The 13th China Iron and Steel Annual Conference was held He Wenbo: Strive to become the world's green low-carbon development and intelligent manufacturing explorer and pioneer

On the morning of Nov. 23, the 13th Annual China Iron and Steel Conference, sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Metals and hosted by China Metallurgical CCID Group Co. LTD and Chongqing Institute of Metals, opened. Due to the impact of the epidemic, this meeting will be held online for a total of 2 days. Under the theme of "Building a green, low-carbon, intelligent and sustainable iron and steel industry", participants exchanged and discussed the theories, processes, products, applications, intelligentized, green and low-carbon development of metallurgy and materials.

Mr. He Wenbo, Party Secretary and Executive President of China Iron and Steel Association, Mr. Zhang Xiaogang, President of China Metal Society, and Mr. Xiao Xuewen, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Metallurgical CCID Group Co., Ltd. addressed the meeting. Mr. Gan Yong, Honorary President of Chinese Institute of Metal and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Mr. Edwin Basong, Director-General of World Iron and Steel Association, Mr. Wang Guodong, Professor of Northeastern University and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Mr. Yang Renshu, President of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Mr. Wang Xindong, Vice President of Hesteel Group Co., LTD., Du Wansheng, Executive Vice president of Steel Research Institute of China Steel Research and Technology Group Co., LTD., made a keynote report. Mr. Tian Zhiling, Executive Vice President of the Chinese Society of Metals, and Mr. Wang Xinjiang, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Metals, presided over the opening ceremony and keynote report respectively.

He Wenbo said in his speech that this year's steel conference is held shortly after the victory of the Party's 20 National Congress, and the steel industry is deeply promoting the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the critical period, which is of great significance.  Guided by the country's strategic needs, we will pool our resources to tackle original and pioneering scientific and technological challenges and resolutely win the battle for key and core technologies. Faced with the challenge of "double carbon" goal and a new round of scientific and technological revolution, the steel industry still needs to take independent innovation as the strategic basis and core elements, target the key weaknesses and make efforts, and take the road of scientific and technological innovation well. "In fact, we have already started to act and strive to become the explorer and pioneer of green low-carbon development and intelligent manufacturing of steel in the world." He Wenbo said that some outstanding Chinese iron and steel enterprises have mastered the world's leading energy saving and emission reduction technology, low carbon metallurgical technology, and strive to lead the revolutionary change of the green development of the world iron and steel industry. We advocate industry-wide collaboration and "industry-university-research-application" ecosystem cooperation to jointly carry out major process innovation, and intensify innovation around key generic technologies such as low-carbon metallurgy, smart factories, energy conservation and environmental protection. We are actively organizing strategic research on industrial technology innovation, helping the government to clarify the research priorities and directions of key technologies, and promoting strategic cooperation and collaborative innovation in upstream and downstream industries.

He Wenbo said that the association attaches great importance to and fully supports the role of the Institute of Metals in the field of industry science and technology. The works jointly carried out by the association and the society, such as the selection of metallurgical science and technology Awards, the leading action of high-quality development standards for iron and steel, and the International communication Project of the classic inheritance of metallurgical teaching materials and reference books, have shown irreplaceable value in encouraging scientific research innovation, technological progress, achievement transformation and talent training of scientific and technological workers in the broad industry, and highlighted the social contribution of China's iron and steel industry. Win recognition and praise at home and abroad. "The mission of scientific and technological innovation is glorious and the road is arduous. It requires rationality and courage, strength and wisdom, persistence and cooperation. Facing the challenges and facing the future, we have full confidence and a solid foundation. The vast number of scientific and technological workers are the most reliable force for China's steel industry to achieve high-quality development and enter the new era." Finally, He Wenbo encouraged everyone to make new and greater contributions to the future technological progress and high-quality development of the steel industry.

As the organizer, Zhang Xiaogang first expressed his welcome and thanks to the leaders, academicians, experts, scholars and the majority of scientific and technological workers. He said the theme of the annual meeting, "Building a green, low-carbon, intelligent and sustainable steel industry", is highly relevant and closely related to the current situation. Entering the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China's iron and steel industry still has problems such as excess capacity, lack of supply chain security, ecological environment constraints, low industrial concentration, and so on. Especially under the interweaving of the century-old changes and the world epidemic, and under the influence of numerous constraints of energy, resources and environment, it is still a long way to go for China's iron and steel industry to achieve high-quality development. "The 14th Five-Year Plan period is a key period for China's iron and steel industry to achieve a historic leap from large to strong." Zhang Xiaogang stressed that China's iron and steel industry should take the initiative to accurately grasp the new normal and new connotation of high-quality development, firmly establish the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing, effectively change the development mode, and establish high-end, green, intelligent, service-oriented and international development ideas. We will highlight innovation-driven, optimized industrial structure, and full-life green, low-carbon and higher-level opening-up cooperation, accelerate the establishment of a new pattern of development featuring rational industrial layout, advanced technology and equipment, outstanding quality brands, high intelligence, strong global competitiveness, and green, low-carbon and sustainable development, further consolidate the basic capacity of our industries, and upgrade the modernization of our industrial chains. It will provide a strong support for building China into a manufacturing powerhouse and a solid guarantee for high-quality economic and social development.

As the organizer, Xiao Xuewen introduced in his speech that MCC CDI is one of the earliest steel engineering and technical forces established in New China. As a service for the growth and development of New China's steel industry, it is duty-bound to cultivate new drivers and create new advantages for the sustainable development of the industry. Since entering the new era, MCC CCID has been striving for excellence in design. In practice, it has established the systematic design concept and method of the whole process, which combines "five flow coupling and overall design". By adhering to the innovation-driven approach, it has led China's metallurgical industry to achieve high-quality, intelligent, green, low-carbon and high-efficiency development. Looking into the future, MCC will continue to strengthen scientific and technological research and development with the strength of key universities and scientific research institutions in the industry, strengthen deep cooperation with various iron and steel enterprises, jointly promote the high-quality development of iron and steel industry, and will continue to adhere to the internationalization strategy, to provide the most competitive solutions for Chinese iron and steel enterprises to "go global".

In his report "Improving Industrial Chain Resilience, Promoting the Green and Intelligent Development of the Steel Industry", Gan Yong mentioned that at present, a new competition pattern between China and the West is taking shape, and the new direction of China's scientific and technological structure adjustment emphasizes increasing the industrial chain resilience, that is, focusing on key industrial areas, forging long boards and reinforcing weak ones, and integrating innovative resources such as projects, bases, talents and funds with enterprises as the main part. To maximize the spillover effect of technology, establish a whole-chain collaborative innovation system for R&D, production, verification and application as well as an innovation mechanism for industrial technology iteration and upgrading, and form new innovation concepts, innovation strategies, innovation models and innovation networks. The basic industry represented by iron and steel is China's dominant industry, but the phenomenon of homogeneity is prominent, the impetus of scientific and technological innovation is insufficient, the market demand tends to be saturated, the environmental constraints are increasing, the labor cost is further rising, and the sustainable development faces great challenges. It is urgent to carry out structural adjustment and enhance the toughness of the industrial chain. An important key link to promote the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry is the improvement of structural materials, and the new lightweight and high-strength structural materials will reflect the huge effect of green energy saving and consumption reduction. To this end, he focused on the development direction of the whole life cycle research and development of new structural materials, and stressed the importance of new energy technologies such as hydrogen energy, hydrogen metallurgy, electrohydrogen coupling and new breakthrough processes for the realization of energy saving and carbon reduction and dual carbon goals.

Edwin Basong, presenting on the topic "A Sustainable Steel Industry for the Future", said the challenge for the steel industry is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions while steel production continues to grow. "The only way to do that is to reduce CO2 intensity." Basong highlighted three paths to reduce carbon dioxide emissions: the efficiency path, the "Energy efficiency Upgrade Program", which uses best practice sharing to try and improve the efficiency of the global steel industry; The second is to improve the use of scrap steel resources; Third, use breakthrough technologies to reduce carbon dioxide intensity, including the utilization of hydrogen energy and CCUS (carbon capture, Utilization and Storage). In particular, he emphasized the importance of efficiency paths: "If we use steel efficiently and keep it for longer, or if we can find a second or third life for steel, that means we don't have to make new steel, and that saves all the production of new steel associated with CO2 reduction, this steel production efficiency and steel use efficiency, Is to promote the steel industry in the future to reduce the intensity of dicarbon important leverage."

In his report "Steel Material Innovation Infrastructure and the Digital Transformation of the Steel Industry", Wang Guodong mentioned that the human society has entered the digital era, data has become a key factor of production, and data analysis has become the most effective new method to solve the problem of uncertainty. The material industry must integrate with digital economy and digital technology, give full play to the advantages of application scenarios and data resources of the material industry, take the industrial Internet as the carrier, take the data perception and accurate execution of the underlying production line as the basis, take the digital twinning of the edge process setting model and CPS (information physical System) as the core, and take the digital-driven cloud platform as the support. Construction of digital innovation infrastructure in the material industry to achieve digital transformation and high-quality development of the material industry.

Yang Renshu mentioned in his report "Stay True to the Original Purpose, Brave in the Mission -- Exploration and Practice of USTB's New Journey of Serving Steel Power" that USTB was born and prospers because of steel. As the first higher learning institution of steel industry established by New China, USTB enjoys the reputation of "cradle of steel". In recent years, USTB has integrated the key units of discipline construction, personnel training, scientific and technological innovation and cultural inheritance with the development of the steel industry. Ustb has promoted a series of measures, such as the whole-course undergraduate tutorial system, the training mode through undergraduate and master degrees, the strategy of "double walking" for teachers, and the policy of "reduction, increase and expansion" for scientific research. It has explored a "Beike model" of service industry progress featuring diversified and coordinated development. In the future, USTB will continue to make efforts in innovating steel technology, cultivating steel talents, inheriting steel culture and other aspects, and undertake the mission of "making China stronger in steel and rejuvenating the country through science and education".

The report "Construction of a New Generation of Green and Intelligent Process Steel Mill" made by Wang Xindong introduced the active exploration of the green and digital transformation path of iron and steel engineering. Hesteel established the green engineering management method of "integration and collaboration" of the whole process and multiple elements in the engineering practice. It forms the concrete method support of the collaboration between digital virtual factory and real factory in iron and steel engineering, the collaboration between green technology and engineering design, the collaboration between process control and total factor resources, and the collaboration between engineering numbers and module construction. Based on this method, Hegang Tanggang New Area has realized the continuous compact production line, dynamic order and stable operation of product quality in a narrow window. It is a new generation process steel mill with the lowest investment in tons of steel of the same type and period, the shortest construction period and the highest level of environmental protection. This management method provides a reference for the green and intelligent transformation of iron and steel engineering.

Du Wansheng pointed out in the report "Improving Material Quality, Promoting low-carbon Development" that improving the use efficiency of steel materials is one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon in the steel industry. High performance and high quality, and the realization of reduction, long life and high efficiency application, is an important direction of efficient utilization of iron and steel materials, low-carbon development. He introduced the research and development of high strength steel, wear-resistant steel, bearing steel, economic high corrosion resistance/stainless steel, low-cost large expansion pipe, low density steel and other high-end varieties and core technologies in recent years around the national high-end equipment and major projects "independent and controllable" and "go global" strategy.

At the opening ceremony, the award ceremony of Metallurgic Youth Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Metal Society was set up. Wang Xinjiang announced the winners of the 11th and 12th Metallurgic Youth Science and Technology Awards of the Chinese Metal Society. 20 young talents in the industry were awarded the awards in each of the two sessions.

The afternoon of November 23rd and the whole day of November 24th will be the sub-conference presentation. Including mining, mineral processing, coking chemistry, iron making, steel making, continuous casting, rolling and heat treatment, surface and coating plating, deep processing of metal materials, automotive steel, pipeline steel, low alloy steel, special steel, electrical steel, stainless steel, amorphous alloy, powder metallurgy, metallurgical energy, environmental protection and resource utilization, metallurgical equipment and engineering technology, metallurgical automation and intelligence, metallurgical information, metallurgy There are 58 units in 26 special topics, including process engineering, Superalloy Youth Forum, Low-carbon Development Youth Forum, and Zero waste water discharge. More than 500 wonderful reports have been released, and 68 papers have been displayed in the form of electronic wall newspapers.

In addition, the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Northeastern University and University of Science and Technology Liaoning made online technology demonstrations, and the deeds of the two Youth Awards were also displayed on the annual conference website.