To lean management to protect the ultra low transformation of the series of results!

With lean management to protect the ultra low transformation of the series of results

In June 2020, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. officially started the ultra-low assessment and monitoring of environmental protection, engaged the most powerful three-party companies in the industry to carry out the ultra-low emission pre-assessment of the treatment equipment and facilities supporting the production equipment of each production line, and formulated a scientific upgrading plan based on expert opinions, which was organized and implemented in accordance with the principle of special affairs. Governance tasks within the scope of the assessment were completed in early 2022. November 29, the company organized, unorganized, clean transportation in the association website to be publicized. The achievement is inseparable from the scientific decision-making and deployment of the group leaders and the company leaders. It is inseparable from the green channel and service guarantee provided by various departments of the group and the company that break the convention. It is inseparable from the fine organization, scientific scheduling, coordination and promotion of each factory, department and office supervisor day and night; Inseparable from the collective attack and cooperation units of close cooperation, extensive support!

Ultra low publicity is a milestone progress! We should be more aware of the joy of another brand new starting point, consolidate, protect the results of the mission is very difficult! The industry competition and the development of the company force us to continue to raise the standard management on the basis of fine management of environmental protection, continue to improve scientific and accurate operation, and protect ultra-low transformation results with lean management of all staff, which is the most reliable path. In this way, in order to keep pace with The Times, step by step, for the company's steady development of solid foundation, icing on the cake.

Data from China Steel Association shows that by the end of November, 63 enterprises in China had completed the whole process (or part of the transformation) of ultra-low emissions, evaluation and monitoring work, and published on the association's website. Industry insiders said that enterprises that complete ultra-low emission transformation and meet the transformation standards will be identified as A-level enterprises, which will be exempted from production restrictions in heating season and heavy pollution weather, helping enterprises to stabilize their operations.

The reason why environmental lean management is implemented is that lean management is an improvement of fine management, which can find a clear direction for the improvement of environmental management and find systematic methods and tools. Lean management is to discover the essence through problem phenomena. It is to constantly look for problems, seek answers, set prescriptions, seek improvement, and see benefits. Environmental lean management requires the adherence to environmental common sense, the continuation of tradition, the acceptance of new things and the prudent attitude to innovation. In fact, lean management is not an unreachable mountain, but it needs to unify the thinking and understanding of the management team and all employees, and need to unify the pace of collective action. If the development of the company needs to constantly put forward the "new strategy" is one direction, then the contrast formed by the urgent strategy and slow implementation of the top management in reality, the fastest elimination is a challenge and test. The existence of such challenges and tests also shows that the strategic action force of environmental protection is not strong enough. The reason for the analysis may be that only the strategic direction is proposed without in-depth thinking, discussion and consensus on the path. Therefore, environmental protection and lean management is imperative. Only by making good use of this grasp can the responsibility of protecting ultra-low transformation results be landed and the goal will not be disappointed.

In order to implement the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-Low Emission in the Iron and Steel Industry (Huanatmospheric [2019] No. 35) and the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Assessment and Monitoring of Ultra-Low Emission in Iron and Steel Enterprises, and to provide technical support for the effective implementation of Ultra-low emission transformation in iron and steel enterprises, China Association of Environmental Protection Industry has organized the compilation of Technical Guidelines for Ultra-low Emission Transformation in Iron and Steel Enterprises. The guidelines, compiled on the basis of summarizing the practical experience of iron and steel enterprises in the ultra-low emission transformation, can provide references for iron and steel enterprises in the selection of technical routes, engineering design and construction, and facility operation and management. On 9 January 2020, the Guide (CCI (2020) 4) was issued in circular form.
The following is a brief description of the "Disorganized Emissions Governance and Monitoring" in Part IV of the Guide:

First, the general idea

The number of unorganized emission sources in iron and steel enterprises is large, the distribution is wide, the paroxy-occurrence is strong, the pollution diffusion affects and interferes with each other, and is closely related to the production process, so the unorganized emission control should take the comprehensive control measures of source control, process control and system control. The "organized" centralized control of unorganized emissions can be achieved through real-time recording, fine control and systematic management of unorganized pollution behaviors in the production process and treatment process, combined with the whole-plant monitoring network and the construction of a systematic management platform.

2. Establish a list of unorganized emission sources

In accordance with the requirements of the Opinions, conduct a comprehensive investigation of the whole factory's unorganized emission sources, and establish a fully covered list of unorganized emission sources in accordance with the production process, closed storage of materials, closed transportation of materials, closed storage of materials, and closed transportation of materials. The list of unorganized emission sources is updated at least annually.

3. Choose non-organized emission control technologies according to local conditions

According to the situation of dust generating points and the characteristics of dust pollution, technical measures such as sealing (sealing), dust collection and dust suppression are selected according to local conditions to prevent and control dust pollution from unorganized discharge.

4. Establish an unorganized emission monitoring system

Effective monitoring system is the key to unorganized emissions management. The unorganized discharge process, the operation status of treatment facilities and the concentration of particulate matter in key areas need to be comprehensively monitored. Specifically, it includes: monitoring of unorganized discharge process, monitoring of operation status of treatment facilities, installation of TSP monitoring facilities for dust generation points, and setting up environmental air quality monitoring points in the factory.

5. Build a centralized control platform for the whole plant

The centralized control platform centrally controls all monitoring and treatment equipment in the list of unorganized emission sources in the plant, and records the operation status of relevant production facilities at each unorganized emission source point, the operation data of dust collection, dust suppression, cleaning and other treatment facilities, particulate matter monitoring data and video surveillance historical data. All data is stored for one year. In addition, it encourages the use of the Internet of Things, big data, machine learning and other technical means to realize intelligent automatic control and management of unorganized emissions based on the operation of production facilities and monitoring data of dust production points.

To put the requirements of unorganized emission control and monitoring mentioned in the Guide into practice, it is necessary for post workers, spot inspectors, equipment personnel (including electrical equipment), maintenance workers, team leaders, section chiefs, second-level supervisors, first-level supervisors, first-level supervisors, relevant department personnel, company leaders, to strengthen the study of professional knowledge, must be clear about the connotation of the above requirements of unorganized emissions, It can be applied correctly and accurately independently in practical work. It not only involves the site management, but also involves the equipment management, benefit management and people's quality improvement, is a comprehensive, systematic management project. In the current situation, all units of the company should follow the requirements of the Guide and the expert tips of the evaluation unit, grasp the implementation of the link by link, must ensure the effectiveness of the harvest, to achieve environmental management controllable, because the unorganized emission management and maintenance is the focus and key of ultra-low emissions. This is not an overnight thing, lean management is a test of the team's overall coordination ability and level.

Looking back on the 20 years of development, the company has accumulated and precipitated a number of "comparative advantages", namely: The historic opportunity for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the unique regional advantages of the enterprise, the structural advantages of diversified industrial layout of the group, the advantages of rich and diversified resources of minerals, the increasingly perfect infrastructure, the strong cultural heritage and enterprise spirit, the middle-level and high-level management team who dare to do well and the industrial workers with certain qualities, And the policy window period for upgrading the environmental performance of iron and steel enterprises. Undoubtedly, these advantages will input strong driving force for high-quality development of enterprises, and are favorable conditions for rapid implementation of environmental protection and lean management and high-quality development of enterprises, as well as the source of confidence and potential.

Facing the problem is courage, to solve the problem is level. At present, we should be more soberly aware that: on the one hand, advantage is relative, only fully released, can become comparative advantage; Advantages do not play, may degenerate into weaknesses and weaknesses. Therefore, we should focus on the "plant" advantage of efforts, in the "enlarge" advantage for breakthrough, in the "transformation" advantage to see actual results, strengthen the basic management of environmental protection, so that the company in a new round of industry competition to seize the opportunity to win the initiative, leapfrog and catch up, effectively transform the comparative advantage into a strong development and competitive advantage. On the other hand, facing the reality and facing the future, we should have a sense of danger, more clear awareness of our own problems, face the problems with a development perspective and dialectical thinking, bring the effect of environmental protection lean management into full play and give full play to the ultimate, focus on the central work of enterprise development, focus on the principle with the purpose, with the point with the surface, concentrate on and continue to work. Speed up the company's high-quality development of environmental protection weaknesses.

At present, the company's development is in the key stage of the transformation of old and new driving forces, from large to strong strategic transformation, to promote the company's development quality, efficiency, power change, we have to go over the environmental protection of low publicity, but also to keep this pass. Therefore, every Xin master should cherish the hard-won learning and growth opportunities, strive for success, dedication, with plain hard carving, achievement of unusual self! Each team, section, workshop, production plant and functional department should be based on the actual situation, examine the deficiencies, determine the subject, and continue to improve. The improvement results of each level and unit should motivate, drive and influence each person and each collective to take the initiative to improve. The original intention should be kept in mind and strive forward to promote the effective implementation of more environmental improvement projects and accelerate the overall A of the company's environmental performance. With high-level performance management to promote the company's transformation and upgrading, green development, to achieve both environmental benefits and economic benefits.

I wish: the company all create A early fruit!