2022 Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute CIO Summit Forum of steel industry (Lange Steel Station) was successfully held

On January 7, 2023, the 18th China Steel Industry Chain Market Summit and Lange Steel Network 2022 Annual Conference opened. In the morning, the "2022 Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute CIO Summit Forum (Lange Steel Station)" hosted by Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute and undertaken by Lange Steel Network was successfully held. The theme of this forum is "See the value of intelligent number".

The leader delivered a speech

Fan Tiejun, President of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, extended a warm welcome to the leaders, experts and guests, and thanked everyone for their care and support for Metallurgical Planning Institute and CIO Summit Forum of steel industry for a long time.

He pointed out that the current steel industry is facing complex and severe development situation and new challenges brought by the new journey of high-quality development, digital intelligent transformation has become the consensus of the industry, can help iron and steel enterprises to integrate resources, reduce costs and increase efficiency, overcome difficulties, is an important engine for iron and steel enterprises to improve quality and efficiency under the new situation. Faced with the grim production and operation situation, more and more iron and steel enterprises realize that laying a good digital foundation, standardizing data governance, mining data value, is an important starting point for enterprises to achieve cost reduction and efficiency, and improve core competitiveness. The purpose of this forum is to establish a cooperation ecology, to deeply discuss the effective path and best practice of the new generation of digital technology enabling iron and steel enterprises to improve the level of digital construction and promote the application of intelligent manufacturing, and to provide professional consulting services and high-quality technical exchange platform for Chinese iron and steel enterprises.

President Fan Tiejun said that facing the future, the Metallurgical Planning Institute will adhere to the mission of promoting industry progress, strive to practice the development strategy of "one body and two wings large platform", hand in hand with excellent ecological partners, to provide higher value services to help accelerate the digital intelligent transformation and upgrading of China's iron and steel industry and enterprises.

Liu Taoran, president of Lange Group, pointed out in his speech that the traditional industry with the wings of digitization for intelligent decision-making has become the key for enterprises to stand out. Along with the continuous development of Chinese Internet big data technology and the continuous innovation of management mode, the improvement of informatization, intelligence and digital operation level has become the key point of Chinese iron and steel industry starting in the future period. Since its establishment, Lange Group has been deeply engaged in the whole iron and steel industry chain with the concept of scientific and technological innovation and service innovation. In recent years, Lange Group, by using digital technology and independent research and development, has for the first time launched the digital product concept of EBC management system and a series of product matrices in China's iron and steel industry, providing perfect solutions and products and services for the upstream and downstream enterprises of the whole iron and steel industry chain to realize information upgrading, digital transformation, intelligent and big data construction. Realize the whole process of iron and steel industry chain, integrated intelligent management and control.

President Liu Taoran said that Lange Iron and Steel network and Metallurgical Planning Institute, for the steel industry to see the value of digital intelligence to make a modest contribution, is a kind of expectation, but also a kind of responsibility. In the future, Lange Group will continue to promote the high-quality development of China's iron and steel industry, with the goal of improving the intellectualization level of the iron and steel industry, and provide customers with services closer to their needs and more touching.

Li Yongjun, chief economic analyst of China Iron and Steel Association, was invited to make a special invited report on the Understanding of the Development Law and Current situation of the Iron and Steel industry for this forum. He pointed out that the transnational transfer of the industry is related to the integration of the world economy, industrial division of labor and cooperation, and is related to the industrial competitiveness of a country. In principle, the basic industry must be retained by developed economies. A country built on manufacturing must be supported by a steel industry.

Based on the research and judgment of the current development situation of China's iron and steel industry, Li Yongjun, the chief economic analyst, analyzed the main direction of intellectualization of the steel industry, stressing that the whole industry should focus on the fundamental task of comprehensively improving the industrial base and industrial chain level, and adhere to the two development themes of green development and intelligent manufacturing. We will focus on addressing the three major pain points in controlling production capacity expansion, promoting industrial concentration, and ensuring resource security, and continue to promote internationalization