No waste enterprise (factory) in Hebei Province! Xinda on the list!

Recently, the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology publicized the list of "waste free parks" and "waste free enterprises (factories)" in 2022 and the list of demonstration enterprises for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste in 2022. After a series of strict procedures such as enterprise application, city and county verification, expert review, verification and approval, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. won the 2022 Hebei Province "waste free enterprise" (factory) list!

The establishment of waste free enterprises is an indispensable link in the process of helping the construction of "waste free city". Under the background of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and "double carbon" of high-quality leapfrog development, the establishment of waste free enterprises is the general trend. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. takes the responsibility to help urban development, takes the lead to complete the magnificent transformation, and successfully completes the establishment of a waste-free enterprise.

Recycle and recycle resources

In the production process, Xinda always advocates the way of "harmless raw materials, clean production, waste resources, energy low-carbon". In order to respond to the national call for green production and reduce the impact of industrial solid waste on the environment, Xinda, focusing on reform and innovation, dares to innovate, actively plans, plays a series of "combination blows" to promote green and circular development, builds industrial solid waste resource treatment plant, and has intelligent production line of slag micro-powder with high technology, high quality, low pollution and low consumption. There are four large mechanized fully enclosed raw material storage, finished product storage and various ancillary facilities, which can realize material recovery, material conversion and energy conversion, greatly reduce the emission of pollutants in the production process and improve the utilization rate of resources, which is in line with the concept of "waste free factory".

Sound the pioneer of pollution reduction and carbon reduction

The company has also built recycling projects such as gas, steam and industrial sewage to open up the "joints" and "meridians" of green development and do a good job in circular economy. Supporting construction of surplus gas and pressure power generation project, realized the recycling of surplus gas of blast furnace, converter and coke oven, the self-generating rate reached 75%; This year, Hebei Xinda Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. successfully completed its first market-oriented green electricity transaction, trading 3.454 million KWH of green electricity and offsetting 3,443.6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, providing the "Xinda Plan" for low-carbon transformation and renewable energy utilization in the steel industry.

The company's sewage treatment plant purifies 20,000 tons of sewage every day, and the water purification index has reached the national certified drinking standard. The company keeps the zero effluence and full circulation of wastewater. In addition to generating its own electricity and heating, industrial steam also provides heat to surrounding communities, reducing the use of coal and electricity and contributing to low-carbon development. It is also an important measure to win the battle to keep our skies blue and build a resource-conserving society and environmentally friendly city.

The use of scrap steel promotes low-carbon development

Scrap is a kind of renewable resource, increasing the supply capacity of scrap is an important way to relieve the pressure of iron ore supply. For every 1 ton of scrap used, 1.7 tons of iron concentrate powder can be reduced, thus 4.3 tons of iron ore raw ore can be mined less. The use of scrap steel as raw material directly into the steelmaking furnace for smelting, each ton of scrap steel can be resmelted into nearly 1 ton of steel, can save mining, mineral processing, coking, ironmaking and other processes, save a lot of natural resources and energy. In the context of carbon neutrality, the steel industry makes full use of scrap steel resources to effectively reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. Xinda actively organized and carried out the activity of "picking up scrap steel", organized the staff to do a good job in the collection and refining of scrap steel, and completed the collection of 1246.65 tons of scrap steel within a month, giving full play to the maximum value of resources. Independent research and development of "scrap intelligent grading system", the use of the system will be a scrap discharge quality inspection time from 60 minutes to about 30 minutes, to a certain extent reduce the waiting time of scrap vehicles in the plant, reduce carbon emissions, and promote the safety, precision and efficient operation of scrap inspection work, for the company to save huge resource consumption.

Establish a sound governance system

In recent years, the iron and steel industry is gradually supported by technology, Xinda from the source, strengthen process control, spare no effort to carry out in-depth environmental governance, installation of online monitoring facilities, to achieve the main outlet pollutant data real-time supervision; More than 20 million yuan has been invested in the construction of the environmental protection intelligent control center, and the environmental governance system of "one map management, one eye monitoring and one net detection" has been realized. Strictly in accordance with the national standards, all the yards will be built into mechanized fully closed material shed, and equipped with fog cannon, spray dust suppression, dry fog dust suppression facilities, shed equipped with wheels and body cleaning devices, to eliminate unorganized dust emission; Each production process has a variety of dust removal, flue gas desulfurization and other environmental protection facilities, denitrification and denitrification projects have been put into operation. Step by step, the green development of active exploration, a breakthrough in energy conservation and environmental protection technology, so that Xinda from the "with the mine does not see the mine", "transport material does not see the material", "iron does not see the iron" goal closer and closer.

Exhaust ultra-low row, the zero discharge of the waste water, solid waste is not the factory, this is in jinping thought under the guidance of ecological civilization, is a green high quality in group development strategy, under the lead of pioneer for many years, the pursuit of excellence practice achievement of the development of the green!

Plant "green" enterprises, increase "green" cities, benefit the society. Hebei Xinda Group focuses on reducing the source of solid waste, adheres to treating both symptoms and root causes, and closely links with each other. While further improving the comprehensive utilization level of bulk industrial solid waste such as steel slag and water slag, Hebei Xinda Group will vigorously expand the functions of green product manufacturing, energy conversion, emission reduction and emission reduction, waste disposal and landscaping, accelerate the extension of "green" to the society of the factory, and create new value for the city. Tangshan to build "no scrap city" to make a new greater contribution!