start.

Off to a flying start! Baosteel cold plate futures sales hit a record high in January

At the beginning of the New Year in 2023, the marketing center (Baosteel International) cold plate sales team with a high spirit of forging ahead to grasp the sales, adjust the structure, the new bureau. In January, futures sales reached a record high, completing 110% of the monthly plan, with an average monthly growth of 18% year-on-year, achieving a "good start" in sales.

At the beginning of the New Year, the cold plate sales department will pay close attention to the planning of the order work, in the market atmosphere has not been significantly warmer, in advance with the channel to do a good job of user communication, transfer positive information. While striving to achieve the increment, the price has been increased to ensure the balance between production and sales of each production line. The main incremental varieties of general cold sales to achieve the monthly plan of 126%, a month-on-month growth of 29%; Sales volume of hot-dip galvanizing achieved 107% of the monthly plan, with a month-on-month increase of 14%; Electric galvanizing sales achieved the monthly plan of 105%, month-on-month growth of 14%. Pickling sales volume achieved the monthly plan of 105%, a month-on-month increase of 4%.

Fangda Special Steel: full of energy to spell out the "first month off to a good start"

At the beginning of the New Year, good news came from the production line of Fangda Special Steel, with a number of production records broken. Yute steel and spring flat steel are two major products of Fangda Special Steel. During this period, the spring flat steel production line is also a busy. This production base has established and compiled the first national standard of spring steel for automobile special purpose. At the end of last year, the company did a good job of equipment overhaul, hidden trouble rectification, to ensure that at the beginning of the New Year equipment full load operation, sprint "off to a good start".

Zhang Shiping, production supervisor of flat and flat operation area of Fangda Special Steel Rolling Mill, introduced: "Since January, we have completed 600 tons of 6 specifications such as 122*50, 122*45, 122*40." Yang Ruijie, the production department of Fangda Special Steel Production command Center, said, "We have made all kinds of reserves and guarantees in advance during the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, we will ensure that the company's overall production is stable and orderly under the premise of safety and environmental protection. Around the company's goal of ranking first in the ton material profit industry, we will do a fine job in production control and truly achieve a 'good start'."

High bar line production of Ezhou Steel rolling plant is off to a good start

At the beginning of the New Year, good news came. On the opening day, the double high bar production line in the third operation area of Esteel Rolling Mill rolled 16 specifications, and 4250.22 tons of qualified products were delivered to the warehouse, which hit a new daily high; On January 2, Gaogao Class B rolled 865 strips of 16 specifications, and produced 2,148 tons of hot rolling, setting a new production record and achieving a good start.

Since the fourth quarter of 2022, the rolling mill has vigorously promoted the three action plans of "313+ daily breaking of division rules + to steadily increase production", which put forward higher requirements for the production organization of the three operation areas. Centering on the target value, the three operation areas carry out the work with the spirit of "do not relax without results", by decompressing the target, compacting the responsibility, and issuing the notice of production organization. Optimize the process parameters of finishing rolling area, "ensure day by shift, week by day, month by week", to ensure safe, efficient and stable production organization.

The third operation area of the rolling mill interprets the oath of "steel rolling ability and good steel rolling" with the practical action of breaking production records continuously, and also makes a good start for the completion of the production target in 2023.

New policy

In the New Year, in addition to the active efforts of the steel enterprises to ensure the production of a "good start", many provinces and cities have also issued, introduced a series of policies and plans related to the steel industry, for the development of the steel industry.


Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Liuzhou City

We will focus on the steel and other industries to improve energy conservation and improve the treatment of pollutants. We will promote energy-saving technologies such as high-efficiency rectification systems, high-temperature and high-pressure dry quenching of coke, and oxygen-enriched enhanced smelting, and encourage the transformation of the long process of blast-converter steelmaking into the short process of electric furnace steelmaking. To promote the ultra-low emission transformation of the steel industry, and complete the ultra-low emission upgrading, evaluation and monitoring of Liusteel by 2025. We will support the research and application demonstration of technologies for collaborative emission reduction of air pollutants and carbon dioxide in the steel, building materials and non-ferrous industries.


A Three-year Action Plan for Building a Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development Pilot Zone in Shandong Province

Through capacity replacement, index trading, equity cooperation and other means of merger and reorganization, expand and strengthen the Japan-Lincoastal advanced steel base, optimize and upgrade the Lai-Thai inland fine steel base, promote the iron and steel capacity of the inland unplanned base should be eliminated, and the proportion of steel capacity in the coastal areas should be significantly increased. Centering on the linkage of steel and coke and the integration of coal-based chemical industry, the optimization and integration of existing coking capacity will be accelerated, and the coke-steel ratio will remain at about 0.4. Large-scale demonstration projects will be explored in steel, cement, chemical and other industries where conditions are met, and support Rizhao Iron and Steel Base to try to carry out comprehensive utilization of carbon dioxide in the steel industry first. We will carry out performance ratings for enterprises in key industries, and push iron and steel enterprises to achieve grade A. To support Rizhao in building an advanced steel manufacturing base and an energy hub in northern China.


Implementation Plan for Collaborative Efficiency of Carbon Reduction and Pollution Reduction in Tianjin

We will upgrade the steel, cement and coking industries to ultra-low emissions. Orderly reduce the independent hot rolling enterprises and processes, do a good job of crude steel output reduction work, promote all scrap electric furnace technology; We will explore new models of steel-coke fusion and toughening, encourage the development of new processes for converting by-product gas into chemical products, and promote the application of carbon capture, utilization and storage technology in the industrial field.


Pollution weather Elimination and diesel truck pollution control in Zhejiang Province

Three-year Action Plan (Draft for Public Comment)

We will promote the merger and reorganization of iron and steel enterprises, accelerate the increase of industrial concentration, and reduce the number of iron and steel smelting enterprises to about 10; Promoting the whole scrap electric furnace process, promoting the transformation of long-process steel making into short-process steel making, reducing the capacity of long-process steel making by more than 1.5 million tons; Gradually integrate and exit independent hot rolling enterprises and processes.


Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in Sichuan Province

We will encourage the withdrawal of outdated production capacity in accordance with the law and regulations, and strictly prevent the resurgence of "floor steel" and the resumption of production of overcapacity. Iron and steel smelting projects that really need to be constructed at new sites must be constructed according to the level of the most advanced technology and equipment and the most leading indicators of the iron and steel industry; For steel enterprises with weak competitiveness that do not meet the ultra-low emission requirements by 2025, measures will be taken to make rectification within a time limit and reduce production capacity to optimize stock and eliminate outdated production capacity. The production restraint mechanism of iron and steel enterprises should be established based on the requirements of carbon emission, pollutant emission, energy intensity and capacity utilization. Vigorously promote the demonstration of non-blast furnace ironmaking technology, improve the recycling and utilization level of scrap steel resources, promote the whole scrap electric furnace process, encourage the development of electric furnace short-process steelmaking, and strive to increase the proportion of electric furnace steel to more than 40% by 2030; We will actively carry out trials and demonstrations of hydrogen metallurgy and the integration of carbon dioxide capture and utilization.

Henan Daily

In the next five years, Wugang City will strive to create a provincial special steel and special manufacturing base for foreign trade transformation and upgrading, and build a 50 billion level special steel and special manufacturing base. First, increase the output value of steel production capacity. Encourage Wugang Company to tap the potential to increase income, production and efficiency, invest in the construction of continuous casting equipment, promote the total production of special steel, improve the structure, output breakthrough 5 million tons, to create the first "new steel company". The second is to increase domestic steel demand. We will introduce projects such as fan tower drum and pressure vessel manufacturing, cultivate and expand more large local steel processing enterprises, and realize the annual processing volume of local steel of about 1.5 million tons, creating the second "new steel company". Through the leapfrog development of complete sets of equipment, precision manufacturing and processing trade, to strengthen the special steel and special equipment manufacturing industrial cluster.

The war drum has sounded, 2023, belongs to the steel industry has opened a new journey. I believe that under the overall layout of the enterprise, coupled with the help of relevant policies around the development of the steel industry will be brilliant again.