2022 National smart enterprise construction innovation case! Xinda selected!

Xinda News

Recently, the China Enterprise Association released the 2022 National smart enterprise construction innovation case list. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. selected the case "Smart Transformation of steel enterprises Number", which was successfully selected by experts as the "2022 National smart Enterprise Construction Innovation Case"!

It is understood that since the soliciting campaign was launched, a total of 288 effective cases have been recommended by local enterprise federations, entrepreneurs' associations, national industry associations, central enterprises, China Top 500 enterprises, vice president units of China Enterprise Confederation and members of the Committee for promoting Smart Enterprises of China Enterprise Confederation. One hundred of them have been identified as "National smart enterprise construction innovation Cases in 2022". The successful recognition is the national industry association's full affirmation of the achievements made by Xinda in promoting the integrated development of digital economy and real economy and effectively enabling industrial transformation and upgrading. Xinda will take this opportunity to accelerate the pace of digital intelligence reform and transformation, add strong impetus and vitality to the high-quality development of enterprises, and help the development of China's digital intelligence industry.

Xinda focuses on the achievements of digital intelligence to create an innovative plateau

For a long time, Xinda has always been based on the forefront of The Times, in-depth exploration of the direction of intelligent enterprise construction, smart enterprise construction as an important means to improve quality and efficiency and the only way to transformation and upgrading, actively accelerate the construction of "digitalization, networking and intelligent", in the case of "intelligent transformation of steel Enterprises", around the intelligent manufacturing project, The innovation practice of intelligent innovation transformation or digital new business development and cultivation is explained in detail. Since 2019, Xinda has been testing the waters in the field of 5G industrial Internet, building an "8+2+1" intelligent manufacturing architecture, and comprehensively promoting eight types of systems, including enterprise resource management (ERP), production management and execution (MES), logistics management, energy management, equipment management, unmanned metering, and data collection. The implementation of two big data pools, process big data and business big data, and a batch of artificial intelligence application equipment.

At present, it has put into operation 11 intelligent robotic arms, more than 10 sets of intelligent systems such as automatic temperature measurement and sampling system of molten iron bale, intelligent platform system of continuous casting, unmanned platform system of Dabao, robot billet spraying system, steel surface quality inspection system, etc. The production process has realized intelligent computer control. Among them, the unmanned continuous casting platform uses two robots to replace the long water nozzle at the same time to achieve the world's first case in the industry. At the same time, IT has fully completed the construction of the IT infrastructure platform, and achieved remarkable results in various business forms, such as the dual safety production control system (SRP), the unorganized dust control system, and the integrated environmental protection supervision platform system. In the next step, Xinda will adhere to the information management to promote the development of green manufacturing industry, industrial Internet platform product "Xinyun platform" as the technology platform, e-commerce platform, industrial Internet as the means, quality, environmental protection, cost big data analysis as the tool, through the model of "1 platform, 6 centers, N enterprises", to create "steel industry Internet platform".

Xinda has accumulated achievements in digital intelligence and demonstrated its hard strength in innovation

In the process of high-quality development, Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel unswervingly takes intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, always regards accelerating the deep integration of informatization and industrialization as a long-term strategic goal, and successfully passes the evaluation of the "two integration management system". Obtained the GB/T 23001-2017 "Evaluation Certificate of the Integration Management System of the Two Industrialization" issued by the authorized agency of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and made new breakthroughs in promoting the integration of informatization and industrialization; The 500H steel digital workshop has passed the acceptance of Hebei Province and was identified as the provincial digital workshop; "Equipment Management System" and "Environmental protection Platform integration Project" were successfully selected into the Pilot Demonstration Project of Industrial Internet Innovation Development in Hebei Province; Construction and Implementation of Whole-process Intelligent Production Control System of Iron and Steel Enterprises Based on "Integration of Two Processes" was rated as "first-class innovation achievement of provincial enterprise management modernization".

Xinda tamps the team training mechanism, forging core competitiveness

The key to the transformation of digital intelligence lies in talents, and the selection, training, application and retention of talents is a major focus. Xinda has further innovated the talent management mechanism, scientifically formulated the strategy-oriented talent development plan, owned four Tangshan level employee innovation studios, established multiple platforms for small reform, QC group, proposal improvement and subject improvement, as well as a sound innovation system and incentive mechanism, and cooperated with Hebei Steel Grain United Technology Co., LTD to cultivate batches of proficient in intelligent manufacturing. Internet technical personnel with actual combat ability and good at solving problems, the reserve of more than 200 key technical position engineers. It has 1,332 independent intellectual property rights in the fields of environmental protection equipment manufacturing, digital intelligent manufacturing, Internet e-commerce platform and so on. It has solved many technical bottlenecks and problems. The talent training pace of digital intelligent transformation of Xinda is sonorang and powerful.

Innovation is the "pronoun" of high-quality development, but also the "ballast stone" of Xinda's stable and long-term development. When the data connection site, when virtual into reality, intelligent manufacturing to the enterprise's dividends are showing, and Xinda digital intelligent transformation of the vast journey has just begun! The selection of the "National smart enterprise construction innovation Case" highlights the strong research and development strength of Xinda, for the application of intelligent transformation of steel enterprises to provide an example. On the new journey, Hebei Xinda Group will press the "fast forward button" of innovation with a sense of urgency that time will not wait for us, play the "combination of smart manufacturing", to help the upgrading and transformation of enterprise informatization, automation, digitalization and intelligent, constantly create and expand the enterprise's competitive advantages, and make new achievements for the enterprise to achieve green and high-quality development!